Apple Pay expected to see transactions of $686 billion by 2024

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New research into contactless and payment systems such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, expects the market to grow around three times -- and Apple to benefit the most.

You'll never want to go back to actual cards again.
You'll never want to go back to actual cards again.

Juniper Research, which regularly examines payment transaction markets, now expects that Apple will see global Apple Pay transactions of $686 billion by 2024. That's 52% of the particular market niche and comes from increased demand plus an increasing number of devices able to make Apple Pay payments.

"Contactless Payment," the new Juniper Research report, examines all forms of contactless transactions including both cards and what it terms "OEM-pay." This latter term covers payment systems that come from non-bank companies, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.

As whole, Juniper Research author Susannah Hampton says that the global contactless market will grow to nearly $6 trillion by 2024, up from the current $2 trillion

The giant majority of that will be through contactless cards, however, and OEM-pay transactions will amount to around 22%. That makes the market approximately $1.32 trillion dollars, of which Apple Pay is expected to take just over half.

"Juniper Research also anticipates that Apple Pay will account for a 52% share of OEM-pay transaction values, compared with 42% in 2020," says Hampton. "A key driver of this is the expansion of Apple Pay's user base in key regions, including Far East and China, and Europe, as well as the extension of Apple's reach outside OEM-pay through its Apple Card initiative."

"While Google and Samsung have made strides in their payment offerings," she continues, "Apple has [a] much more unified ecosystem and this will enable it to retain its lead in the market."

Detail from Juniper Research regarding current success rate of wearables that are capable of contactless payments
Detail from Juniper Research regarding current success rate of wearables that are capable of contactless payments

Part of the expected increase in the use of contactless payments is due to the anticipated growth of wearable devices, such as Apple Watch, which can make such transactions. Juniper Research reports that by 2019, 100 million such devices had been sold, and around 20 million of them had been used to make a contactless payment.

The market growth and estimates of Apple's share are in line with previous reports from Juniper Research which have expected Apple Pay to gain around half its potential market.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    payecopayeco Posts: 581member
    Based on the 0.015% Apple gets of each transaction, that should be just a bit over $1 billion in revenue. The margins on that revenue have to be through the roof after the initial R&D for the service has been accounted for.
    caladanianminicoffeeBart Y
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 6
    686 billion x point one five is...

    A lot of extra money for a “computer” company!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 6
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    I've often wondered if Apple could have a bank division and miss out the 'Goldman cut', not that it is an area I know anything about.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 6
    Foliofolio Posts: 698member
    I feel so retro when I have to pull out a card.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Just too bad Apple Pay isn't available for most cards in Belgium (even though some major stores already accept it).
    In Apple's defense, it must be said that our banks are playing 'hard to get".
    Maybe non-US Apple Pay is just a hobby, allowing other players to grab more and more market share, leaving much of the market to Android or a plethora of banking apps.
    For Apple TV we're still waiting for a unified, channel-less, platform.
    edited February 2020
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 6 of 6
    seems like a rather small amount.

    over a billion iOS devices in use now. in another 4 years there will be more and Apple Watch is growing double digit percents each year.

    Even if it gets to only a billion active users all with Apple Pay capable devices, which is everything that runs the 2019 OS already...

    $686 billion is only $686 a person per year.

    Is each person only going to do $14 a week in transactions. My groceries or my fuel or my lunch in a day is more than that.

    A billion users even at a small $100 a week / $5,200 a year is 5 trillion in transactions per year. I would be making an analysis of it being closer to $10 trillion dollars.

    Do these analysts even math?

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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