'Blue Box' circuit board designed by Steve Wozniak to hit auction block

in General Discussion
A rare phone-hacking circuit board created by Steve Wozniak and marketed by Steve Jobs will go up for auction with a starting bid of $8,000 to $12,000.

Credit: Bonhams
Credit: Bonhams

The "blue box" populated circuit board was used by so-called "phone phreakers" to hack phone systems and get free phone service. Although "blue boxes" have been used since the 1950s, Wozniak developed the first digital ones in 1972.

The specific, first-iteration circuit board being put up for sale by Bonhams Auction house in a "History of Science and technology" auction was purchased directly from Wozniak in 1972 by the co-signer during a drive together from Sunnyvale, California to Los Angeles.

Wozniak and Jobs marketed the "blue boxes" throughout Berkeley and all of California in 1972 and 1973, selling them under the "phone phreaker" monikers of "Berkeley Blue" (Wozniak) and "Oaf Tobar" (Jobs). They represented the first commercial enterprise between the two Apple co-founders.

"If it hadn't been for the Blue Boxes, there would have been no Apple. I'm 100% sure of that," Jobs said of the devices.

Although Wozniak said that they produced about 40 to 50 boxes, Jobs places that number close to 100. However, many of them were confiscated during police raids. Very few of the original numbers produced by Wozniak are likely to have survived, and even fewer of the first iteration boards are still around since Wozniak eventually changed the design.

"I swear to this day-- the day I'm telling you this and the day you're reading it-- I have never designed a circuit I was prouder of: a set of parts that could do three jobs at once instead of two. I still think it was incredible," Wozniak said of the blue boxes in his biography.

The specific circuit board will go up for auction at 10 a.m. Pacific in Los Angeles.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    Not worth it. Long distance calls are free these days. 
  • Reply 2 of 7
    OferOfer Posts: 263unconfirmed, member
    tokyojimu said:
    Not worth it. Long distance calls are free these days. 
    No one is using these for the reason you stated. This isn’t being sold for practical use, it’s being sold as a collectible/memorabilia item.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member
    Ofer said:
    tokyojimu said:
    Not worth it. Long distance calls are free these days. 
    No one is using these for the reason you stated. This isn’t being sold for practical use, it’s being sold as a collectible/memorabilia item.
    Pure comedy gold!
  • Reply 4 of 7
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,676member
    Among the documentation you will receive upon purchase is a warrant for your own arrest.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Ofer said:
    tokyojimu said:
    Not worth it. Long distance calls are free these days. 
    No one is using these for the reason you stated. This isn’t being sold for practical use, it’s being sold as a collectible/memorabilia item.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,634member
    Very cool piece of history complete with globby solder joints, patch wires, double stacked chips, and a mix of 74xx and 54xx TTL chips and all. But no dead bugs, which is a credit to Woz. I'm sure someone will enjoy having this in their personal Apple memorabilia museum.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    jccjcc Posts: 335member
    Looks like it’s missing the speaker. You need one to generate the tones needed to enable the free call.
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