State AGs urge Apple, Google to closely monitor unofficial contact tracing apps

in General Discussion
The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) is urging Apple and Google to take steps to ensure unofficial COVID-19 contact tracing apps made available on their respective platforms serve a wider public good.

Credit: Brian McGowan
Credit: Brian McGowan

On Tuesday, New York Attorney General Letitia James wrote to Apple and Google and urged both companies to block or remove contact tracing apps not developed by a public health authority.

Hours later, a broad contingency of 39 state attorneys general -- represented by the NAAG -- penned a letter to the companies expressing similar concerns about unofficial contact tracing apps. The letter claims that there are already unofficial contact tracing apps on the App Store and Google Play store which "may endanger consumers' personal information."

As a result, the attorneys general are urging Apple to verify each app related to contact tracing or COVID-19; remove any app that cannot be verified; and delete all contact tracing-related apps, including those made with the Apple-Google API, once the health crisis is over.

California, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas and Massachusetts are among the 39 states represented by their attorneys general in the letter.

Earlier in 2020, Apple and Google partnered on a framework to allow developers to create apps to track and stop the spread of coronavirus.

As of mid-June, no U.S. state has released an app made with the Apple-Google API. While some states have expressed interest in the platform, others have either decided to use their own solutions or rely on in-person contact tracing.


  • Reply 1 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    This is just another demonstration of the weak, fragmented response by the U.S. government.
    Without central leadership the American public is besieged and confused by a plethora of conflicting claims, advice and products.
    Shameful!   And sad...

    We need to resurrect what used to be world class public health agencies and let them lead with evidence based science.  Just as the Army protects us from foreign invaders, public health agencies are there to protect us from microscopic ones.   But for the past 2 decades they've been gutted & defunded and made to serve as tools to feed the health care industry rather than protect the American people.
  • Reply 2 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    This is just another demonstration of the weak, fragmented response by the U.S. government.
    Without central leadership the American public is besieged and confused by a plethora of conflicting claims, advice and products.
    Shameful!   And sad...

    We need to resurrect what used to be world class public health agencies and let them lead with evidence based science.  Just as the Army protects us from foreign invaders, public health agencies are there to protect us from microscopic ones.   But for the past 2 decades they've been gutted & defunded and made to serve as tools to feed the health care industry rather than protect the American people.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member
    Such an appropriate acronym.
    Could this have be a tongue in cheek attempt of levity to their oncoming charge ? 
    Could it possibly have escaped all the members of the naming committee ?
    Regardless, so fitting.
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 4 of 15
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    Public Benefit Test should be equally applied to Offical Contact Tracing Apps as well.
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 5 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Once again, China demonstrates how it is done -- if you want it done right:
    Beijing had been virus free -- but as soon as a handful of cases popped up they sprang into action on a "war time footing":
    -- Contact tracing pinpointed the source (a wholesale grocer) -- every new case stemmed from there.
    -- They identified the infected and isolated them
    -- They also re-instituted social distancing rules, closing schools, etc...

    The result:  the number of new cases rose to a little over a 100 but are now subsiding back down.
    But, it was all led by an effective testing and contact tracing program - which is something the U.S. has never had.  And China's response was supplemented by social isolation programs the U.S. says it will never again do, no matter how many Americans die.  

    Meanwhile, the U.S. had over 23,000 new cases yesterday.   And, stock adviser Jim Cramer is telling investors to get ready for the New Normal (mass infections) in the U.S.

    Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control, Chinese health expert says

  • Reply 6 of 15
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Once again, China demonstrates how it is done -- if you want it done right:
    Beijing had been virus free -- but as soon as a handful of cases popped up they sprang into action on a "war time footing":
    -- Contact tracing pinpointed the source (a wholesale grocer) -- every new case stemmed from there.
    -- They identified the infected and isolated them
    -- They also re-instituted social distancing rules, closing schools, etc...

    The result:  the number of new cases rose to a little over a 100 but are now subsiding back down.
    But, it was all led by an effective testing and contact tracing program - which is something the U.S. has never had.  And China's response was supplemented by social isolation programs the U.S. says it will never again do, no matter how many Americans die.  

    Meanwhile, the U.S. had over 23,000 new cases yesterday.   And, stock adviser Jim Cramer is telling investors to get ready for the New Normal (mass infections) in the U.S.

    Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control, Chinese health expert says

    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates? Do you believe citizens of Western countries would also accept it? Just tell us if your suggestion that we "do like the Chinese' is a rational one that has a chance of working here.  If not isn't it kinda disingenuous of you to keep presenting them as the model to follow if you yourself wouldn't be accepting of the trade-offs and the roll-back of laws that would be needed to implement it? Sounds Trumpian IMO, essentially king-making. 

    The Aussies decided to go part of the way with personal tracking and data collection ala Singapore-lite, but not as intrusive and all-inclusive as the Chinese and look how even that's working out for them. IMO the Chinese model would not be a rational suggestion. Totally unacceptable to almost every country in the world outside of the most authoritative and restrictive whee residents have little choice but to accept it. A substantial number of Hong Kong citizens are willing to put their lives on the line to resist a Chinese rollback of their freedoms. You think a majority of us would be more accepting than those in Hong Kong?
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 7 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    gatorguy said:
    Once again, China demonstrates how it is done -- if you want it done right:
    Beijing had been virus free -- but as soon as a handful of cases popped up they sprang into action on a "war time footing":
    -- Contact tracing pinpointed the source (a wholesale grocer) -- every new case stemmed from there.
    -- They identified the infected and isolated them
    -- They also re-instituted social distancing rules, closing schools, etc...

    The result:  the number of new cases rose to a little over a 100 but are now subsiding back down.
    But, it was all led by an effective testing and contact tracing program - which is something the U.S. has never had.  And China's response was supplemented by social isolation programs the U.S. says it will never again do, no matter how many Americans die.  

    Meanwhile, the U.S. had over 23,000 new cases yesterday.   And, stock adviser Jim Cramer is telling investors to get ready for the New Normal (mass infections) in the U.S.

    Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control, Chinese health expert says

    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates? Do you believe citizens of Western countries would also accept it? Just tell us if your suggestion that we "do like the Chinese' is a rational one that has a chance of working here.  If not isn't it kinda disingenuous of you to keep presenting them as the model to follow if you yourself wouldn't be accepting of the trade-offs and the roll-back of laws that would be needed to implement it? Sounds Trumpian IMO, essentially king-making. 

    The Aussies decided to go part of the way with personal tracking and data collection ala Singapore-lite, but not as intrusive and all-inclusive as the Chinese and look how even that's working out for them. IMO the Chinese model would not be a rational suggestion. Totally unacceptable to almost every country in the world outside of the most authoritative and restrictive whee residents have little choice but to accept it. A substantial number of Hong Kong citizens are willing to put their lives on the line to resist a Chinese rollback of their freedoms. You think a majority of us would be more accepting than those in Hong Kong?

    In the U.S. we have:
    -- 2,173,219 cases
    -- 117,691 dead
    ....   Ask them if you should be allowed to impose your political ideology on them -- and those who are about to sicken and die...
    ....   Ask them if your political ideology is more important than their lives and livelihoods.

  • Reply 8 of 15
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    gatorguy said:
    Once again, China demonstrates how it is done -- if you want it done right:
    Beijing had been virus free -- but as soon as a handful of cases popped up they sprang into action on a "war time footing":
    -- Contact tracing pinpointed the source (a wholesale grocer) -- every new case stemmed from there.
    -- They identified the infected and isolated them
    -- They also re-instituted social distancing rules, closing schools, etc...

    The result:  the number of new cases rose to a little over a 100 but are now subsiding back down.
    But, it was all led by an effective testing and contact tracing program - which is something the U.S. has never had.  And China's response was supplemented by social isolation programs the U.S. says it will never again do, no matter how many Americans die.  

    Meanwhile, the U.S. had over 23,000 new cases yesterday.   And, stock adviser Jim Cramer is telling investors to get ready for the New Normal (mass infections) in the U.S.

    Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control, Chinese health expert says

    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates? Do you believe citizens of Western countries would also accept it? Just tell us if your suggestion that we "do like the Chinese' is a rational one that has a chance of working here.  If not isn't it kinda disingenuous of you to keep presenting them as the model to follow if you yourself wouldn't be accepting of the trade-offs and the roll-back of laws that would be needed to implement it? Sounds Trumpian IMO, essentially king-making. 

    The Aussies decided to go part of the way with personal tracking and data collection ala Singapore-lite, but not as intrusive and all-inclusive as the Chinese and look how even that's working out for them. IMO the Chinese model would not be a rational suggestion. Totally unacceptable to almost every country in the world outside of the most authoritative and restrictive whee residents have little choice but to accept it. A substantial number of Hong Kong citizens are willing to put their lives on the line to resist a Chinese rollback of their freedoms. You think a majority of us would be more accepting than those in Hong Kong?

    In the U.S. we have:
    -- 2,173,219 cases
    -- 117,691 dead
    ....   Ask them if you should be allowed to impose your political ideology on them -- and those who are about to sicken and die...
    ....   Ask them if your political ideology is more important than their lives and livelihoods.

    I'm asking George if you believe we should impose your political ideology on this country. I don't think mine is so different from yours except in extremities you seem to favor. Certainly leans towards the same Democrat beliefs you've indicated you hold.

    So one more time unless you are so afraid to answer, or unwilling to actually take a stand we can all identify. 
    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates and impose it on the rest of us if it allows for better Covid 19 tracking?

    Don't project so much fear of what the answer might say. It's OK to speak your mind here and hold opinions that might be unpopular if explained. We don't all have to agree, we just all have to be honest.
    edited June 2020 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 9 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    Once again, China demonstrates how it is done -- if you want it done right:
    Beijing had been virus free -- but as soon as a handful of cases popped up they sprang into action on a "war time footing":
    -- Contact tracing pinpointed the source (a wholesale grocer) -- every new case stemmed from there.
    -- They identified the infected and isolated them
    -- They also re-instituted social distancing rules, closing schools, etc...

    The result:  the number of new cases rose to a little over a 100 but are now subsiding back down.
    But, it was all led by an effective testing and contact tracing program - which is something the U.S. has never had.  And China's response was supplemented by social isolation programs the U.S. says it will never again do, no matter how many Americans die.  

    Meanwhile, the U.S. had over 23,000 new cases yesterday.   And, stock adviser Jim Cramer is telling investors to get ready for the New Normal (mass infections) in the U.S.

    Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control, Chinese health expert says

    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates? Do you believe citizens of Western countries would also accept it? Just tell us if your suggestion that we "do like the Chinese' is a rational one that has a chance of working here.  If not isn't it kinda disingenuous of you to keep presenting them as the model to follow if you yourself wouldn't be accepting of the trade-offs and the roll-back of laws that would be needed to implement it? Sounds Trumpian IMO, essentially king-making. 

    The Aussies decided to go part of the way with personal tracking and data collection ala Singapore-lite, but not as intrusive and all-inclusive as the Chinese and look how even that's working out for them. IMO the Chinese model would not be a rational suggestion. Totally unacceptable to almost every country in the world outside of the most authoritative and restrictive whee residents have little choice but to accept it. A substantial number of Hong Kong citizens are willing to put their lives on the line to resist a Chinese rollback of their freedoms. You think a majority of us would be more accepting than those in Hong Kong?

    In the U.S. we have:
    -- 2,173,219 cases
    -- 117,691 dead
    ....   Ask them if you should be allowed to impose your political ideology on them -- and those who are about to sicken and die...
    ....   Ask them if your political ideology is more important than their lives and livelihoods.

    I'm asking George if you believe we should impose your political ideology on this country. I don't think mine is so different from yours except in extremities you seem to favor. Certainly leans towards the same Democrat beliefs you've indicated you hold.

    So one more time unless you are so afraid to answer, or unwilling to actually take a stand we can all identify. 
    Are you saying you would accept Chinese-style government monitoring of George and his associates and impose it on the rest of us if it allows for better Covid 19 tracking?

    Don't project so much fear of what the answer might say. It's OK to speak your mind here and hold opinions that might be unpopular if explained. We don't all have to agree, we just all have to be honest.

    In the U.S. we have:
    -- 2,173,219+ cases
    -- 117,691+ dead
    ....   Ask them if you should be allowed to impose your political ideology on them -- and those who are about to sicken and die...
    ....   Ask them if your political ideology is more important than their lives and livelihoods.

  • Reply 10 of 15
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 
    edited June 2020
  • Reply 11 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    gatorguy said:
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 

    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
  • Reply 12 of 15
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    gatorguy said:
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 

    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    "Hey GeorgeBMac, how does this attach to that, there's no directions?"
    George answers: "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 


    edited June 2020
  • Reply 13 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 

    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    "Hey GeorgeBMac, how does this attach to that, there's no directions?"
    George answers: "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 


    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
  • Reply 14 of 15
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 

    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    "Hey GeorgeBMac, how does this attach to that, there's no directions?"
    George answers: "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 


    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    Who are you referring to? I lean liberal as I've told you more than a few times, so obviously someone else. So why are you quoting me? But yeah I totally understand that the only advice you'd be willing to offer is this:
    "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 

  • Reply 15 of 15
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    Well I guess all of us except GeorgeBMac need to be honest.

    George you seem closer to the tail side of the Trump coin, two extremes closer to the fringes than the center, each coin-face calling the other playground names while having to co-exist in the same space. Worse both you and Trump are lacking details on what should be done, only willing to offer vagueries to avoid being put on the spot (and keep deniability for later), and often missing the detrimental consequences or the inconvenient facts involved with what you broadly propose.

    Your veiled suggestion that we control Covid outbreaks by handling it like China does is as ignorant an idea as Trump's suggestion that inhaling bleach might be good for your lungs. They'll both end up killing who you are.

    Rather than 200million people being forced to follow your unwilling-to-specify ideology. which may not even be a rational possibility to begin with, wouldn't it be easier for you to temporarily move to China where you can feel safe and secure until we have the administration you want voted into office in free elections and Covid-19 is dealt with by them, assuming you're being honest in the first place? What you are suggesting in abandoning certain personal rights would have permanent repercussions that live long after Covid 19. A Democrat in the Oval Office won't go along with that either, even one who might otherwise be fond of the Chinese leadership. 

    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    "Hey GeorgeBMac, how does this attach to that, there's no directions?"
    George answers: "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 


    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
    Who are you referring to? I lean liberal as I've told you more than a few times, so obviously someone else. So why are you quoting me? But yeah I totally understand that the only advice you'd be willing to offer is this:
    "Easy, all you have to do is put it together the right way. It's not rocket science. Simple minded Trumpers will never get it" 

    So, again:
    How many Americans are you prepared to kill with your political ideology? 
    ...  So far, your right wing approach has us far ahead in dead bodies.
    ....... Do you find that acceptable?   Or, like most right wingers, do you simply ignore reality and live in your little FauxNews world built on alternative facts?
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