iCloud for Windows app updated with built-in Keychain password manager

in iCloud
Apple has released a new version of the iCloud for Windows app that introduces a new built-in password manager and an extension for syncing passwords across other devices.

Credit: Apple
Credit: Apple

The password manager feature will allow Windows users to easily access and manage iCloud Keychain passwords on their PCs. The feature also integrates with both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge on Windows through the iCloud Passwords Extension.

All of a user's passwords will be encrypted, and the password extension feature uses an encrypted channel. News that Apple would be bringing Keychain support to the iCloud for Windows app first surfaced earlier in 2021.

Apple's iCloud for Windows app lets PC users get access to information stored on the company's cloud platform, including photos, videos, mail, calendar dates, and other data.

The move follows the introduction of a new dedicated password management feature in macOS Monterey. Users will be able to easily view and manage their passwords in a new section of System Preferences. Additionally, the new macOS operating system update also has a built-in authenticator for generating two-factor authentication codes.

The new iCloud for Windows update, version 12.5, is currently available as a free download from the Microsoft Store.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 7
    For security I would always prefer a password manager and not using something that puts my passwords in the cloud!
  • Reply 2 of 7
    byronlbyronl Posts: 371member
    cool, they never update the windows version
  • Reply 3 of 7
    mreidmreid Posts: 2member
    i hope they eventually have a chrome extension for macOS so i don't have to use Safari to get my passwords
  • Reply 4 of 7
    byronlbyronl Posts: 371member
    mreid said:
    i hope they eventually have a chrome extension for macOS so i don't have to use Safari to get my passwords
    they do for windows but not for macos?
  • Reply 5 of 7
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,012member
    xyzzy-xxx said:
    For security I would always prefer a password manager and not using something that puts my passwords in the cloud!
    So you realize that's what any cross-device, cross-platform password manager does, right?
  • Reply 6 of 7
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,012member
    This is really great news for anyone forced to use non-Apple devices such as a Windows workstation for clients, work, etc. I used to use Safari for Windows back in the day, and ran the Windows iCloud app for other stuff, but I could definitely just get by w/ my cloud passwords.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    byronl said:
    mreid said:
    i hope they eventually have a chrome extension for macOS so i don't have to use Safari to get my passwords
    they do for windows but not for macos?
    Not that I could find... if anyone has been able to get Chrome on macOS to autofill and/or update keychain passwords then I would be most interested to hear how they did it.
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