Gateway: Rip. Burn. Respect.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I just saw an ad for this on TV and thought it was kind of interesting:

A take off of Apple's old Rip. Mix. Burn. and it looks like its tring to respect copyright laws. Think this has anything to do with Apple's rumored music service? Any other thoughts....


  • Reply 1 of 23
    xterra48xterra48 Posts: 169member

    what are you trying to say
  • Reply 2 of 23
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    somebody please pull Gateway out of Apple's A**

    God the last thing I need to Gateway telling me who to respect
  • Reply 3 of 23
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member

    Yeah, they are trying. It's a cute site.
  • Reply 4 of 23
    Well since one of their ads had a powerbook in it....

    I honestly would love to meet some of these advertising people who put the campaigns together...and just ask them if they REALLY spend all that time on it? Or do they just throw it together the night before over take-out Chinese food?

    "Wait....wait.....I've got it....Rip, Burn, Respect!!"

    "That sounds familiar....oh screw it...its 3 AM. Use it."

  • Reply 5 of 23
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Rip (off). Mix (it up ever so slightly). (Dis) Respect.
  • Reply 6 of 23
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    haha...the night before over chinese

    an good campaigne is not a man talking to a cow...i dotn belive those did too well because they weren't on very long

    ...then again switch wasn't on very long either but that got alot of attention (good and bad haha)
  • Reply 7 of 23
    Wow you guys are all pretty ignorant. Finally a company is stepping up to try to educate people about digital rights, and show that it is illegal and morally wrong to steal music. I've heard so many flat-out dumb comments like "the record industry is suffering now because albums cost to much and theyre only putting out crappy music, not because of file sharing".

    First off, record sales aren't usually the largest source of income, but its just as important as the rest because from that, the studios, mastering house, cost of CD/cassette printing, engineers/assistant engineers/A&R/and countless other people make their living. And its not like one album makes these people financially secure, they have to put together many projects for enough money. When records are stolen (downloaded for free, same thing) these people make less and less money. The actual artist usually gets most of their money from radio play, commercial and film use, and touring.

    BUT, when the labels cant afford to keep giving out budgets for new albums, less artists get signed, its harder for an already established artist to get a descent budget to make an album, therefor music in general suffers, and then the people complain that the industry is putting out crap.

    Its time that companies like Gateway and Apple step up to try and make the internet and music together the right way, so great albums can continue to be made and sold legally. Rather than bash Gateway for trying, I give them respect for trying, just like I'll give apple respect for trying.

    There will always be a way to steal music in some shape or form, but the question is, do you have enough respect NOT to steal it?

    Sorry, got off on a rant.

  • Reply 8 of 23
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    Here is a related cnet article:
  • Reply 9 of 23
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Miami Craig

    Wow you guys are all pretty ignorant. Finally a company is stepping up to try to educate people about digital rights, and show that it is illegal and morally wrong to steal music. I've heard so many flat-out dumb comments like "the record industry is suffering now because albums cost to much and theyre only putting out crappy music, not because of file sharing".

    First off, record sales aren't usually the largest source of income, but its just as important as the rest because from that, the studios, mastering house, cost of CD/cassette printing, engineers/assistant engineers/A&R/and countless other people make their living. And its not like one album makes these people financially secure, they have to put together many projects for enough money. When records are stolen (downloaded for free, same thing) these people make less and less money. The actual artist usually gets most of their money from radio play, commercial and film use, and touring.

    BUT, when the labels cant afford to keep giving out budgets for new albums, less artists get signed, its harder for an already established artist to get a descent budget to make an album, therefor music in general suffers, and then the people complain that the industry is putting out crap.

    Its time that companies like Gateway and Apple step up to try and make the internet and music together the right way, so great albums can continue to be made and sold legally. Rather than bash Gateway for trying, I give them respect for trying, just like I'll give apple respect for trying.

    There will always be a way to steal music in some shape or form, but the question is, do you have enough respect NOT to steal it?

    Sorry, got off on a rant.


    record companies complain cuz their sales went down what, like 3% or something? doesn't matter, the make filthy amounts of money, and they didn't even think that it could be a slowing economy. and for ur point about less people getting deals well guess what, i wouldn't mind if less crappy people got a record deal

    hack the planet!

    we demand free access to information
  • Reply 10 of 23
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    ast3r3x your post starts out only slightly stupid, and gets worse as it goes along. By the last sentence, it's well into retarded territory.

    Rock on.
  • Reply 11 of 23
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    go Murbot..

    go Murbot..

    it's your birthday...

    love when the mods come and slap us down with such ease and grace...

    well done...

  • Reply 12 of 23
    Miami Craig:

    I`m sorry but that just pissed me off, where do you get off calling us ignorant for busting on gateway for ripping off Apple? Where do you see in any of the above posts, save astr3r3x, any talk what so ever about record companies?

    If this was a thread about what you where ranting about that would be fine, however its not. Its about Gateway`s evny of Apple.

    I`m sorry my friend but I`m going to have to lay the ignorant award on your table this time around.
  • Reply 13 of 23
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by VanDeWaals

    Well since one of their ads had a powerbook in it....

    Yeah I noticed this. I thought that was funny as hell.
  • Reply 14 of 23
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    Is it just me, or has gateway failed at everything they have tried?

    they have tried to rip off apple's ideas probably more than any other company, yet apple is still doing relatively well.

    the gateways countries(which did come before apple's retail stores) are closing down left and right.

    they have tried to sell bargain $499 pcs, they didn't do anything for them

    they are constantly changing their ad focus and strategies, from the cow to the cow and that man, too just focusing on their computers with slogos like "rip mix respect"

    What was the last thing Gateway did that WAS a success?
  • Reply 15 of 23
    Heh it got so bad at one point in time they where doing a buy one get one free with the 499 pc`s.

    I think they are successfully going out of business though
  • Reply 16 of 23
    Apple's plans for an MP3 service were only confirmed recently. It's not like Gateway slapped together this service in the past few weeks. It's something that was probably laid out on the table, besides the fact that there are similar services ALREADY AVAILABLE.

    Am i saying that Gateway is going to salvage their failing company? No. Do i use or even want to use any gateway product? No. I was simply defending them for trying to educate the public that stealing music is wrong.

    I brought up the record companies because we're talking about file-sharing and services to put an end to illegal file sharing, which in turn kills the industry and the quality of music. I didn't know this thread was limited to unnecessary Gateway-bashing and that anyone who were to elaborate was ignorant.

    Besided the only people that really care are those who feel threatened, for which theres little to no reason to feel that way.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Jesus Christ. This is from the Gateway web site. Revolutionary, huh?


    Ted Waitt turned Gateway into a revolutionary company whose innovations helped shape the technology industry. Gateway received national acclaim in 1991 when it introduced its distinctive cow-spotted boxes.

    How can their shareholders STAND for this CRAP! I think that it is more important for them to SAVE THEIR DYING COMPANY than to LECTURE CONSUMERS about invented crap like "piracy".

    But then, what do I know? I'm not a CEO worth $1b like those at Enron, Tyco, Arthur Anderson, Worldcom and soon Gateway

  • Reply 18 of 23
    Miami Craig:

    Except for one post above (which Murbot layed the smack down upon), no one in this thread has advocated stealing music. I know you are a musician and are sensitive to this, but the point of the thread is that Gateway is incapable of coming up with its own advertising ideas.

    If I recall, new iPods come with an insert that reminds the buyer "Don't Steal Music". Apple IS trying to promote nonpiracy. They also have not built DRM into their digital hub stratagy because people have a right to buy a CD and then make copies and mixes for personal use. You have a right to make money off your work....that is not in dispute. But the point here is NOT piracy, but rather lack of orginality by Gateway.
  • Reply 19 of 23
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by VanDeWaals

    But the point here is NOT piracy, but rather lack of orginality by Gateway.

    On the contrary. That is the point. Gateway is "pirating" Apple's Rip.Mix.Burn. ads, while telling consumers not to "pirate".

    I think everyone in the world should read this to give them an idea of copyright in theory and practice.

  • Reply 20 of 23

    Originally posted by VanDeWaals

    Miami Craig:

    Except for one post above (which Murbot layed the smack down upon), no one in this thread has advocated stealing music. I know you are a musician and are sensitive to this, but the point of the thread is that Gateway is incapable of coming up with its own advertising ideas.

    If I recall, new iPods come with an insert that reminds the buyer "Don't Steal Music". Apple IS trying to promote nonpiracy. They also have not built DRM into their digital hub stratagy because people have a right to buy a CD and then make copies and mixes for personal use. You have a right to make money off your work....that is not in dispute. But the point here is NOT piracy, but rather lack of orginality by Gateway.

    Thank you for an intelligent response. Your right, I am a musician and I am sensitve to the subject. Next time I'll direct my piracy-bashing to the appropriate threads.

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