US vaccine donation to Taiwan may help avoid chip factory shutdowns

in General Discussion edited June 2021
The United States is donating 750,000 vaccine doses for COVID-19 to Taiwan in a program to distribute shots worldwide, a move that may also help improve the ongoing global chip shortage by avoiding a complete lockdown for the country.

Announced at Songshan Airport in Taipei as part of a visit by U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth, Dan Sullivan, and Christopher Coons, the donation will be part of the first batch of doses donated abroad b the United States as part of the program.

"It was crucial to the United States that Taiwan be included in the first group to receive vaccines because we recognize your urgent need and we value this partnership," Duckworth said at a news conference according to Reuters.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu thanked the U.S. for the donation, before declaring "While we are doing our best to import vaccines, we must overcome obstacles to ensure that these life-saving medicines are delivered free from trouble from Beijing."

While China has offered Chinese-produced vaccines, Taipei is concerned about their safety. Taiwanese law also bans the import of vaccines from China.

The U.S. donation follows a similar act by Japan, which donated 1.24 million doses on Friday.

As of Sunday, around 3% of the 23.5 million people in Taiwan have been vaccinated, and the majority have only received the first of the two required shots. The country is also in the midst of a spike in COVID-19 cases.

The pandemic's problems in Taiwan are expected to make the situation worse for the global chip shortage, with infections shutting down two factories of key Apple supplier King Yuan Electronics on Friday. The country is currently at COVID-19 warning level 3, one below a complete lockdown, which threatens more facility shutdowns throughout the country.

COVID-19 continues to be a problem for Apple suppliers around the world. On May 31, the Vietnam government asked firms to help secure vaccines for workers at factories.

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  • Reply 1 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
  • Reply 2 of 33
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
  • Reply 3 of 33
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    Given the nature of the world economy, this shows the self-defeating, if not immoral, nature of me first.

    The rich nations hoarded the vaccines. 
  • Reply 4 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    By telling lies and distorting facts? The fact of the truth is Foxconn CEO wants to buy BNT vaccines from Germany, He was blocked by Taiwan authority. Why I don't see this news reported in the western world? 
    edited June 2021 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 5 of 33
    avonordavonord Posts: 71member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    By telling lies and distorting facts? The fact of the truth is Foxconn CEO wants to buy BNT vaccines from Germany, He was blocked by Taiwan authority. Why I don't see this news reported in the western world? 

    You mean this?  I don’t see blocking.  In fact the health minister was thankful.

  • Reply 6 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    avonord said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    By telling lies and distorting facts? The fact of the truth is Foxconn CEO wants to buy BNT vaccines from Germany, He was blocked by Taiwan authority. Why I don't see this news reported in the western world? 

    You mean this?  I don’t see blocking.  In fact the health minister was thankful.

    This news is June 1. It is not the latest news. 
  • Reply 7 of 33
    avonordavonord Posts: 71member
    avonord said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    By telling lies and distorting facts? The fact of the truth is Foxconn CEO wants to buy BNT vaccines from Germany, He was blocked by Taiwan authority. Why I don't see this news reported in the western world? 

    You mean this?  I don’t see blocking.  In fact the health minister was thankful.

    This news is June 1. It is not the latest news. 
    Do you have a link?  Not saying u r lying. But love to read it.  Doesn’t seem to make sense. 
  • Reply 8 of 33
    avonordavonord Posts: 71member
    I found it.  

    Looks like they are lacking some documentation for some process and the health ministry is helping.  So, not sure what you are saying still.台灣要捐疫苗給友邦?%20陳時中秒回不可能!%E3%80%80盼安排「視訊會議」助郭董取得BNT授權
  • Reply 9 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    avonord said:
    I found it.  

    Looks like they are lacking some documentation for some process and the health ministry is helping.  So, not sure what you are saying still.台灣要捐疫苗給友邦?%20陳時中秒回不可能!%E3%80%80盼安排「視訊會議」助郭董取得BNT授權
    This news is June 6. There were a lot of controversies between June 1 and June 6. They are centered around a domestic vaccine being tested in third stage.
  • Reply 10 of 33
    Alex_VAlex_V Posts: 238member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?

    You’re first out of the blocks accusing Taiwan of being a “trouble maker.” Welcome to the forum dear member of the Chinese Communist Party!
  • Reply 11 of 33
    Alex_VAlex_V Posts: 238member

    Or, aspiring member of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Reply 12 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    Alex_V said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?

    You’re first out of the blocks accusing Taiwan of being a “trouble maker.” Welcome to the forum dear member of the Chinese Communist Party!
    Well, well, well! Are you a member of Taiwan's DPP? The truth of the fact is when China shutdown Wuhan Jan 23, 2020, many Taiwanese wants to help China fighting the virus. But DPP government forbid them to send face masks to mainland China. Then when Covid-19 broke out in US during March 2020, DPP gave face masks to US saying "Taiwan can help". Isn't this very political?
    edited June 2021
  • Reply 13 of 33
    Alex_VAlex_V Posts: 238member
    Alex_V said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?

    You’re first out of the blocks accusing Taiwan of being a “trouble maker.” Welcome to the forum dear member of the Chinese Communist Party!
    Well, well, well! Are you a member of Taiwan's DPP? The truth of the fact is when China shutdown Wuhan Jan 23, 2020, many Taiwanese wants to help China fighting the virus. But DPP government forbid them to send face masks to mainland China. Then when Covid-19 broke out in US during March 2020, DPP gave face masks to US saying "Taiwan can help". Isn't this very political?

    I’m not Chinese nor Taiwanese. Not even close. Taiwan needs vaccines. Let’s hope they get them. Stop politicising everything. 
  • Reply 14 of 33
    Alex_VAlex_V Posts: 238member
    By the way. Both China and Taiwan did extraordinarily well to mitigate the spread of Covid. Hats off to them! However, Taiwan especially is in a bind. While they managed to keep the disease out and did not have a lockdown, the rest of the world screwed up, so the disease keeps finding a way in. Therefore, they have to vaccinate their population anyway. That’s why we must vaccinate the world. None are safe unless all are safe. 
  • Reply 15 of 33
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Vaccine Diplomacy

    China is supplying vaccines to South & Central American countries the U.S. is seeking alliances with.
    The U.S. is supplying vaccines to Taiwan that China claims as its own.

    Does anybody actually care about people's lives -- or is it simply a global popularity contest?

    When will this petty, juvenile silliness end? 
    .... Economies are crashing and people are dying.   Plus, with a pandemic, no person and no nation is safe till all are safe.

    Wouldn't it be better for everybody if we just stopped this silly bickering and worked together?

  • Reply 16 of 33
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Right.  A vaccine for a virus that may be from a PRC lab leak at worst or at best a virus that was allowed to escape early detection and contact tracing due to suppression of information and arrest of whistleblowers.

    The PRC lost any chance of peaceful reunification by their heavy handed and unnecessary power grab in HK that resulted in riots and further heavy handed responses like arresting anyone that disagrees with the party line.  Anyone smart (and rich) in Hong Kong is going to try very hard to move to Canada or the UK.

    The one China policy is effectively dead.  The US will pay lip service to it but support for Taiwan is going to be stronger than ever.

    One Country Two Systems is dead dead.  

    Not even KMT politicos are going to want to rejoin China and risk ending up in Qincheng Prison for saying the wrong thing or simply for being in the wrong power block at the wrong time.

    The only good thing about the PRC system is that if you are high enough up then in a purge they DO send you to prison so maybe 20 years later you can be habilitated.  As opposed to being executed by antiaircraft guns like in North Korea.

    Taiwan is a tiny little island the size of New Jersey that has little importance other than Winnie the Pooh wants to go down in history as the bear that “reunified” China.

    Whatever you want to say about the DPP, they never sent in tanks to crush a student protest in Tiananmen Square.  There are asshats from the PRC that are so brainwashed that they don’t believe that it happened or that the students deserved it.  

    For folks that lived through both the cultural revolution and Tiananmen Square the events in Hong Kong were sadly predictable.
    edited June 2021 watto_cobra
  • Reply 17 of 33
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    nht said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Right.  A vaccine for a virus that may be from a PRC lab leak at worst or at best a virus that was allowed to escape early detection and contact tracing due to suppression of information and arrest of whistleblowers.

    The PRC lost any chance of peaceful reunification by their heavy handed and unnecessary power grab in HK that resulted in riots and further heavy handed responses like arresting anyone that disagrees with the party line.  Anyone smart (and rich) in Hong Kong is going to try very hard to move to Canada or the UK.

    The one China policy is effectively dead.  The US will pay lip service to it but support for Taiwan is going to be stronger than ever.

    One Country Two Systems is dead dead.  

    Not even KMT politicos are going to want to rejoin China and risk ending up in Qincheng Prison for saying the wrong thing or simply for being in the wrong power block at the wrong time.

    The only good thing about the PRC system is that if you are high enough up then in a purge they DO send you to prison so maybe 20 years later you can be habilitated.  As opposed to being executed by antiaircraft guns like in North Korea.

    Taiwan is a tiny little island the size of New Jersey that has little importance other than Winnie the Pooh wants to go down in history as the bear that “reunified” China.

    Whatever you want to say about the DPP, they never sent in tanks to crush a student protest in Tiananmen Square.  There are asshats from the PRC that are so brainwashed that they don’t believe that it happened or that the students deserved it.  

    For folks that lived through both the cultural revolution and Tiananmen Square the events in Hong Kong were sadly predictable.
    Did the western leader US say any virus should not be allowed to escape early detection and contact tracing should be allowed? Let's take a look of history of the example set by US. Is HIV a virus? What kind of leadership US set of AIDS? The patient name is strictly confident to protect privacy. Tens of millions of people have died of AIDS. 
  • Reply 18 of 33
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    nht said:
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Right.  A vaccine for a virus that may be from a PRC lab leak at worst or at best a virus that was allowed to escape early detection and contact tracing due to suppression of information and arrest of whistleblowers.

    The PRC lost any chance of peaceful reunification by their heavy handed and unnecessary power grab in HK that resulted in riots and further heavy handed responses like arresting anyone that disagrees with the party line.  Anyone smart (and rich) in Hong Kong is going to try very hard to move to Canada or the UK.

    The one China policy is effectively dead.  The US will pay lip service to it but support for Taiwan is going to be stronger than ever.

    One Country Two Systems is dead dead.  

    Not even KMT politicos are going to want to rejoin China and risk ending up in Qincheng Prison for saying the wrong thing or simply for being in the wrong power block at the wrong time.

    The only good thing about the PRC system is that if you are high enough up then in a purge they DO send you to prison so maybe 20 years later you can be habilitated.  As opposed to being executed by antiaircraft guns like in North Korea.

    Taiwan is a tiny little island the size of New Jersey that has little importance other than Winnie the Pooh wants to go down in history as the bear that “reunified” China.

    Whatever you want to say about the DPP, they never sent in tanks to crush a student protest in Tiananmen Square.  There are asshats from the PRC that are so brainwashed that they don’t believe that it happened or that the students deserved it.  

    For folks that lived through both the cultural revolution and Tiananmen Square the events in Hong Kong were sadly predictable.
    Did the western leader US say any virus should not be allowed to escape early detection and contact tracing should be allowed? Let's take a look of history of the example set by US. Is HIV a virus? What kind of leadership US set of AIDS? The patient name is strictly confident to protect privacy. Tens of millions of people have died of AIDS. 

    Ignore him -- he's a China hater
    Everything China does is bad
    Everything the U.S. does is good

    Once you prove him wrong he just picks another topic to harp on doing anything and everything to prove China is the evil empire.  Truth, right and wrong mean nothing to him.
  • Reply 19 of 33
    igorskyigorsky Posts: 773member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    He obviously lives in China so he knows what you're talking about.
    edited June 2021
  • Reply 20 of 33
    igorskyigorsky Posts: 773member
    Trouble is not from Beijing. Taiwan is the trouble maker. Notice it politicizing the vaccine donation event?
    Oh good grief, if you lived close to a nation of 1.44 billion people who wanted to steal your land and take your freedom you’d probably politicize most things too.
    By telling lies and distorting facts? The fact of the truth is Foxconn CEO wants to buy BNT vaccines from Germany, He was blocked by Taiwan authority. Why I don't see this news reported in the western world? 
    Dude please take your pro-CCP bs off this forum.  Nobody wants to hear your motherland propaganda.
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