Twelve years later, Apple is still trying to erase email addresses



  • Reply 41 of 76
    I'll give you my .Mac address when you pry it from my cold, dead hard drive!!
    My original AppleID was simply a “FirstName LastName”. This was created when I created my NeXT account and was migrated to Apple as my developer account. I got a .mac account long ago and started using that for personal (vs developer) stuff. 

    It was several years before they required email addresses. Due to 2FA, I finally had to change that to an email address but there was no way to associate it with an .iCloud.

    AppleID issues are a RPITA. 
  • Reply 42 of 76
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    I'm not tied to the email address. It's just that everybody has that as (one of) my email addresses. And, it's one of my Apple IDs. 

    Correction. I guess I am tied to the email address.
  • Reply 43 of 76
    I looked it up and found several iTools admissions, but this is the earliest one for me:

    On 2000-01-18, at 20:20, Apple Computer Inc. <[email protected]> wrote:

    Congratulations! You've successfully signed up for iTools
    edited August 2020 bloggerblog
  • Reply 44 of 76
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,658member
    Caffiend said:

    Any thoughts?

    Learn to live with it. Apple will never resolve this issue to your satisfaction. It's not that they don't care, it's simply that they don't give a flying f*** about you and your problem. The fact that you remain a loyal customer only emboldens their callousness and disregard for your personal discomfort. All shiny things have a bit of corrosion on them if you look closely enough. You have to learn to accept that your situation is part of the small imperfection that they are willing to accept. They are incrementally better but not immune from the shortcomings of all product vendors. The veil of invincibility and exceptionalism that we as Apple fans ascribe to them is entirely a fabrication of our own imagination. Apple does so many things quite wonderfully, but they do a few things very poorly. They will not change, so you will have to learn to accept their shortcomings.
  • Reply 45 of 76
    They can take my address when they take my SCSI port. 
    edited August 2020 razorpit
  • Reply 46 of 76
    I've got and use all three email addresses.  Haven't had a problem, but then again I don't change things around, all accounts are .mac

    But all of this is late Apple stuff, my first Apple II computer was in spring 1978 (cost me a months wages back then).   I bought shares when they went public and even owned an Apple III for a while.

    I "almost" quit my job to move to Cupertino and work at Apple in 1978.   Life would have been much different, but I can't complain as I've had one heck of ride since then.

  • Reply 47 of 76
    I looked it up and found several iTools admissions, but this is the earliest one for me:

    On 2000-01-18, at 20:20, Apple Computer Inc. <[email protected]> wrote:

    Congratulations! You've successfully signed up for iTools
    You must be one the the lucky ones whose emails weren’t lost by Apple. All my emails from the late 90’s till 2002 were lost
  • Reply 48 of 76
    I start my .mac account around 2000’s and not going to let it go. 

    I use gmail for everyone I don’t like. 😀
    Love my mail.  They also gave me icloud, which is unused.
    My gmail account is only for people that don't get to have my real email address.  I login about once a month and erase everything.
  • Reply 49 of 76
    Caffiend said:

    Further there does not seem to be a way to transfer my iTunes, TV Shows, Videos, Mac Apps, iOS Apps to my primary Apple ID / email.

    Any thoughts?

    You can make the old account a family member of the new account. Accounts that are part of the same family can share most purchases (except for IAP).
  • Reply 50 of 76
    I not only still have and daily use my email address, but also my email. I use the address as the main user for my Apple ID and the hotmail address as the main user for my Office 365 account. This story makes me feel like an old geezer.
    I still have an address too. That’s probably the best domain Microsoft had. 
  • Reply 51 of 76
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    I'm really waiting for Apple to announce a revolutionary email service. All of them sucks and gMail is getting worse. GMail and scumbag Google are hiding ads as messages now. So you might see a message titled "Hun, did you sleep good last night?", when you open it you'll see the message say "If you didn't buy this new pillow!" or some crap.

    I'm thinking that boat has sailed in Apple's eyes as email is becoming less and less relevant. Most teens don't check their email by the way. But I really think Apple can do us a favor and protect our privacy. I think [email protected] is simple, and very Apple-like. Would love for them to resurrect the service and allow people to keep their .mac addresses as well on the service. sounds nice too.

    Add deep AppleOS integration, Siri commands, FaceID logins etc.

    Please Apple save us from the data miners and terrible email services!
  • Reply 52 of 76
    @mac is the way to go, am betting if apple offered it in lieu of @icloud there would be a stampede. Any interface I’ve ever had with Apple the employee usually comments on how they wish they could could have one. The Apple transformation and @me marketing and iCloud marketing is history. Go back to oldie but goody!
  • Reply 53 of 76
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    I have all three. And my is my AppleID as well as my Developer ID. If they disable, my entire Apple world is boned. Please don't do that, Apple.
  • Reply 54 of 76
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,497member
    My address is my main email address. Periodically after OS updates I see that they change the preference in Mail to originate new messages from NOPE!! I always change it back.

    I am going to write Tim a direct note asking him please not to phase out the address. Besides, if they did and then didn't keep ownership of it, someone else would get control of the domain and that is completely unacceptable!
  • Reply 55 of 76
    Anyone remember the TV advert:
  • Reply 56 of 76
    dewme said:
    Caffiend said:

    Any thoughts?
    Learn to live with it. Apple will never resolve this issue to your satisfaction. It's not that they don't care, it's simply that they don't give a flying f*** about you and your problem. The fact that you remain a loyal customer only emboldens their callousness and disregard for your personal discomfort. All shiny things have a bit of corrosion on them if you look closely enough. You have to learn to accept that your situation is part of the small imperfection that they are willing to accept. They are incrementally better but not immune from the shortcomings of all product vendors. The veil of invincibility and exceptionalism that we as Apple fans ascribe to them is entirely a fabrication of our own imagination. Apple does so many things quite wonderfully, but they do a few things very poorly. They will not change, so you will have to learn to accept their shortcomings.
    That was incredibly well written, in both form and content – I loved it (except the cussing which I don't like in general). Apple really is a nice experience for the most time but sometimes you just hit a brick wall and there's no getting through. Other product vendors might give you a door through these walls but their general experience isn't even worth comparing.

    emoeller said:
    I've got and use all three email addresses.  Haven't had a problem, but then again I don't change things around, all accounts are .mac

    But all of this is late Apple stuff, my first Apple II computer was in spring 1978 (cost me a months wages back then).   I bought shares when they went public and even owned an Apple III for a while.

    I "almost" quit my job to move to Cupertino and work at Apple in 1978.   Life would have been much different, but I can't complain as I've had one heck of ride since then.
    I was born that year. Cool to see someone who is that long with Apple and actually owned and Apple ][, even in a forum like this – I guess that's quite rare nevertheless.
    Glad you had a good run since then!
  • Reply 57 of 76
    Trouble is, some bank accounts rely heavily on your mail address, as a crucial means of correctly identifying you.
    If ever my .mac (or even the .me version) becomes unaccessible, I may become unaccessible from those banks for essential emails, and even access to those accounts may be in jeopardy.
  • Reply 58 of 76
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    My first Apple email address was, it moved over to @Mac, @me, and iCloud. Which email address is a constant source of spam? Answer When Apple changed to giving or demanding every person buying a new iOS or Mac OS product sign up for an iCloud account it created a nightmare for me and I'm sure early adopters of earlier Apple email accounts. I got my email account while watching S Jobs introducing it live. I immediately signed up and got an account using my first [email protected]. I kept my firstname@ all the way through iCloud but unfortunately newbies to the platform mostly from the explosion of iPhone sales are not that smart and constantly use my iCloud email address for their shopping sites, and just about everything else. What have I received from strangers who stubbornly thought my email was theirs? A full detailed tax return, a death report from a morgue, photos of soon to be brides in dressing rooms asking my opinion on her gown, legal documents for a restaurant in Australia, hugely personal messages from strangers, and one women insisted I stole her account. The @me account Is almost as bad but it's the iCloud account which is the bane of my existence. I have spoken to experts at Apple about how to block, remove or shut down iCloud and the Me email addresses but they told me it was impossible. Few people outside of Apple nerds remember so I use it for that reason and it's and easy to tell someone [email protected] when they ask for my email. 
  • Reply 59 of 76
    My one and only .mac addy is used for my ITunes/App store account. Everything else is .icloud. About time Apple allowed iOS (in 12 or 13?)  to recognize that some folks have a different address from their main Apple ID this allowing the use of the Apple Store app without having to log in and out of the store account.
    Now, would it kill Apple to finally provide a way to merge old and still-in-use iTunes accounts with presently useD Apple IDs? (Though I’d miss my .mac addy ;)
  • Reply 60 of 76
    My .Mac address is tied to way, way, way too many accounts to give it up now. 
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