Apple will reopen 100 US stores this week



  • Reply 21 of 30
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    JFC_PA said:
    All the stores near me are in enclosed malls which are not opening for a while yet. Well, unless I need a repair I’m not much of an Apple store visitor in any case. My next purchase is The 12 Pro Max and that will definitely be online. 

    We are fortunate here in Pittsburgh -- one of our three stores is a stand alone store not in a mall.

    I don't think I'll be rushing over there -- but it's nice to know it's up and running if we need it. 
    And, I suspect it is well staffed since they can divert staff from the other two stores that are in malls and still shuttered.
  • Reply 22 of 30
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    mr lizard said:
    So if your country is so much better in terms of handling and long term plans, please share them here. 
    Virtually every other country in the world, bar third world countries, is doing a better job than the US. 

    Good luck. 
    It's important to factor in the populations of each country:

    When people read about places like Sweden having 4,000 deaths and the US having 100,000 deaths, they might think Sweden is doing a lot better but the population of Sweden is 10m and the US is 330m. Per capita, the US is doing better than Sweden. But it's still not a competition when there's no known cure.

    Another factor is how popular a country is for travel. The virus originated in China. If few people from the source travel to certain countries then there's little chance it would spread there.

    20 people died in Guinea from a population of 13m:

    Not because they are so advanced in medical and social controls, people just don't go there:
  • Reply 23 of 30
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Marvin said:
    mr lizard said:
    So if your country is so much better in terms of handling and long term plans, please share them here. 
    Virtually every other country in the world, bar third world countries, is doing a better job than the US. 

    Good luck. 
    It's important to factor in the populations of each country:

    When people read about places like Sweden having 4,000 deaths and the US having 100,000 deaths, they might think Sweden is doing a lot better but the population of Sweden is 10m and the US is 330m. Per capita, the US is doing better than Sweden. But it's still not a competition when there's no known cure.

    Another factor is how popular a country is for travel. The virus originated in China. If few people from the source travel to certain countries then there's little chance it would spread there.

    20 people died in Guinea from a population of 13m:

    Not because they are so advanced in medical and social controls, people just don't go there:

    It's less about statistics and more about how the pandemic was handled:   China, S Korea, Germany and others handled it well and effectively.   The U.S., U.K., Brazil and others completely bungled it.   The stats are a result of doing the right things -- or not.

    And, we should see the stats reflect how it is managed going forward:   When China saw a resurgence of a handful of cases, they jumped on it and today are testing over million people a day in that province.   In the U.S. we have neither an effective testing program nor an effective tracing program.   Instead we are just going to open up anyway regardless of how many it kills.
  • Reply 24 of 30
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    mr lizard said:
    So if your country is so much better in terms of handling and long term plans, please share them here. 
    Virtually every other country in the world, bar third world countries, is doing a better job than the US. 

    Good luck. 
    Isn’t it just possible that a hell of a lot more infected people flew to the US than these other countries? Not to mention the fact that  China held back the fact that it was indeed transmitted person-to-person.
    The true number of infections is unknown simply because a high fraction never exhibit symptoms, or have symptoms so mild it’s mistaken for a cold or something else. The death count is similarly inaccurate because of various reasons, like chalking up a cancer death or heart attack as Covid. 
  • Reply 25 of 30
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    hexclock said:
    mr lizard said:
    So if your country is so much better in terms of handling and long term plans, please share them here. 
    Virtually every other country in the world, bar third world countries, is doing a better job than the US. 

    Good luck. 
    Isn’t it just possible that a hell of a lot more infected people flew to the US than these other countries? Not to mention the fact that  China held back the fact that it was indeed transmitted person-to-person.
    The true number of infections is unknown simply because a high fraction never exhibit symptoms, or have symptoms so mild it’s mistaken for a cold or something else. The death count is similarly inaccurate because of various reasons, like chalking up a cancer death or heart attack as Covid. 

    No, the first case occurred in S Korea and the in U.S. on the same day.   South Korea sprang into action, generated testing kits, ramping up tracing and activating the population to take precautions (like wearing masks) and some minimal social distancing.   Here in the U.S. we marginalized it ("Democratic Hoax") and, when we did take action it was to bail out the stock market.   And, to date, months later, we still have not matched what S Korea managed to accomplish in the first month over there.

    As for any delay in identifying how the disease was transmitted, as a medical person I find that very understandable because researchers are always very hesitant to declare something until they have absolute, concrete proof.  In this case, it meant knowing exactly how somebody contracted an infection that had never before been seen.  And, the announcement never said that there was no human to human transfer but that there was no confirmed evidence of it -- while other statements were saying that this was something to take seriously.    Actually, I suspect that China did much better than we would have done because, for the past 20 years, we have been gutting our public health agencies.  And, as we have seen -- even with weeks and months of forwarning that it was coming, they were caught flat footed.
    edited May 2020 Peza
  • Reply 26 of 30
    PezaPeza Posts: 198member
    In my opinion there is going to be a global second wave that will hit like a meteor, with the way people are acting, rushing to the beaches in the nice weather ignoring any social distancing, carrying on as normal... the virus hasn’t gone anywhere! That’s just in my country the U.K.
    I just hope it doesn’t mutate like the Spanish flu did, that went from a virus like we have now into one that killed anyone regardless in 24 hours from infection! Up to 50 million dead in 3 months and that was in 1918, as a result of the second wave from the mutated strain.
    Things will not be back to normal for a while now. I expect Apple and others to respect that, but America seems utterly desperate to get back to complete normality as fast as possible, even though they have the highest infection and death rate from the virus there.

    If you have no symptoms but are carrying a deadly mutated strain, you can STILL jump on a plane and fly around the globe, I just hope you are forced to quarantine at the other end of your journey, and not in someone’s house either.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    PezaPeza Posts: 198member
    Some other facts I’ve learned about coronavirus since this started. Their has never been any vaccine made for any coronavirus ever.
    Covid 19 is not a flu or cold it is part of the SARS family of viruses.
    It spreads with incredible ease.
    it has killed perfectly healthy people from all age groups.
    Millions of people are in the vulnerable groups. 
    It is not seasonal as we know.
    it takes several months of close monitoring to know if you can become immune to it after having it the once, not weeks.
    A possible hope is plasma transfers from patients who have survived the virus in hospital.
    The virus can survive for up to 72hrs on hard surfaces, facilitating easy transfers.
    Some people need to reevaluate their lives and stop blaming 5G for causing it, stop burning cell towers down the providers customer base will have to pay for.

    Oh and the world seems obsessed with restarting the global economy, money first and all that. I appreciate people and the human race is incapable of living without class society and money and haves and have nots, but does it really need to resort to that in this type of global crises? The virus doesn’t care how rich you are, it just wants a new host to survive in, that’s all it exists to do. 
    edited May 2020 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 28 of 30
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Peza said:
    Some other facts I’ve learned about coronavirus since this started. Their has never been any vaccine made for any coronavirus ever.
    Covid 19 is not a flu or cold it is part of the SARS family of viruses.
    It spreads with incredible ease.
    it has killed perfectly healthy people from all age groups.
    Millions of people are in the vulnerable groups. 
    It is not seasonal as we know.
    it takes several months of close monitoring to know if you can become immune to it after having it the once, not weeks.
    A possible hope is plasma transfers from patients who have survived the virus in hospital.
    The virus can survive for up to 72hrs on hard surfaces, facilitating easy transfers.
    Some people need to reevaluate their lives and stop blaming 5G for causing it, stop burning cell towers down the providers customer base will have to pay for.

    Oh and the world seems obsessed with restarting the global economy, money first and all that. I appreciate people and the human race is incapable of living without class society and money and haves and have nots, but does it really need to resort to that in this type of global crises? The virus doesn’t care how rich you are, it just wants a new host to survive in, that’s all it exists to do. 

    Yes, that's all true.   Further, we STILL do not seem to have a good understanding of how this transmits.  Is it from coughs and sneezes?   From touching infected surfaces?   Is it airborne from an infected person talking & breathing?   What is the necessary dosage to infect a healthy person?

    But, we do know one thing:   We have thousands of Typhoid Mary's roaming our streets and businesses -- and all it takes is one to trigger another wave.
    Unfortunately, too many countries have chosen wishful thinking as a defense.   So the virus will likely continue to spread in wave after wave.  And, as you suggest:  the WHO was correct that trying to isolate an entire country is not an effective defense.

    My bet is that here in the U.S., even though we just passed 100,000 dead, we are at the low point and it will get worse from here -- until we get some national leadership that understands and cares enough to mount an effective campaign against this enemy.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    PezaPeza Posts: 198member
    Peza said:
    Some other facts I’ve learned about coronavirus since this started. Their has never been any vaccine made for any coronavirus ever.
    Covid 19 is not a flu or cold it is part of the SARS family of viruses.
    It spreads with incredible ease.
    it has killed perfectly healthy people from all age groups.
    Millions of people are in the vulnerable groups. 
    It is not seasonal as we know.
    it takes several months of close monitoring to know if you can become immune to it after having it the once, not weeks.
    A possible hope is plasma transfers from patients who have survived the virus in hospital.
    The virus can survive for up to 72hrs on hard surfaces, facilitating easy transfers.
    Some people need to reevaluate their lives and stop blaming 5G for causing it, stop burning cell towers down the providers customer base will have to pay for.

    Oh and the world seems obsessed with restarting the global economy, money first and all that. I appreciate people and the human race is incapable of living without class society and money and haves and have nots, but does it really need to resort to that in this type of global crises? The virus doesn’t care how rich you are, it just wants a new host to survive in, that’s all it exists to do. 

    Yes, that's all true.   Further, we STILL do not seem to have a good understanding of how this transmits.  Is it from coughs and sneezes?   From touching infected surfaces?   Is it airborne from an infected person talking & breathing?   What is the necessary dosage to infect a healthy person?

    But, we do know one thing:   We have thousands of Typhoid Mary's roaming our streets and businesses -- and all it takes is one to trigger another wave.
    Unfortunately, too many countries have chosen wishful thinking as a defense.   So the virus will likely continue to spread in wave after wave.  And, as you suggest:  the WHO was correct that trying to isolate an entire country is not an effective defense.

    My bet is that here in the U.S., even though we just passed 100,000 dead, we are at the low point and it will get worse from here -- until we get some national leadership that understands and cares enough to mount an effective campaign against this enemy.
    Yeap, agree with everything you said, here in the U.K. because they fudged there track and trace program with their own app, which I actually defended on here: but turns out I was wrong and it’s failed miserably.
    They will expect ‘people to do there duty’ and have themselves tested if they have symptoms and then hand over details of those they know and have been in contact with...

    So yeah, you can go back to work or the shops, find out you have the virus, but only tell those you actually know about it... because the U.K. government has made a mess of the tracking app like it’s made a mess of everything so far.

    Also today our PM has stated he wants the government advisors to look at ‘reducing’ the minimum social distance measurement from 2 metres to allow ‘business like pubs (bars) and restaurants to reopen faster’... 

    Because drunk people are a great thing in public areas with a deadly virus around, but hey it’s making money and that’s what’s more important then anything else right now, apparently. Plus the fact the general thinking by young people, thanks in part to he message from government, is they are immune and can carry on as normal, of course forgetting about how they will be spreading the virus around.

    As I say, it’s not money that makes the world go round it’s nature and physics, and it’s those and those alone who will dictate if you live or die, not money!

    This isn’t like an earthquake or tsunami that you can recover from, this is global and here to stay. 

    I look at other places like Singapore and admire there stance on this and their very effective measures, and how the general population do as asked, and they have carried on as far as I know working without many infections or deaths at all even in there cities. Then I look at Western countries and see a stark difference.
    edited May 2020 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 30 of 30
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Peza said:
    Peza said:
    Some other facts I’ve learned about coronavirus since this started. Their has never been any vaccine made for any coronavirus ever.
    Covid 19 is not a flu or cold it is part of the SARS family of viruses.
    It spreads with incredible ease.
    it has killed perfectly healthy people from all age groups.
    Millions of people are in the vulnerable groups. 
    It is not seasonal as we know.
    it takes several months of close monitoring to know if you can become immune to it after having it the once, not weeks.
    A possible hope is plasma transfers from patients who have survived the virus in hospital.
    The virus can survive for up to 72hrs on hard surfaces, facilitating easy transfers.
    Some people need to reevaluate their lives and stop blaming 5G for causing it, stop burning cell towers down the providers customer base will have to pay for.

    Oh and the world seems obsessed with restarting the global economy, money first and all that. I appreciate people and the human race is incapable of living without class society and money and haves and have nots, but does it really need to resort to that in this type of global crises? The virus doesn’t care how rich you are, it just wants a new host to survive in, that’s all it exists to do. 

    Yes, that's all true.   Further, we STILL do not seem to have a good understanding of how this transmits.  Is it from coughs and sneezes?   From touching infected surfaces?   Is it airborne from an infected person talking & breathing?   What is the necessary dosage to infect a healthy person?

    But, we do know one thing:   We have thousands of Typhoid Mary's roaming our streets and businesses -- and all it takes is one to trigger another wave.
    Unfortunately, too many countries have chosen wishful thinking as a defense.   So the virus will likely continue to spread in wave after wave.  And, as you suggest:  the WHO was correct that trying to isolate an entire country is not an effective defense.

    My bet is that here in the U.S., even though we just passed 100,000 dead, we are at the low point and it will get worse from here -- until we get some national leadership that understands and cares enough to mount an effective campaign against this enemy.
    Yeap, agree with everything you said, here in the U.K. because they fudged there track and trace program with their own app, which I actually defended on here: but turns out I was wrong and it’s failed miserably.
    They will expect ‘people to do there duty’ and have themselves tested if they have symptoms and then hand over details of those they know and have been in contact with...

    So yeah, you can go back to work or the shops, find out you have the virus, but only tell those you actually know about it... because the U.K. government has made a mess of the tracking app like it’s made a mess of everything so far.

    Also today our PM has stated he wants the government advisors to look at ‘reducing’ the minimum social distance measurement from 2 metres to allow ‘business like pubs (bars) and restaurants to reopen faster’... 

    Because drunk people are a great thing in public areas with a deadly virus around, but hey it’s making money and that’s what’s more important then anything else right now, apparently. Plus the fact the general thinking by young people, thanks in part to he message from government, is they are immune and can carry on as normal, of course forgetting about how they will be spreading the virus around.

    As I say, it’s not money that makes the world go round it’s nature and physics, and it’s those and those alone who will dictate if you live or die, not money!

    This isn’t like an earthquake or tsunami that you can recover from, this is global and here to stay. 

    I look at other places like Singapore and admire there stance on this and their very effective measures, and how the general population do as asked, and they have carried on as far as I know working without many infections or deaths at all even in there cities. Then I look at Western countries and see a stark difference.

    One would think that, of all the world leaders, yours would know better.   I guess he forgot already.
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