Any hard crashes?

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in macOS edited January 2014
Since the day of 10.1.3 (the day when I got my Dual GHz SlowSilver?) I have encounter ZERO hard crash that requires pressing the reset button (except the one that was caused by hardware defect - dead processors).

It's been almost a year......woo

Can OS 9 do this? Doubt it


  • Reply 1 of 35
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member
    To answer the topic, since the days of 10.2.4 I have had lots of hard crashes, forcing me to press the power-button. Mostly panics, and some hard-freezes I've not been able to identify, but I believe are panics too.

    It's almost weekly.
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  • Reply 2 of 35
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Since the public beta when I hard-crashed (by this I mean that the window manager stops responding or a kernel panic) twice, I've only had one kernel panic. It happened about a few weeks ago after installing Kensington Mouseworks. I dropped the mouse off the edge of my desk but grabbed it and then the little kernel panic screen came up. I must have pressed the right button. I have had the Finder restart a few times when moving tons of folders with big files all over the place, especially the desktop (something I try to keep clean and looks like a good way to keep the Finder healthy). It never happens when I would expect it though. Thankfully, nothing's been corrupted by this occurence yet.
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  • Reply 3 of 35
    stunnedstunned Posts: 1,096member
    My iBook had experienced some hard crashes and complete freezes ever since I used 10.1.x

    But these crashes are occuring less after I installed 10.2

    Ironically, I experiebced less crashes with my windows XP PC....
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  • Reply 4 of 35
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    WebDAV and other Finder mounting things like ftp keep on screwing me over so I've had PLENTY of reboots. And ever since 10.2.4, sleep seems to be very flaky for me on a DP1250, often video card gets nothing and I have to reboot for monitor to get a signal.

    Almost never get kernel panics though.
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  • Reply 5 of 35
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    we've recently had a lot of kernel panics. seemed to coincide with 10.2.4 and our oldest machines (yikes!-based models).

    i know it tries to be comforting (in a nice translucent shade and several languages), but it may as well say "you're f*cked."
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  • Reply 6 of 35
    Yeah I have had a few. I have this problem where I cant leave the inside of my system alone.

    Also a couple of hardware issues that required a restart or so.

    I don`t think I have had a hard crash/Kernel panic in a good half year or so.
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  • Reply 7 of 35

    Originally posted by chych

    WebDAV and other Finder mounting things like ftp keep on screwing me over so I've had PLENTY of reboots. And ever since 10.2.4, sleep seems to be very flaky for me on a DP1250, often video card gets nothing and I have to reboot for monitor to get a signal.

    Almost never get kernel panics though.

    This is the exact same thing that happens to me. I never shut down my computer so I just put it to sleep while Im sleeping. When I wake up and wake the computer from sleep I cant get the monitor signal and have to reboot the machine. Happened ever since I upgraded to 10.2.4 I think.

    There are a lot of shaky things since I upgraded, including a big loss in system performance. Things are REALLY REALLY slow now and I have times where the machine almost completely locks.

    I am hoping for a 10.2.5 update and fix SOON.
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  • Reply 8 of 35
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Two day--which was totally because on a whim after installing Norton 7.

    Everyone said it was awful...and, it is.

    Uninstalled, and now we're fine again.
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  • Reply 9 of 35
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    I've had two since I installed 10.2 (about 5 months), and one when I was on 10.1.x (for 7 months).

    Of course, after I got 10.2, I started H4XX0R-ing my my system, so I don't know whose fault those were
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  • Reply 10 of 35
    I haven't had a hard crash or freeze since... well... golly... at least not this year any time. Not since 10.2 was released, probably.

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  • Reply 11 of 35
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member
    Never had a hard crash or kernel panic (and on a PB G3 too).

    However, system freezes after I sleep it with certain peripherals attached, which is pretty annoying.

    They are:

    USB 3.5" floppy (school requirement ;-) )


    Haven't tried with joystick, Flash USB drive, card reader.

    Seems fine with printer, camera.

    What happens is odd. The PB goes to sleep, but the LED does not flash. Pressing a key has no effect. Nor does pressing the power button. Only a hard reset works. Not a huge deal once you've got in the swing of remembering to unplug peripherals before a sleep. As I use a USB hub, that is done all at the same time.

    Still, I could do without it.
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  • Reply 12 of 35
    spikespike Posts: 20member
    I've had several hard crashes and freezes but only one kernel panic in the two months I've had my iBook. Almost all have been sleep related. I have to be very careful not to connect/disconnect any USB peripherals while the iBook is sleeping or in the first 5-10 seconds after it wakes up.

    I used to have my mouse, scanner, printer and SmartMedia reader connected through a hub all the time, but now I just leave the mouse connected and plug the other things in only when I need them to avoid trouble.

    I've also learned not to let the computer go to sleep while imovie or iphoto are running. When it wakes up I usually get the spinning beach ball of death.
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  • Reply 13 of 35
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Never had a kernel panic since I've had Mac OS X installed (when 10.1 came out.)

    Which is kind of dissapointing for me, I've never seen the kernel panic screen first hand.
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  • Reply 14 of 35
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Spart

    Never had a kernel panic since I've had Mac OS X installed (when 10.1 came out.)

    Which is kind of dissapointing for me, I've never seen the kernel panic screen first hand.

    Think I saw a "screenshot" of it somewhere. Can't remember what it looked like though.
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  • Reply 15 of 35
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    Since installing OS X (went from 9.2.2 to Jaguar, thanks for the beta testing, guys ) I have experienced precisely one Kernel Panic on my Cube, despite lots of playing with things. I couldn't honestly say why it happened, but I know I was messing around at the time: hasn't happened since.

    My 12" Powerbook has yet to succumb, and I always keep the OS bang up to date.
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  • Reply 16 of 35
    I've had four KP's, most when force-quitting Classic and all with Classic running. Haven't had any for a year or so though, I rarely use Classic anymore.
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  • Reply 17 of 35
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Think I saw a "screenshot" of it somewhere. Can't remember what it looked like though.

    "Screenshot?" I presume you speak of a picture taken with a physical camera of a display with the KP screen on it. I've seen that. Just haven't seen it actually happen.
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  • Reply 18 of 35
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    The only OSX hard crashes I have had - and they have been rare - have been when my kids were running cheap kids game software that uses Classic. Otherwise none.

    Meanwhile, my stupid PC at work has a hard crash every second day, or more often.

    I wish that I could hook up a Mac to the Network at my office. However, when I have mentioned this to the computer "support" people at work they have looked at my like I was crazy.
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  • Reply 19 of 35
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    The only OSX hard crashes I have had - and they have been rare - have been when my kids were running cheap kids game software that uses Classic. Otherwise none.

    Meanwhile, my stupid PC at work has a hard crash every second day, or more often.

    I wish that I could hook up a Mac to the Network at my office. However, when I have mentioned this to the computer "support" people at work they have looked at my like I was crazy.

    Escape Pod is good for full screen app crashes (like games.) Get you out of trouble in a hurry.
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  • Reply 20 of 35
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by r-0X#Zapchud

    To answer the topic, since the days of 10.2.4 I have had lots of hard crashes, forcing me to press the power-button. Mostly panics, and some hard-freezes I've not been able to identify, but I believe are panics too.

    It's almost weekly.

    Well, for me, since 10.2.4, it's almost DAILY.
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