France shames Apple for not sacrificing user privacy for COVID-19 app



  • Reply 61 of 67
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    apple ][ said:
    France, my favorite place.

    It's  one of the countries that is high up on my list of places that I will never, ever visit. I've been to many other places in Europe, but luckily, not France yet, nor ever.
    Are you from the USA...? You gained independence from the British because of French aide. If they hadn't buggered up Britain's government over distractions created by King George's inglorious periods of looniness the RedCoats would have whooped your pants.
    The France of days long gone is not the same France that exists today.
  • Reply 62 of 67
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    asdasd said:
    red oak said:
    Opening Bluetooth access to apps running in the background would be a security disaster.    It is comical that a "Digital Technology Minister" would be demanding it.  

    It turns out this guy has no programming or software experience.   And, very limited business experience.    He's never developed an app in his life.   A true socialist bureaucrat appointed to help lead digital technology in France.   LOLédric_O
    Turns out Socialists are authoritarians... who knew?
    What is it with Americans and their hatred of other country’s economic systems. Most of the “socialist” countries in Europe have far fewer people in jail than the US. “Authoritarian” Sweden didn’t even have a lockdown.
    Hatred? If it works for you, what does it matter? If your government turns into the PRC overnight, that’s your problem not mine.
    I'm not French. What my government does or doesn't do economically is not really your business.
  • Reply 63 of 67
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    apple ][ said:
    asdasd said:
    What is it with Americans and their hatred of other country’s economic systems. Most of the “socialist” countries in Europe have far fewer people in jail than the US. “Authoritarian” Sweden didn’t even have a lockdown.
    It's not just economic systems, it's their whole way of life and way of doing things. It's govt, it's beliefs, it's a lot more than just economic.
    Why does it bother you? France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, by the way.
  • Reply 64 of 67
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    entropys said:

    asdasd said:
    red oak said:
    Opening Bluetooth access to apps running in the background would be a security disaster.    It is comical that a "Digital Technology Minister" would be demanding it.  

    It turns out this guy has no programming or software experience.   And, very limited business experience.    He's never developed an app in his life.   A true socialist bureaucrat appointed to help lead digital technology in France.   LOLédric_O
    Turns out Socialists are authoritarians... who knew?
    What is it with Americans and their hatred of other country’s economic systems. Most of the “socialist” countries in Europe have far fewer people in jail than the US. “Authoritarian” Sweden didn’t even have a lockdown.
    Europe has enough elements of open society to survive longer than more robust collective systems (no doubt based on their dalliances with them around WW2), but has only really done as well as it has riding on the coattails of American dynamism. And they know it, hence their resentment of American companies and the EU project itself. Thankfully the Poms have (belatedly) worked it out.
    Yeh, right, I would think most dynamism is coming from the East these days. As I said above the idea that social democracy leads to "authoritarianism" is clearly nonsense. The US has more people in Jail per capita than anywhere, including all dictatorships.  By my calculations socialist Norway has 0.072% of its population, in Jail and the Government is > 50% of GDP. The capitalist US has 0.7% or ten times as many people locked up per capita, the highest incarceration rate in the world. It turns out that using the State to give free health care or using oil money for the benefit of society rather than billionaires, isn't in fact a road to tyranny.
    edited May 2020 GeorgeBMacgatorguy
  • Reply 65 of 67
    beowulfschmidtbeowulfschmidt Posts: 2,308member
    red oak said:
    Opening Bluetooth access to apps running in the background would be a security disaster.    It is comical that a "Digital Technology Minister" would be demanding it.  

    It turns out this guy has no programming or software experience.   And, very limited business experience.    He's never developed an app in his life.   A true socialist bureaucrat appointed to help lead digital technology in France.   LOLédric_O
    Turns out Socialists are authoritarians... who knew?

    Actually, like capitalism, socialism is an economic model.   You can have either capitalist or socialist or a mixture of both (like we have here in the U.S.) under either a democratic or authoritarian government.  But, the American right is so scared of it that they tend to distort its actual meaning and confuse it with countries they hate.
    One of the few real bits of socialism we have is the Veterans Administration Medical System.  Owned and operated entirely by the government, and a complete and total mess of byzantine administration and inadequate care.

    No, I think the US is more fascist than socialist.  We have the outward trappings of capitalism, with ostensible private ownership of business, coupled with a government that controls what you may and may not produce, must and must not sell, how much you must pay for some things, the extent to which one can cooperate with other business, and even whether or not you can operate a business in most cases (the stories of kids' lemonade stands being shut down for lack of a business license are true).  Those are all hallmarks of a fascist economy.  Been headed that way since FDR learned from Mussolini, and the collusion of the government and the alleged "capitalists" is only making it worse.

  • Reply 66 of 67
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    red oak said:
    Opening Bluetooth access to apps running in the background would be a security disaster.    It is comical that a "Digital Technology Minister" would be demanding it.  

    It turns out this guy has no programming or software experience.   And, very limited business experience.    He's never developed an app in his life.   A true socialist bureaucrat appointed to help lead digital technology in France.   LOLédric_O
    Turns out Socialists are authoritarians... who knew?

    Actually, like capitalism, socialism is an economic model.   You can have either capitalist or socialist or a mixture of both (like we have here in the U.S.) under either a democratic or authoritarian government.  But, the American right is so scared of it that they tend to distort its actual meaning and confuse it with countries they hate.
    One of the few real bits of socialism we have is the Veterans Administration Medical System.  Owned and operated entirely by the government, and a complete and total mess of byzantine administration and inadequate care.

    No, I think the US is more fascist than socialist.  We have the outward trappings of capitalism, with ostensible private ownership of business, coupled with a government that controls what you may and may not produce, must and must not sell, how much you must pay for some things, the extent to which one can cooperate with other business, and even whether or not you can operate a business in most cases (the stories of kids' lemonade stands being shut down for lack of a business license are true).  Those are all hallmarks of a fascist economy.  Been headed that way since FDR learned from Mussolini, and the collusion of the government and the alleged "capitalists" is only making it worse.

    So the only real capitalism is the Libertarian, completely unregulated free market variety? 
    We tried that about 100-140 years ago.   For a few -- Carnegie, Frick, Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford,  Westinghouse, Mellon, etc... -- it worked very well.   For most, it sucked big time.  But it did succeed in building the base of an industrial powerhouse the world had never before seen.
  • Reply 67 of 67
    red oak said:
    Opening Bluetooth access to apps running in the background would be a security disaster.    It is comical that a "Digital Technology Minister" would be demanding it.  

    It turns out this guy has no programming or software experience.   And, very limited business experience.    He's never developed an app in his life.   A true socialist bureaucrat appointed to help lead digital technology in France.   LOLédric_O
    Turns out Socialists are authoritarians... who knew?

    Actually, like capitalism, socialism is an economic model.   You can have either capitalist or socialist or a mixture of both (like we have here in the U.S.) under either a democratic or authoritarian government.  But, the American right is so scared of it that they tend to distort its actual meaning and confuse it with countries they hate.
    One of the few real bits of socialism we have is the Veterans Administration Medical System.  Owned and operated entirely by the government, and a complete and total mess of byzantine administration and inadequate care.

    No, I think the US is more fascist than socialist.  We have the outward trappings of capitalism, with ostensible private ownership of business, coupled with a government that controls what you may and may not produce, must and must not sell, how much you must pay for some things, the extent to which one can cooperate with other business, and even whether or not you can operate a business in most cases (the stories of kids' lemonade stands being shut down for lack of a business license are true).  Those are all hallmarks of a fascist economy.  Been headed that way since FDR learned from Mussolini, and the collusion of the government and the alleged "capitalists" is only making it worse.

    So the only real capitalism is the Libertarian, completely unregulated free market variety? 
    We tried that about 100-140 years ago.   For a few -- Carnegie, Frick, Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford,  Westinghouse, Mellon, etc... -- it worked very well.   For most, it sucked big time.  But it did succeed in building the base of an industrial powerhouse the world had never before seen.
    It's the only thing that's properly called capitalism, yes.

    And what the "robber barons" had going wasn't capitalism.  They were colluding with the government, just like they do now, to stifle real competition and keep the workers "in their place."  Most of them got richer and more powerful after they were "reined in" than they were before, it was just diversified indirect control and influence more than direct control.
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