Apple releases iOS and iPadOS 13.1.1 updates with third-party keyboard fix

in iOS edited September 2019
Shortly after the release of iOS 13.1 and iPadOS 13, Apple has issued a 'bug fix and improvement' update for both operating systems bringing them both to version 13.1.1.

Apple shipped iPadOS on Tuesday alongside an update for iOS that brought it up to iOS 13.1, but the latest update just days after the major versions were released brings the operating systems up to iOS 13.1.1 and iPadOS 13.1.1 respectively.

According to the update, the patch "includes bug fixes and improvements" for the user's iPhone or iPad, along with a link to Apple's security content site.

Among the updates are a fix for issues that could prevent the device restoring from a backup, and a patch on a problem that could cause the battery to drain too quickly. It also resolves a problem in Safari where search suggestions may re-enable after being turned off, and a problem that could cause Reminders to synchronize too slowly.

The update also fixes a security issue for third-party keyboard apps. The bug in question was previously confirmed as being fixed in an upcoming update by Apple, with the issue relating to software keyboards being granted "full access" without being approved by the user beforehand.

Users can update to the latest iOS and iPadOS release by entering the Settings app, selecting General, Software Update, and selecting to install the update. If users have automatic updates available, this will streamline the process for them.


  • Reply 1 of 61
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).
  • Reply 2 of 61
    Impressive how on it Apple are with making sure this is being keep bug free and security patched 

    this is why I use iOS

    android users would be waiting until 2022 for this 
    manfred zornjeffharrismagman1979leftoverbaconAndy.Hardwakechiatwokatmewnarwhal
  • Reply 3 of 61
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
  • Reply 4 of 61
    frantisek said:
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
    I'll give you a 3rd one to laugh about: I don't update. Because with every update that fixes bugs new bugs get released as well. I mean, what's the bloody point? Sure, features get added as well. But that's mostly stuff I turn off after having tried them for a few days and I just don't use them. Handoff, 3D Touch, battery saver, Screen Time, Dark Mode, et cetera.
  • Reply 5 of 61
    frantisek said:
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
    Yep, was thinking that too and the thing is both have some merit to them
  • Reply 6 of 61
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    frantisek said:
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
    Some people choose to see the glass half full, while others choose to see it half empty.

    I don't see this is a big deal.

    I updated to iOS 13 on all of my devices recently and it's been working good. I especially am liking iPad OS. It's the most significant change to the iPad that I can remember, and I've seen ALL of the iPad updates since the beginning. It's made the iPad even more capable than before. I like how you can fit even more icons on the home screen now. There are many huge changes and great features that have been added.

    So, there is another small update to fix some sort of third party keyboard flaw? So what? I don't see the big deal. It's a good thing that Apple is on top of things and can push out a new fix so quickly.

  • Reply 7 of 61
    frantisek said:
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
    I'll give you a 3rd one to laugh about: I don't update. Because with every update that fixes bugs new bugs get released as well. I mean, what's the bloody point? Sure, features get added as well. But that's mostly stuff I turn off after having tried them for a few days and I just don't use them. Handoff, 3D Touch, battery saver, Screen Time, Dark Mode, et cetera.
    Security is one bloody point, which was the focus of this update. Otherwise feel free to disable the useful features and reduce the usefulness your device. 
  • Reply 8 of 61
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,111member
    dysamoria said:
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).

    Exactly what is embarrassing?  I haven't seen any gripe worth noting about this v13 upgrade.  I've upgraded my iOS devices and have had zero issues.  If you're having issues with an update coming not long after v13 was release, then please enlighten us on any OS upgrade of any competitor that has been perfect since day one and has never had to have an update issued to it.  Sounds like your standards are a wee bit too high.

    That's not to say that iOS 11 (I think) was probably the worse upgrade I've ever seen... other than that, I myself have never had issues with any of the other ones, let alone installing updates not long after their release.
  • Reply 9 of 61

    dysamoria said:
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).
    Because there was a bug? Yes, how embarrassing! Nobody ever has bugs in the first release of a new OS version. Nobody!
  • Reply 10 of 61
    I’ve been looking for a sign that it’s OK to Update the iPadPro. Thanks for this info. 
    I use Pages daily for writing. Would you (or anyone) know of any Pages issues under iPadOS?  
  • Reply 11 of 61
    sflocal said:
    dysamoria said:
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).

    Exactly what is embarrassing?  I haven't seen any gripe worth noting about this v13 upgrade.  I've upgraded my iOS devices and have had zero issues.  If you're having issues with an update coming not long after v13 was release, then please enlighten us on any OS upgrade of any competitor that has been perfect since day one and has never had to have an update issued to it.  Sounds like your standards are a wee bit too high.

    That's not to say that iOS 11 (I think) was probably the worse upgrade I've ever seen... other than that, I myself have never had issues with any of the other ones, let alone installing updates not long after their release.
    He just hates everything about Apple and wants to be 100% sure we all never hear the end of it. A real ray of sunshine. 
  • Reply 12 of 61
    It still keeps nagging to update Apple ID. 
    Also Touch ID is erratic but now at least it recognizes the fingerprint about  70 percent of the time. 
  • Reply 13 of 61
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    dysamoria said:
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).
    I suppose you would rather just live with bugs and not have them fixed. Apple is not embarrassed at all. Apple is to be applauded for fixing things quickly. The only people to be embarrassed are the ones who irrationally think every software release should be perfect and without flaws. That attitude makes them look foolish. Is Google embarrassed over the Chrome bug that bricked a bunch of Macs? Nope and they withdrew the update until it is fixed.

    What this should make clear to anyone wanting to learn is that even beta testing programs don’t catch everything. Releasing to public with millions of users and just as many configurations always brings out issues no one ever saw coming. The most embarrassing comment in a tech forum is one that starts out, “Why didn’t they catch this in testing? Wow, the QA is going down...” It means the commenter has no clue and that’s embarrassing.
    apple ][fastasleepshark5150Andy.HardwakePetrolDaveTomE
  • Reply 14 of 61
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    ElCapitan said:
    It still keeps nagging to update Apple ID. 
    Also Touch ID is erratic but now at least it recognizes the fingerprint about  70 percent of the time. 
    For you personally maybe, not the majority of users. 
  • Reply 15 of 61
    sflocal said:
    dysamoria said:
    What an embarrassing release for a major new iOS (and yes, I’m refusing to call every version of iOS by a separate name).

    Exactly what is embarrassing?  I haven't seen any gripe worth noting about this v13 upgrade.  I've upgraded my iOS devices and have had zero issues.  If you're having issues with an update coming not long after v13 was release, then please enlighten us on any OS upgrade of any competitor that has been perfect since day one and has never had to have an update issued to it.  Sounds like your standards are a wee bit too high.

    That's not to say that iOS 11 (I think) was probably the worse upgrade I've ever seen... other than that, I myself have never had issues with any of the other ones, let alone installing updates not long after their release.
    He just hates everything about Apple and wants to be 100% sure we all never hear the end of it. A real ray of sunshine. 
    Oh please. No one needs you’re hyperbolic drama generation. You clearly haven’t paid attention to my posts if you believe that about me.

    I don’t “hate everything Apple”. I have great respect for the Apple of 2005 to 2012 (and was a passive admirer for years prior). In 2013, things started going very wrong at Apple. iOS 7 is a perfect example of the issues that appeared in Apple corporate culture at that time, have not improved, and have gotten worse since. Apple have done good things since 2013, but not like they used to. The level of QA and robustness in their products has become embarrassing, at least to the Apple-admirer that I became around 2006.

    As an admirer of Apple, I will offer criticism of what I see that they’re doing wrong; you don’t have to agree. I’m quite eager to see Apple get back to their former excellence. I’m not seeing any sign that this will happen any time soon.

    Maybe the leadership just isn’t there. Tim Cook isn’t detail oriented, where the product is concerned, and we have all known this for years now (he’s all about supply chain, and he clearly doesn’t do much with actual Apple products himself, or he would see how clumsy and buggy things are... unless he’s one of those end user types who thinks that everything and anything tech companies make is great because they don’t know any better). The only thing I like about him is his social politics, and that’s the thing most of the commentators here attack him for, ha.

    I don’t know where the hell else better leadership might come from, either, since CEOs generally get traded laterally between corporations and we’ve seen that only one guy had the right focus and vision at Apple. I’m certain there are people with “Jobsian” vision left in the world, but they aren’t necessarily in the pool of corporate executives currently swimming in the corporate tank, and certainly not in the computer industry.

    Sigh. I’m just wasting my time with this comment...
    edited September 2019 mike54ITGUYINSD
  • Reply 16 of 61
    apple ][ said:
    frantisek said:
    lol what a two completely opposite comments.
    Some people choose to see the glass half full, while others choose to see it half empty.

    I don't see this is a big deal.

    I updated to iOS 13 on all of my devices recently and it's been working good. I especially am liking iPad OS. It's the most significant change to the iPad that I can remember, and I've seen ALL of the iPad updates since the beginning. It's made the iPad even more capable than before. I like how you can fit even more icons on the home screen now. There are many huge changes and great features that have been added.

    So, there is another small update to fix some sort of third party keyboard flaw? So what? I don't see the big deal. It's a good thing that Apple is on top of things and can push out a new fix so quickly.

    I see the glass twice as big as it needs to be. 

    To people on this forum it’s no big deal and why we choose Apple devices, to get bugs fixed as fast as possible. To “normies” like my wife however they see it as a bit tedious and I get an eye roll every time I tell her she needs to update. Especially when it’s three times in two weeks.  
  • Reply 17 of 61
    The iTunes on my Mojave Macbook is still stuck at iOS 13.0 being available.  It did not know about 13.1 and now doesn't know about 13.1.1    oh well...
  • Reply 18 of 61
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    dysamoria said:
    The only thing I like about him is his social politics, and that’s the thing most of the commentators here attack him for, ha.
    His social politics are garbage, in my humble opinion, but I do think that he's done a very good job of running Apple after Steve Jobs. 

  • Reply 19 of 61
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    I see the glass twice as big as it needs to be. 

    To people on this forum it’s no big deal and why we choose Apple devices, to get bugs fixed as fast as possible. To “normies” like my wife however they see it as a bit tedious and I get an eye roll every time I tell her she needs to update. Especially when it’s three times in two weeks.  
    I know what you mean. My mother is like that, plus she is very bad with tech and computers in general.

    Making a facetime call can sometimes be a big task.
  • Reply 20 of 61

    In the App Store where do I go to see what apps need to be updated? (Auto update is off)

    The update button seems to have been replaced with Arcade. 
    edited September 2019
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