finally, a good name for this war courtesy of the onion



  • Reply 61 of 71
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member

    Harald is halfway there:

    Noone excuses hell-bound terrorist scum. Some of us would like to end it instead of attempting to use war, which will make more terror as it ALWAYS does.


    dviant asked for clarificiation:

    Well unlike unwanted solicitors at your door Harald. Terrorrists just won't go away. Their hatred of the west just doesn't go away. Please explain how you propose we "end it"?

    Are you going attempt to answer my question Harald? Like a lot of your like-minded fellows on this board you're full of criticism but no solutions.
  • Reply 62 of 71

    Originally posted by BR

    Cutting healthy checks to the families of Palistinian suicide bombers isn't funding international terror? Now, I don't believe there is any link between Iraq and Al Qaeda, but it is clear that he does fund international terror in other ways.

    Quite right, can't argue with that.

    I meant those Al'qaeda types who kill people from Trinidad to Timbuktu and want chemical things to do it, not those Palestinians. We're not fighting this war to defend Israel.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    By the way Groverat, with regard to this war not inflaming terrorism, I note that yesterday the senior Muslim cleric in Syria exhorted Muslim people around the world to fight the illegal American invasion of Iraq through "martyrdom attacks" wherever they might be!


    I want to live where you do, and not have to work, and eat chocolate all day long, and walk barefoot through meadows where pollen catches the spring light. And all that.
  • Reply 64 of 71
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    By the way Groverat, with regard to this war not inflaming terrorism, I note that yesterday the senior Muslim cleric in Syria exhorted Muslim people around the world to fight the illegal American invasion of Iraq through "martyrdom attacks" wherever they might be!


    I want to live where you do, and not have to work, and eat chocolate all day long, and walk barefoot through meadows where pollen catches the spring light. And all that.

    I never said it wouldn't. If you read my posts I say they might. I fully realize this will make terrorists angry. I just say it's not compelling enough to me to dictate our foreign policy.
  • Reply 65 of 71

    Originally posted by groverat

    I never said it wouldn't. If you read my posts I say they might.

    No. You didn't. You said it was a "specious" argument and had more to do with "fear" of "brown people" then anything else.


    Originally posted by groverat

    I just say it's not compelling enough to me to dictate our foreign policy.

    You fool.
  • Reply 66 of 71
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member


    I honestly think that only an idiot or someone in complete denial can claim that the world supported the way the US initiated this war.

    I honestly think that only an idiot or someone in complete denial can claim that the world has a unified voice about the subject "for" or "against".



    No. You didn't. You said it was a "specious" argument and had more to do with "fear" of "brown people."

    To assert that it's a fact that actual terror against the US will increase is specious and is born of a fear of those brown people. Rising anger is expected, that's what happens with war, especially in that region. But does that ALWAYS translate into significant anti-US terror? Of course not. Talking about it as if it is fact is foolish and saying we should base our foreign policy on it is also foolish. We should do what is right, and that is a new consideration for every situation.

    We don't keep the sanctions/inspections regime going to slaughter 1 million more Iraqi women and children because war will piss some more Arabs off.
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