Apple Watch 'Series 6' display may be identical to Series 5



  • Reply 21 of 27
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Respectfully. If that’s what you thought that was then there is nothing I could say. Eight years of Obama made race relations worse. To people like you and StrangeDays nothing will ever solve the problem. The goal posts will always be moved. The deeds of one dirtbag cop outweigh the deeds of tens of thousands of shops who do the right thing 24/7. Who put their lives at risk every day to protect you two.

    The one great thing about this country is that if it’s so horrible that the only solution is to tear it up, you are free to leave. Just like how many immigrants escape their hellhole to come here and start a new life, you are free to do the same. I suggest China. Let us know how BLM and Antifa are accepted there.

    Can we PLEASE talk about AppleWatch 6 now?
  • Reply 22 of 27
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    apple ][ said:

    It must be an Antifa conspiracy....   /s
    No consipracy is needed. They are a major force behind the riots and the thugs will get what's coming to them soon enough as they are now officially terrorists.
    The Insurrection Act is about to be used and US military are on their way to root out and destroy Antifa.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    razorpit said:
    Respectfully. If that’s what you thought that was then there is nothing I could say. Eight years of Obama made race relations worse. To people like you and StrangeDays nothing will ever solve the problem. The goal posts will always be moved. The deeds of one dirtbag cop outweigh the deeds of tens of thousands of shops who do the right thing 24/7. Who put their lives at risk every day to protect you two.

    The one great thing about this country is that if it’s so horrible that the only solution is to tear it up, you are free to leave. Just like how many immigrants escape their hellhole to come here and start a new life, you are free to do the same. I suggest China. Let us know how BLM and Antifa are accepted there.

    Can we PLEASE talk about AppleWatch 6 now?

    LOL.... No...
    20 years of FauxNews propaganda and a decade of TrumpTweets are what "made race relations worse".   It was hardly softspoken Obama who you Trumpers accused of weakness.

    And, no, we real Americans, the ones who respect Freedom and Democracy FOR ALL -- even if they have black skin, will stay.   The fascists are free to form their own nation -- maybe next to ISIS.  They're a pretty close fit.

    And, yes, please stop your right wing rants and insults and START talking about AppleWatch6 now!  
  • Reply 24 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    apple ][ said:

    It must be an Antifa conspiracy....   /s
    No consipracy is needed. They are a major force behind the riots and the thugs will get what's coming to them soon enough as they are now officially terrorists.
    The Insurrection Act is about to be used and US military are on their way to root out and destroy Antifa.

    They should be rooting out the white supremacists and fascists rather than the ones who oppose those despicable creatures.  But, unfortunately, their commander in chief is one of those despicable creatures.   It is the path all fascists throughout history have followed.
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 25 of 27
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Good to see that the usual wannabe fascists are belching their usual keyboard warrior nonsense out without a scrat of evidence, and welcoming soldiers on the streets.  Antifa isn't an organisation, and it isn't behind anything.  The police are reacting to protests against police brutality with brutality; is it any surprise that things are breaking down?  Maybe it's just a few bad apples, but the bad apples have well and truly spoilt the barrel by this point.

    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
  • Reply 26 of 27
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    Good to see that the usual wannabe fascists are belching their usual keyboard warrior nonsense out without a scrat of evidence, and welcoming soldiers on the streets.  Antifa isn't an organisation, and it isn't behind anything.  The police are reacting to protests against police brutality with brutality; is it any surprise that things are breaking down?  Maybe it's just a few bad apples, but the bad apples have well and truly spoilt the barrel by this point.

    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

    Yes, obviously Trump does not understand that.
    Hopefully enough police understand that that some meaningful reforms are made to both training and the weeding out of those bad apples.  They can do that for high minded, altruistic reasons or because they realize that they too can be the target of hate and bias -- but they must do it for the good of themselves, their victims and our country. 

    In a way, it would be better if Trump won in November because that revolution would surely happen.
    But, more than likely, Biden will win and press for reforms from the top down -- and the bad apples will just direct their hate at him as well as black people. 

    Meanwhile, the world will no longer accept our taking the high moral ground while our own degeneracy is on display.  
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 27 of 27
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    razorpit said:
    Respectfully. If that’s what you thought that was then there is nothing I could say. Eight years of Obama made race relations worse. To people like you and StrangeDays nothing will ever solve the problem. The goal posts will always be moved. The deeds of one dirtbag cop outweigh the deeds of tens of thousands of shops who do the right thing 24/7. Who put their lives at risk every day to protect you two.

    The one great thing about this country is that if it’s so horrible that the only solution is to tear it up, you are free to leave. Just like how many immigrants escape their hellhole to come here and start a new life, you are free to do the same. I suggest China. Let us know how BLM and Antifa are accepted there.

    Can we PLEASE talk about AppleWatch 6 now?

    LOL.... No...
    20 years of FauxNews propaganda and a decade of TrumpTweets are what "made race relations worse".   It was hardly softspoken Obama who you Trumpers accused of weakness.

    And, no, we real Americans, the ones who respect Freedom and Democracy FOR ALL -- even if they have black skin, will stay.   The fascists are free to form their own nation -- maybe next to ISIS.  They're a pretty close fit.

    And, yes, please stop your right wing rants and insults and START talking about AppleWatch6 now!  
    LOL, you are a lost soul. Soft-spoken Obama? You missed a few soundbites George. Trump was pretty much a nobody on Twitter during Obama's presidency. It was only towards the last few years of his failed economy that Trump made the decision to run for president and save our economy.

    You "real Americans" I'm guessing you are saying democrats, are behind just about every social ill this country has had. Slavery, trail of tears, the three K's, Japanese internment camps, Jim Crow laws, ALL brought to you by the Democrats.

    No one here is ranting. I'm correcting you whenever you start spewing garbage. There is a difference. Glad to see you are ready to talk about AW6 now that you got your craziness out of the way.
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