'iPhone storage almost full' message plaguing some iOS 15 users

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Some early iOS 15 upgraders see "iPhone storage almost full" message regardless of storage used, and it cannot be dismissed.

The error message appears no matter how much storage you have available
The error message appears no matter how much storage you have available

The bug appears to affect a number of iPhone models no matter the storage available or remaining. Attempts to delete data on the device have failed to remove the message, and Apple hasn't acknowledged the bug publicly yet.

AppleInsider recommends users affected by the bug wait for a fix from Apple. Those who cannot wait may try a factory reset, but only after ensuring all photos, files, and important data are in iCloud or otherwise backed up.

Do not delete important files and photos to attempt to stop the error message. The message will likely remain no matter what you delete, so deleting personal files would be a waste.

There have been reports of other issues surrounding storage reported in iOS 15. One AppleInsider employee notes their iPhone 12 Pro Max shows about 11GB used of 512GB despite having about 20GB of music installed. The iPad Pro used to write this article reports zero storage used, despite having more than 300GB of data stored locally.

There's something wrong with how data storage is being reported by the system
There's something wrong with how data storage is being reported by the system

Anyone else run into an iOS 15 bug that says "iPhone storage almost full" in Settings when there's plenty of space available? My device has 20GB free and I can't dismiss it. pic.twitter.com/fSQlkBuzA5

-- Matt Brian (@m4tt)

#iOS15 once updated says iPhone storage is almost full. I mean if 60+ GB free space is "almost full" pic.twitter.com/2rxnRiFZzL

-- Hash Milhan (@hashir)

Something doesn't quite add up here. pic.twitter.com/qTL8j5unmQ

-- Noah Evans (@ThisIsNoahEvans)

Apple hasn't responded to the complaints.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Since the GM/RC version went out, my iPhone 12 Pro Max shows Zero KB out of 256GB in the Setting -> General -> iPhone Storage area.

    In Settings -> General -> About, I have 'Capacity' showing 256GB and 'Available' at a whopping 300.94GB.  It has fluctuated over the past couple days.  I sent in a feedback report over the weekend when it was only at 283GB available.  However, my iPad on iOS 15 shows proper data.  No one else in the house has updated to iOS 15 yet
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 2 of 5
    llamallama Posts: 105member
    Yep, I have the same as above and hope that 15.1 fixes it for me.  I also sent in a Feedback report last week, but nothing back from Apple.
    edited September 2021
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Since updating to iOS 15 on my iPhone 12 Pro Max 512gb- I am experiencing extreme data usage even though I am actually not. Same issue with iOS 15 on my 2021 iPad Pro. 512 GB. iPad storage is down by 20gb even though it’s not accurate 

    largest data consumption seems to be with the Apple Music App… I also have noticed increased Ram usage as well
    edited September 2021
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 5
    llamallama Posts: 105member
    15.1 did not fix the bad Used/Free space reporting on my 12 Pro Max.  Oh well.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 5 of 5
    15.2 still hasn’t fixed this issue on my 2018 11” iPad Pro. I’ve got over 90GB free of my 256GB.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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