digital video startegy at NAB



  • Reply 21 of 26
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I wish I had an NDA to whip on the table....

    I'm just quoting the press release and the title of this thread. If the "news" was just a new device, in the tradition of Apple (iPod, iMac), they would say something like "see how Apple will change computing again..."

    If the "news" was just a new cpu (like PPC, G4 release), they would probably not say too much in a press release, but come out with a "supercomputer on your desk" marketing "surprise" at a MacWorld.

    This is a specific press release concerning a "strategy" during a professional conference. I hope there are new devices, cpu's and such, but I'm also hoping and will be more impressed if Apple lays out a philosophical road map for their pro line of computers in the way that Apple did with the digital hub. The digital hub strategy was announced before we knew about iLife, iPods or iSync and Rendezvous. Hopefully the same kind of strategy will be announced for the pro line with a similar future of software integrations and hardware innovations.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    I agree. Apple "Strategy" is going to be a Roadmap...a Vision of where Digital Video should be going for the future. They will announce new products and these products should be the first step in this Stategical vision that they have.

    I can't wait! Since Digital Video/Audio highly interests me I'm going to be tuning in!
  • Reply 23 of 26
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    It has been a while. This board became quiet slow.

    I would like to light a bit.

    Here we go.

    The promise of Great Apple's born again will be begin with this time.

    Here is list of what you have to think about it.

    1) Apple has been talking about great things about MPEG-4. It has been a while since QuickTime is announced and

    Nothing great has been happened ...yet.

    2) Apple has been talking about Internet broadcasting with MPEG-4 and Steve jobs had president of SONY-Erickson, Hand-phone maker, to Macworld guest. The SONY- Erickson will begin G3 Telecom service this year.

    What Apple has been saying about this?


    3) The Digital Hub is great for Audio with Music, still image with Picture, and Video creation with DV&DVD.

    But what about Video itself?

    Do you use Tivo at home? Do you like PVR?

    Do you have Set Top Box for Cable TV?

    Do you wish to have inexpensive Set top box with PVR function for DTV, which is including HDTV?

    What Apple has been talked about this part of Digital Hub?

    Nothing¡¦. yet.

    4) Apple has been talked about high-end post process system to several Hollywood production makers. The professional people have been using high-speed system from SGI and other high speed PC based workstation vendors. And the response from the professional people was very very positive.

    Do you think this people were impressed with Dual 1.5Ghz PowerPC systems? NO¡¦

    What did Apple showed to them and what has Apple told to us about this?

    Nothing¡¦. Yet

    5) Apple announced Clustering node system as new Xserver configuration. Do you see any use of this clustering node except very special DNA project or big scientific project, which need high number of calculation?

    When was Apple made special system like Xserver Clustering node for such a small niche Market?

    Never before¡¦until Now.

    6) We are beginning to see the end of road for clock speed race for CPU. Apple was still behind of PC¡¯s clock speed race, so far.

    Even with New 970 CPU, Apple will reach to limit of Clock speed barrier.

    Yes, it is possible to make faster clock speed CPU system. However it will need very large Heat pump for cooling and great power consumption, like hot pod, even with PowerPC architecture.

    What will be the answer for this and What APPLE was talked about this matter?


    7) When Apple bought Next as core for it¡¯s future operating system, Next OS had great functionality of best of Unix.

    Such as Multitasking, Multi-user, and Clustering.

    Do we see many of features in current Apple OSX?

    Not much ¡¦. Yet.

    Now what do you think?

    It is like a Puzzle. We need some clue to put things together and this week and NAB will be beginning of the change.

    So, What am I talking about?

    I will tell you words for clue and you put it together.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by kormac77

    It has been a while. This board became quiet slow.

    I would like to light a bit.

    Here we go.

    The promise of Great Apple's born again will be begin with this time.

    Here is list of what you have to think about it.

    1) Apple has been talking about great things about MPEG-4. It has been a while since QuickTime is announced and

    Nothing great has been happened ...yet.

    2) Apple has been talking about Internet broadcasting with MPEG-4 and Steve jobs had president of SONY-Erickson, Hand-phone maker, to Macworld guest. The SONY- Erickson will begin G3 Telecom service this year.

    What Apple has been saying about this?


    3) The Digital Hub is great for Audio with Music, still image with Picture, and Video creation with DV&DVD.

    But what about Video itself?

    Do you use Tivo at home? Do you like PVR?

    Do you have Set Top Box for Cable TV?

    Do you wish to have inexpensive Set top box with PVR function for DTV, which is including HDTV?

    What Apple has been talked about this part of Digital Hub?

    Nothing¡¦. yet.

    4) Apple has been talked about high-end post process system to several Hollywood production makers. The professional people have been using high-speed system from SGI and other high speed PC based workstation vendors. And the response from the professional people was very very positive.

    Do you think this people were impressed with Dual 1.5Ghz PowerPC systems? NO¡¦

    What did Apple showed to them and what has Apple told to us about this?

    Nothing¡¦. Yet

    5) Apple announced Clustering node system as new Xserver configuration. Do you see any use of this clustering node except very special DNA project or big scientific project, which need high number of calculation?

    When was Apple made special system like Xserver Clustering node for such a small niche Market?

    Never before¡¦until Now.

    6) We are beginning to see the end of road for clock speed race for CPU. Apple was still behind of PC¡¯s clock speed race, so far.

    Even with New 970 CPU, Apple will reach to limit of Clock speed barrier.

    Yes, it is possible to make faster clock speed CPU system. However it will need very large Heat pump for cooling and great power consumption, like hot pod, even with PowerPC architecture.

    What will be the answer for this and What APPLE was talked about this matter?


    7) When Apple bought Next as core for it¡¯s future operating system, Next OS had great functionality of best of Unix.

    Such as Multitasking, Multi-user, and Clustering.

    Do we see many of features in current Apple OSX?

    Not much ¡¦. Yet.

    Now what do you think?

    It is like a Puzzle. We need some clue to put things together and this week and NAB will be beginning of the change.

    So, What am I talking about?

    I will tell you words for clue and you put it together.

    Nice to see you back....and back to form as well!

    Digital hub changes.....yup. iMac was stopgap to digital hub. I think now, true digital connectivity will be witnessed. At NAB? Definately!
  • Reply 25 of 26
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Interesting post, kormac77.

    Cue a from Matsu in 3... 2... 1...
  • Reply 26 of 26
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I posted this in the other NAB thread in FH:

    I have been looking at the rumors in circulation, and it looks like Finalcut Pro 4 is to be presented at NAB, or at least by Looprumors and Think Secret, and the 970 and Panther to be presented at WWDC, pretty much aggreed. But...FC Pro is a PRO application, and has an update cycle of approx. 1 year. The 970 is a pro machine. But...FC Pro 4, according to rumors, is coming out before the PM 970. Something is strange.

    Tell me what you think. And as for Kormac 77...[British accent]

    Ignore them!
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