Apple Developer app updated delivers picture-in-picture, more

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in iOS edited October 2021
Apple on Tuesday updated its Apple Developer app with new features including the ability to continue watching session videos in picture-in-picture mode on iOS.

Apple Developer

Apple Developer version 9.3 for iOS, iPadOS and macOS delivers a handful of new additions that make the app easier to use.

For many, picture-in-picture support will be the main feature addition. Like other apps that integrate PiP, Apple Developer minimizes video content into a small floating window when the app is closed, allowing users to continue viewing while browsing other apps. Support has been a long time coming, with PiP first introduced alongside iOS 14.

Also included in today's update are accessibility improvements like VoiceOver support for images and larger Dynamic Type sizes in video detail views. On macOS, the app enables Voice control for sidebar selections.

Further, Bookmarks and Continue Watching lists are sorted in a more predictable manner, while users on macOS can show or hide the sidebar using a menu item or a keyboard shortcut.

Finally, the update includes the usual batch of unnamed bug fixes and miscellaneous enhancements.

Apple Developer is a free download from the App Store.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 1
    I have never understood the need for picture-in-picture on an iPhone. On a bigger screen, sure. But my eyes are now starting to show signs of damage from 35+ years of working at a computer... I don't wish that on anyone and I suspect peering at a tiny video will be problematic.
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