French fine Apple $27 million for battery patch that could slow down old iPhones



  • Reply 41 of 47
    apple ][ said:
    hey, the French, bad! 
    The EU is bad, France is part of the EU, and France is bad too.

    They're all losers who are jealous of American tech firms.

    And I suggest that the USA should take retaliatory measures against France soon and the EU too. Tim Apple and D. Trump are practically best buddies now.

    Good luck with that
  • Reply 42 of 47
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    apple ][ said:
    hey, the French, bad! 
    The EU is bad, France is part of the EU, and France is bad too.

    They're all losers who are jealous of American tech firms.

    And I suggest that the USA should take retaliatory measures against France soon and the EU too. Tim Apple and D. Trump are practically best buddies now.

    Good luck with that
    Sure, we'll see what happens. You don't think that two can play at this game?

    The US has threatened to levy tariffs of up to 100% on $2.4 billion worth of products from France, a move meant to retaliate against a tax on digital services the European nation passed this summer.

    France is nothing compared to the USA, it's like a midget VS a giant. We could crush them easily if that is our intent or desire.
    edited February 2020 razorpitwatto_cobra
  • Reply 43 of 47
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    apple ][ said:
    apple ][ said:
    hey, the French, bad! 
    The EU is bad, France is part of the EU, and France is bad too.

    They're all losers who are jealous of American tech firms.

    And I suggest that the USA should take retaliatory measures against France soon and the EU too. Tim Apple and D. Trump are practically best buddies now.

    Good luck with that
    Sure, we'll see what happens. You don't think that two can play at this game?

    The US has threatened to levy tariffs of up to 100% on $2.4 billion worth of products from France, a move meant to retaliate against a tax on digital services the European nation passed this summer.

    France is nothing compared to the USA, it's like a midget VS a giant. We could crush them easily if that is our intent or desire.
    That's why France is in the EU and can't be bullied as a result. Spain has already said that the tariffs imposed on it are not reasonable and will look at the U.S military bases in Spain. Two can very much play at this game.

    The UK, on the other hand, finds itself now exposed and very much out in the cold and is waking up to the demands of future trading partners who have more leverage than it does. Making deals will be painful for the U.K.

    The EU has already gone on record as setting its own goals to eliminate digital dependency (read, from the U.S). Trump is also doing his part in strangling U.S technological companies (to the point of the DoD stepping in to stop the madness) and as for 'competition', he has shown that 'competing' is only a suitable word if 'America wins'.

    If it can't win, the rivals must be 'destroyed'.

    So America must win:

    And with private funds!

    No. How things change! Less than one year later it's now with government funds:

    The upshot is that people see through all this pretty quickly and don't take to being bullied. Hence the EU exascale project and Huawei's plans to open up manufacturing bases in the EU as Trump literally scrambles from one plan to the next.

    The U.S loses billions in revenues. Broadcom was just the first to quantify the amount:

    That is happening right now. As a result, U.S tech companies have less to invest in R&D.

    Obviously Huawei is sourcing billions of dollars' worth of chipsets from non-U.S suppliers or simply making them itself. Perhaps more worryingly though, is that other companies who currently source components from the U.S tech sector are making contingency plans in case they get the 'Huawei' treatment down the line, and guess what? For the first time HiSilicon is making some of its GSM chipsets available to third parties.

    China has reportedly ordered a rip and replace of Cisco gear.

    So, Huawei's revenues now do not reach U.S tech companies. They go to its competitors increasing their R&D efforts and future technologies. And to top it all off we now hear that the largest Chinese phone manufacturers have joined forces to challenge the Google Play Store in non-Chinese markets.

    BTW, the EU exascale project is just the first in a long line of projected processors.

    It kind of puts this tiny French fine into perspective which doesn't mean much at all when you see what's going on around it.

    The 'digital tax' is coming. Make no mistake. EU consumer protections are in place and functioning well and are applicable to all companies that operate in Europe. That doesn't mean they are perfect but no one said they were.

    edited February 2020 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 44 of 47
    larrya said:
    You guys are pathetic.  Apple cut performance by more than 50% and didn't bother telling anyone, and yet in Apple stores customers were told their batteries were fine, even refusing to provide paid replacements, and were encouraged to purchase new phones.  This is fraud, and the prosecutor's conclusion is uncontested by Apple.  You can love their products, as I do, without wearing blinders.
    Actually you're pathetic: Apple didn't cut performance by 50% and CPU throttling has always been a device management strategy in the iPhone.

    1. iPhones already throttled peak performance prior to these patches. E.g. For temperature extremes and preserving battery life.
    2. The changes in iOS 10.2 and 11.2 extended the CPU throttling features to untenable battery scenarios - i.e. situations which would normally turn off the device. Apple acknowledged that unexpected shutdowns were being addressed at the time.
    3. The most common worst case scenario resulted in a geek bench score of 2,500 being reduced to 1,500 during a peak load. The device operated at "normal" speeds during other times when the battery was able to supply sufficient power, or not under a stressful load.

    Apple cut performance by more than 50%
    Not only was peak load not reduced by 50%, but normal device usage was unaffected. Your comment lends to the idea that the phone was suddenly half as fast as before the update - there is no foundation for that.

    ...and didn't bother telling anyone
    It was literally in Apple's statements about the update: "With iOS 10.2.1, Apple made improvements to reduce occurrences of unexpected shutdowns that a small number of users were experiencing with their iPhone."

    Of all the devices tested in Geek bench 4 under iOS 10.2.1, the overwhelming majority had no change in performance and the average decrease in peak performance due to the new changes was ~10 - 15% 

    So yeah your post is total sensationalist crap, and I think that's pathetic.

    Some people suck on Apple so hard like yourself. Dude, rumors been rampant for years that Apple would slow down your phone on purpose but no one could prove it. Finally, someone did and posted the video on Youtube. Guess what? Apple came out w/ that lame excuse and fans like you took the bait like suckers. Years went by and Apple hid the fact even when people were raising the slow down question to them. Why didn't they give an answer years before the video was posted on Youtube?
    If you think the presentation of the facts in this matter are less important than screaming bullshit hyperbole, then so be it, I won't be embarrassed for how stupid and uninformed you choose to be.

    There is a reason why your phone feels slower, and that is entirely because software updates bring new features. Apple, nor anyone, has the time to rewrite old features to make them slower. (Rather the opposite, they seem to be spending a lot of time optimising to keep older devices relevant.)
    You have a pretty straight forward choice, either turn off the new features of which Apple gives you a surprising amount of control, or not update and deal with the consequences of that. Or I don't know, switch to a platform where you won't even get updates on 2+ year old devices.
  • Reply 45 of 47
    croprcropr Posts: 1,140member
    sflocal said:
    crowley said:
    larrya said:
    You guys are pathetic.  Apple cut performance by more than 50% and didn't bother telling anyone, and yet in Apple stores customers were told their batteries were fine, even refusing to provide paid replacements, and were encouraged to purchase new phones.  This is fraud, and the prosecutor's conclusion is uncontested by Apple.  You can love their products, as I do, without wearing blinders.
    This is a classic example of someone able to troll on a forum and try passing off their unfounded, agenda-driven drivel as fact when clearly the poster is about as accurate as a flat-earther.

    Sure, it could have been handled better in terms of communication, but everything you are implying (as fact) is just pure nonsense.  This has nothing to do with Apple-fanboyism and everything to do about setting the truth straight.  There is so much fake-news out there that needs to be called-out when people like you come out blazing with fake-news.

    My daughter went to an Apple shop with her slowing iPhone 5, and the shop sales man said she had to buy a new device, which she, short of money at that time, reluctantly did.  3 months Apple confessed the it was a battery issue and a battery replacement program was launched.   

    It is a pity that for this case, so few countries did not defend more the rights of the consumers against such disgraceful attitude of Apple
  • Reply 46 of 47
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    larrya said:
    You guys are pathetic.  Apple cut performance by more than 50% and didn't bother telling anyone, and yet in Apple stores customers were told their batteries were fine, even refusing to provide paid replacements, and were encouraged to purchase new phones.  This is fraud, and the prosecutor's conclusion is uncontested by Apple.  You can love their products, as I do, without wearing blinders.
    actually I had repeated “sudden shut down events” which was fixed by the controversial Apple update.  I think the fine is BS.  That means bullshit by the way.  I would take a slow-down over a dysfunctional phone any day.  Thank god the phone didn’t shut down during a mission critical event in my life.
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