Law enforcement can crack iPhones just fine without a backdoor

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in General Discussion edited March 2020
Law enforcement agencies may be able to access data on locked iPhones more often than they're letting on, an analysis of hundreds of search warrants shows.

Apple's iPhone encryption is strong, but law enforcement agencies can still bypass it.
Apple's iPhone encryption is strong, but law enforcement agencies can still bypass it.

The debate surrounding encryption and the so-called "Going Dark" issue has been ongoing for years, even as law enforcement agencies inflate the number of devices they can't unlock while successfully extracting data from modern iPhones. The ambiguity makes it hard to draw firm conclusions about the situation.

An analysis of more than 500 iPhone-related search warrants and cases carried out by Motherboard shows that the situation is much more fluid than it would appear.

Of course, many law enforcement agencies are not able to access data on locked iPhones -- but that's not always because of encryption. In many cases, small police departments don't have the necessary technological or financial resources to crack a device, while in other cases physical damage to an iPhone prevents any type of data extraction.

Motherboard's dataset shows that many law enforcement agencies, particularly ones at the federal level, are able to successfully extract data from even the most recent iPhones using digital forensics tools made by Grayshift and Cellebrite.

In a statement, an FBI spokesperson told the publication that "there is a wide disparity of capabilities that exists across the American law enforcement landscape." Sometimes, that disparity has led smaller law enforcement agencies to send devices off to federal facilities with access to advanced iPhone cracking technologies.

Out of the 516 cases that Motherboard analyzed, law enforcement officials were able to extract some type of data in about 295 of them. But even among smartphone search warrants that were marked as "executed" by police and federal authorities, the amount and level of data varied.

In some, but not all, cases, investigators were able to pull text messages, call records, browsing data, cookies and location data from smartphones. Using advanced extraction techniques that take more time and aren't always succesful, police may even be able to access encrypted messages in platforms such as Signal or Wickr.

And, of course, there's other data on an iPhone that police can access without local access to your device. Apple currently complies with government subpoenas or warrants to provide iCloud backups, which may contain certain pieces of sensitive information.

But most of all, Motherboard describes the situation as an "ebb and flow." Not every iPhone case that it analyzed resulted in data extraction. And going forward, there will likely factors that tip the balance one way or another, such as government legislation or Apple implementing stronger security measures.

Apple features like USB Restricted Mode have made it harder for law enforcement or forensics firms to access data, one insider confirmed to Motherboard. And Apple's tight control over both hardware and software makes it easier for it to make major changes like that in the future.

But actual "hacking" of local iPhone data is only one part of the broader encryption debate. In February, lawmakers pressed for new legislation that could threaten Apple's use of end-to-end encryption for systems like iMessage and FaceTime. Before that, government pressure may have caused Apple to change its mind about certain security features.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    DAalsethdaalseth Posts: 3,129member
    I get it, most law enforcement agencies aren't as clueless as they let on, they're just impatient.
    And Apple isn't as secure as they claim, but they're trying. 

     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 11
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,325member
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 11
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,862member
    If the feds had absolutely no way of cracking iPhones they’d be waterboarding Tim Cook until he ordered his team to put in a back door. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 11
    seanismorrisseanismorris Posts: 1,624member
    I remember reading a few years ago how one police departments server crashed and they lost everything.  They had no backups, so all active cases/charges had to be dropped.

    We tend to think of the police as one monolithic organization, but it is not.  Not only does police corruption very widely, but so does their capabilities and training.

    About a year ago, I watched a video on prisons in Germany.  They also discussed how they do things differently.  All police are trained in a central location, and are trained in deescalation.  The prisons are focused on rehabilitation and not punishment.

    The differences are striking, individuals killed by police are 100x less (adjusted by population) and relatively few people are incarcerated.

    One thing odd about America is our inability to observe someone/something else, and improve.  When we were taking our firsts steps down universal healthcare... my thought was WTF are we doing?  We didn’t look to what was working elsewhere, and seek to improve on it.  We instead asked our insurance and healthcare companies.  If anyone hasn’t noticed, our rates have skyrocketed...

    We might want to look outside the USA on the encryption debate also...
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 5 of 11
    hexclock said:
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
    Temporarily until everyone gets workable quantum computers.  It's an endless cycle.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 11
    isidoreisidore Posts: 69member
    Agreed there may be stuff we don’t know or is being deliberately obfuscated. But the bit of essential information that is missing is if these phones are being brute forced by bypassing the 10 try limit ( and if that limit is even set on many phones) is: how long is the password? If it’s 4 or 6 digits, the cracking is trivial. But if it’s an alpha numeric 20 digits long, then not so easy- even at millions of tries/ sec. you are talking a very long time. With touch or face id there is really no reason not to set a 20 character password. Yes it’s a pain when you have to key it in but that’s not so often and is your data valuable or not?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 11
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,325member
    hexclock said:
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
    Temporarily until everyone gets workable quantum computers.  It's an endless cycle.
    Perhaps it is. I don’t currently have a spare barn and enough supercooled hydrogen to house such a machine, but I’m working on it ;)
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 11
    I remember reading a few years ago how one police departments server crashed and they lost everything.  They had no backups, so all active cases/charges had to be dropped.

    We tend to think of the police as one monolithic organization, but it is not.  Not only does police corruption very widely, but so does their capabilities and training.

    About a year ago, I watched a video on prisons in Germany.  They also discussed how they do things differently.  All police are trained in a central location, and are trained in deescalation.  The prisons are focused on rehabilitation and not punishment.

    The differences are striking, individuals killed by police are 100x less (adjusted by population) and relatively few people are incarcerated.

    One thing odd about America is our inability to observe someone/something else, and improve.  When we were taking our firsts steps down universal healthcare... my thought was WTF are we doing?  We didn’t look to what was working elsewhere, and seek to improve on it.  We instead asked our insurance and healthcare companies.  If anyone hasn’t noticed, our rates have skyrocketed...

    We might want to look outside the USA on the encryption debate also...
    Interesting idea, and I think the US police system desperately needs an overhaul.

    However, comparing healthcare to encryption isn’t very helpful. The US populations’ resistance to a government run healthcare system has nothing to do with healthcare itself but with feelings about governing US principles.

    Regarding encryption, I wouldn’t want to follow the lead of countries which see freedom as a secondary benefit to a good society. Freedom requires that people value personal responsibility in order to function properly, and when you take away freedoms you also slowly chip away at the value of personal responsibility. I can remember when suing someone else because you slipped on their sidewalk was culturally seen as outrageous and ridiculous, but now it’s just business as usual. That’s not a culture that anyone should want to live in. We will eventually end up with a bunch of completely dependent sheep who are guaranteed to fall into the hands of those seeking power, and eventually our country will collapse. It’s happened time and time again throughout history. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 11
    hexclock said:
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
    No, encryption will be simultaneously meaningless and meaningful but you will have to open the box to be sure. :wink:
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 11
    FileMakerFeller said in reply to hexcloclk:
    hexclock said:
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
    No, encryption will be simultaneously meaningless and meaningful but you will have to open the box to be sure. :wink:
    All I could say is:
    edited March 2020
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 11
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member
    hexclock said:
    hexclock said:
    Once governments get workable quantum computers, encryption will be meaningless. 
    Temporarily until everyone gets workable quantum computers.  It's an endless cycle.
    Perhaps it is. I don’t currently have a spare barn and enough supercooled hydrogen to house such a machine, but I’m working on it ;)
    As imagined today. At one time the computing power in my pocket (wrist?) required rooms.
    edited March 2020
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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