Apple expands Services affiliate program to paid podcast subscriptions

in General Discussion edited April 23

Apple has introduced a new affiliate program tied to its premium Apple Podcasts Subscriptions, letting users earn a commission when they drive subscriptions to a show.

Credit: Apple
Credit: Apple

The affiliate program will pay a 50% commission to those who convince another user to sign up for a podcast with a shareable link. That means a subscription of $10 will net the affiliate a $5 commission.

"By linking to Apple Podcasts as an affiliate, you can earn a one-time payment of 50% on the first paid month of every subscription membership you drive on a 30-day cookie window," Apple said of the program. "This payment scales globally based on the local market price and where podcasts are available."

The initiative appears to be aimed at podcast creators, since Apple says it's a way to "maximize your income on Apple Podcasts." However, the program is open to anyone who wants to sign up.

Once approved, participants will be provided with a unique affiliate code that can be added to Apple Podcasts links. This code will centralize all of the revenue generated by the affiliate links, with payments sent out within 30 days.

Interested users can apply for the Apple Services Performance Partner Program using this link

Apple first unveiled its premium subscription podcasting service in April. The platform will feature exclusive content, as well as member benefits such as ad-free listening, early access, and more. The service launches later in May.

In addition to the podcasting program, Apple also has affiliate programs for its other services, including the App Store, Apple Music, and for content purchased on Apple Books or via Apple TV.

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  • Reply 1 of 1
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    Damn that sounds good! “Greedy Apple” strikes again!

    Also hoping this service added to AppleOne.
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