Kind of sick of the California names. Time for something new, or just plain old numbers again.
Apple is in California. They can choose whatever names they want. What would you prefer, Longhorn?
But Apple sells Macs all over the world. “El Capitan” means “the captain” in Spanish. That’s all I think of when I see that name. I don’t think “hey that’s that random location in California no one knows about!”
Like I said something more international like “London”, “Tokyo” would have been cooler not “Mavericks”.
When Craig joked and said “Mac OS Sea Lion?” I actually thought it was light hearted and funny. But then he said “Mavericks” and I couldn’t believe how shi**y the name was especially compared to big cats.
Wow. I’ve never actually heard of El Capitan referred to as a “random location no one knows about”. It’s one of the most famous rock formations on planet earth. Whenever you see a picture of Yosemite, 9 times out of 10 it will be of El Cap. Ever see Free Solo?
Normally you make intelligent arguments, but that one was just straight up fucking moronic.
Sorry, not sorry.
But not everyone is knowledgeable about famous rock formations. And I don't know about Americans, but as a non-American I don't see pictures of Yosemite all that often. There are probably a lot of spanish-speaking, Mac-using people out there who have little to no idea about a rock formation in California.
Conversely, you'd be hard pressed to find many people who don't know what a lion, tiger or leopard look like.
I don't care all that much what Apple name their operating system iterations, but I don't think the comment was at all moronic.
Conversely, you'd be hard pressed to find many people who don't know what a lion, tiger or leopard look like.
I don't care all that much what Apple name their operating system iterations, but I don't think the comment was at all moronic.