Apple must expand its COVID tracing technology into large scale testing



  • Reply 21 of 27
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    This is real life and the president is an absolute jackass surrounded by incompetent lickspittal dipshits 
    Haha, things are going just fine. The fed has handled the situation just fine and the Pres will get elected again. Unfortunately for those who suffer from TDS.

    Most of the fumbling and incompetence has been by deranged Dem run state and city leadership and other partisan Dems in Washington. When the Pres shut down travel from China, you had that insane, evil old woman Pelosi actually go out and promote tourism into Chinatown. When the Pres shutdown travel from Europe, he was blasted for that too.

    In New York, they were sending seniors from nursing homes who had tested positive straight back into the nursing homes! LOL. That's practically a death sentence for many of the residents. The incompetent leadership in NY was begging for ventilators and and hospital beds and they got that huge Navy hospital ship which has now left, because it basically sat there empty and unused the entire time it was there.

    The Dem fascists are also releasing all sorts of sexual predators from Prison and using police resources on mothers and children instead. 

    I know who the incompetent dipshits are, and it's not the President.

  • Reply 22 of 27
    wbeemwbeem Posts: 5member
    I'm thoroughly disgusted by this article and its conclusion that Big Tech must flex its muscle. I don't recall opting in to tracking for big brother to monitor my movements. I don't see a way to opt out of it, either.

    This is one truly despicable development forced upon paying customers. Shame on Apple, Google and AppleInsider.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member
    wbeem said:
    I'm thoroughly disgusted by this article and its conclusion that Big Tech must flex its muscle. I don't recall opting in to tracking for big brother to monitor my movements. I don't see a way to opt out of it, either.

    This is one truly despicable development forced upon paying customers. Shame on Apple, Google and AppleInsider.
    There is no tracking, opt in or not, related to covid-19. Read about how it works. Contact tracing is not really different from Find My locating your MacBook after you leave it behind next to other MacBooks that don’t know your MacBook’s personal information or where else it has been. 
  • Reply 24 of 27
    chaicka said:
    Is this another one of those ‘America-First’ or ‘America-Power’ mindset?

    While I don't agree with the article, why would as Americans we NOT put America first?  We'd be the ONLY country NOT putting itself first.  That seems pretty stupid.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    Interesting. I believe government and the people have had to face this pandemic as best they could as it developed. Hindsight is always clearer than foresight. 
    Now is a good time for gathering data and hashing it through to determine truth from fiction and lead to remedies and vaccines at some rational point. 
    We are all sick of partisan conflict and need to rally as a nation and globally for a better future.
    They need to do the best they can within the confines of the law.  Many people seem all to willing to throw laws and rights out the window in the name of some imaginary "safety" clause.  Once the government takes rights away illegally, there is no getting them back.  
  • Reply 26 of 27

    Interesting. I believe government and the people have had to face this pandemic as best they could as it developed. Hindsight is always clearer than foresight. 
    Now is a good time for gathering data and hashing it through to determine truth from fiction and lead to remedies and vaccines at some rational point. 
    We are all sick of partisan conflict and need to rally as a nation and globally for a better future.
    The Unites States completely fumbled this situation. The elected administration decided to terminate advanced research into pandemics and new diseases even as the scope of the threat continued to grow in tandem with our understanding.  

    The federal government has continued to fail in every aspect of its disaster preparedness and in its ability to even react to needs as they arise. It has taken zero responsibility and has left the states on their own.

    I can’t imagine a more incompetent government for the United States than one that demands political favors before granting assistance to its states in a pandemic.

    This is the worst crisis of our generation. The federal government has massively failed. This is the result of having a tv show personality and minor casino grifter run the most important office in the country. Absolutely incompetent on every level. A rejection of science at every turn. Attempts to spin the problem as if it’s just an unpopular episode of the Apprentice.

    This is real life and the president is an absolute jackass surrounded by incompetent lickspittal dipshits 

    Can you give actually examples or are you too consumed with hate for the President?  Or are you just only able to parrot what someone told you to think?

    Please list the supposed political favors.  By all account, governors not just trying to play politics such as Newson have repeatedly praised the administration.  

    Let's see, the President moved to block flights from China immediately and was called a racist.

    At that time Nancy Pelosi was telling people to go to the China town in San Francisco to hang out in large crows and ignore social distancing safety.

    WHO has consistently lied to the world and been a propaganda arm for China, yet the press says we need to listen to them.

    Hmmmm......who seems out of touch?

    It's ok if you are consumed with hate for the President, but don't spread lies. to justify it.
  • Reply 27 of 27
    lkrupp said:
    hucom2000 said:
    Really? All this talk about the importance of privacy all these years, and now we're lost without "big brother"? Is it the only possible path to recovery? Is that really the kind of sacrifice it takes? Not every invention coming from the tech-industry turns out to be for the greater good in the end. I don't have the answers. But I have doubts.
    And all it took was a little fear and panic, and we gave up our privacy and freedom in the blink of the eye. 1984 FTW!
    100% right.  All these people now demanding tyranny and "safety" are the same ones supporting endless illegal immigration and the emptying of our jails of criminals.  Good thing they have double standard or they'd have no standards at all!
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