Apple steps up US-wide lobbying at state level ahead of Arizona bill vote

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in General Discussion edited March 2021
States are debating policies that could force changes to the App Store, and Apple is increasing its lobbying efforts to prevent it.

App Store
App Store

Following Arizona's narrowly passing a bill that would mean changes to Apple's App Store and Google's equivalent, other states are looking to enact similar measures. Broadly, they would stop Apple and Google from enforcing in-app payment systems, and from mandating that app developers pay a 30% or 15% cut.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple's response has been to increase its lobbying efforts in every state concerned.

Republican state representative Regina Cobb, who is chief sponsor of Arizona's proposed bill, said that Apple and Google have both lobbied heavily against it. She says the bill concerns "consumer protection and transparency," and added that a final vote could be held within the next month.

Reportedly, Apple has disclosed $6.7 million in lobbying spending, although this is down from its previous high of $7.4 million in 2019.

Apple declined to comment on the specifics of its lobbying, but a spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that Apple intends to protect its App Store policies.

"[We] created the App Store to be a safe and trusted place for users to download the apps they love and a great business opportunity for developers," said the Apple spokesperson. "This legislation threatens to break that very successful model and undermine the strong protections we've put in place for customers."

If Arizona's bill, or any state's equivalent, passes into law, it would mean that developers in the region could bypass Apple's and Google's payment systems. It's by no means certain that such bills will pass, though, as North Dakota recently rejected one.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,332member
    "consumer protection and transparency,” How does forcing Apple to open the App Store to everyone protect customers? As for transparency, Apple is much more forthcoming on everything, especially security, than any other vendor or state government. 
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 685member
    Apple would be under no obligation to modify their source to accommodate any of this nonsense 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 7
    Well those legislators is a fucking idiot for not compare what Apple offer and what retail (i.e. Walmart) stores offer for new companies put their products on retailers’ shelves! Apple offer very lower than what retailer stores offer (50% or above). 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 7
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,355member
    It would be very worthwhile exploring recent donations to some of these politicians. 
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    Well those legislators is a fucking idiot for not compare what Apple offer and what retail (i.e. Walmart) stores offer for new companies put their products on retailers’ shelves! Apple offer very lower than what retailer stores offer (50% or above). 
    I am always humored when someone calls someone else a f**king idiot and uses improper grammar to do so. When there are multiple grammar errors in a two-sentence response, it is even funnier.

    Thanks for the laugh.
    edited March 2021
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 7
    I’m against legislation forcing changes on the App Store, but I’m very much for it forcing Apple to allow direct app installs.

    it would allow for the likes of Valve, GOG, Epic, and other game stores to offer things currently impossible on the App Store... cross-buy compatibility.

    People aren’t willing to pay $60 for a “mobile” game regardless of how much content is in them, but if they can pay $60 and they get a game that runs on Windows, iOS, and Mac, that changes the value proposition completely 

    More games on iOS means more games on Mac

    There’s also apps that have been rejected by Apple, perfectly legitimate apps like Xcloud, Stadia, GeForce Now, Kodi, and Retroarch just to name a few.

    There’s a reason AltStore is becoming more popular, and it isn’t because of Apple’s insistence on keeping app distribution locked down.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 7
    applguyapplguy Posts: 235member
    Forcing Google and Apple to do this is ludicrous. As the saying goes follow the money of the bill supporters. These bills are not in the interests of the consumer. What consumer group is suing to use alternate payments? And in the name of consumer protection...

    From the developer perspective. Apple and Google stores take to much percentage of the consumers purchase, does not share user data and that’s not fair. (Help me if I missed an argument.)

    From a consumers perspective - What if I don’t want to use Walmart’s in store payment system. Why can’t I buy direct from the company and walk out with the product? I want to be in a store. See what I want to buy on the shelf. Go to the company website and buy the product. Then walkout showing proof of purchase. 

    Imagine buying a color printer. I need to replace the ink cartridges (in-app purchase). Buy online direct from the company and pickup in store (Walmart) showing proof of purchase. The store gets nothing for having the product available in the store. Those cost include the purchaser that met with the company agreeing to give them shelf space. The distribution logistics. And electricity to display the product. To name a few.

    The simplest solution for Apple is to disable/completely remove in-app purchases. Freemium apps are the worse thing that happened to the app stores. (My opinion) 
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