Quibi struggling to find buyer after rejection by Apple SVP Eddy Cue



  • Reply 21 of 21
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,718member
    charlesn said:
    "Katzenberg may still have other options, including a sale to a company in the gaming industry or licensing Quibi shows to other services after converting them to full-length episodes. Although Quibi episodes are typically as short as five minutes, creators could stitch them together into full-length content for other platforms."

    AFAIK, and as you referenced, Quibi only licensed its shows for 2 years, and I doubt they have the rights to combine them into full-length episodes during that time. But after 2 years, creators of those shows can, and almost certainly will do that. Not that it will do Quibi any good. They're toast.
    Here's how it could work: let's say channel X or platform Y was interested in a full length version of a Quibi show. It could be either combining short episodes into a longer version, or actually making a longer version of what's now a short show. There are some really solid concepts on Quibi, it's just that no one is watching them. So--Quibi could charge a license fee to give channel X or platform Y the rights to a longer version, and of course the creators would have to get a cut of that deal to agree to it. 

    More likely, the production houses making content for Quibi will gladly take the money blown up their asses for a sweet, sweet deal and wait out the expiration of their two-year exclusive license, and then shop the material around to others themselves at that point. 
    edited October 2020
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