Apple delaying new MacBook Pro pre-orders, no warning devices wouldn't arrive today

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in Current Mac Hardware edited October 2021
Some customers who custom-ordered one of Apple's new MacBook Pros and were promised October 26 delivery are instead waking up to find emails from the company inexplicably stating that their Mac won't actually arrive till December.

MacBook Pro predicted shipping dates are being pushed back by Apple
MacBook Pro predicted shipping dates are being pushed back by Apple

As the new MacBook Pro begins to arrive for the earliest preorder buyers, and as the models appears in Apple Stores too, some other orders have been unexpectedly delayed.

"There's been a change to your delivery date," says the email from Apple. "The most current delivery information is shown below. We'll notify you when your order ships."

Online complaints about the change are chiefly concerning delays on the 64GB 16-inch MacBook Pro, but AppleInsider has confirmed that some 14-inch models are seeing the same issue.

MacBook Pro predicted shipping dates are being pushed back by Apple
MacBook Pro predicted shipping dates are being pushed back by Apple

One example for a 14-inch model seen by AppleInsider has had its original shipping date of October 26 change to December 3 through December 10.

In each case, it appears that buyers affected had used Build to Order, sometimes called Configure to Order, to pick from Apple's various options. Regular, non-Build to Order models, are now appearing in stores for immediate pickup.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 8
    Oh oh. Mine was original scheduled for December 2-9, then got moved to November 17-24.

    Mine is a 16" MacBook Pro, M1 Max with 32 GPU cores, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD.

    Methinks the SSD puts it in CTO territory.
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    I’m just waiting for a comment to surface that  Tim Cook should resign…
    edited October 2021
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  • Reply 3 of 8
    My BTO 16” MBP M1 Max w/ 32core gpu, 64gb ram still shows 11/18-11/26. Sadly it showed a November delivery immediately after the store opened when I changed any default config. So seems that the 32core gpu M1 Max was always planned to be a delayed item. Even now, every base model, except for that one, shows as available for pickup today from my local Apple Store. Either they didn’t plan on having that particular config available day one, or they vastly underestimated the number of people that would opt for the higher chip.
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  • Reply 4 of 8
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,661member
    This is all strange. I’m happy that mine has shipped. I doubt Apple can take it back.
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  • Reply 5 of 8
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,661member
    My BTO 16” MBP M1 Max w/ 32core gpu, 64gb ram still shows 11/18-11/26. Sadly it showed a November delivery immediately after the store opened when I changed any default config. So seems that the 32core gpu M1 Max was always planned to be a delayed item. Even now, every base model, except for that one, shows as available for pickup today from my local Apple Store. Either they didn’t plan on having that particular config available day one, or they vastly underestimated the number of people that would opt for the higher chip.
    Mine is a 16” 32 core model with 64GB RAM and 2TB drive. I don’t think it’s the 32 cores itself that’s the problem. Someone else here ordered the same config as mine. Was also told that it would arrive Nov 3-5, but now this Friday.

    im sure it’s more than just we two.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Ordered the 14' MBP 10 core with education discount. Delivery is Dec 3-10. Apple email offer enabled the discount. The reason may be I belongs to the developer group. 
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  • Reply 7 of 8
    That's rough for all affected and have been there on past pre-orders. Just know this, both the 14" and 16" models are absolutely stunning! All of the online videos and reviews Ive been obsessing over made them seem overly chunky but honestly... The new 16 incher is comparable to my 2019 Intel "clunker" and the 14 incher is on par with the long available 13" model. The sound on the 2019 16" blew me away and it is even better on the new one! The sound on the 14" model is on par with the older 16" model now too. The displays on both are breathtaking! I watched some 4K60 HDR test videos on YouTube and the contrast is out of this world. The NASA video is an excellent test as I actually was squinting during a scene in which sunlight was peering through an opening in the ISS. You can see a tiny amount of blooming in the backlight if you really look for it, but I don't find it very noticeable and it is most definitely better than a regular LCD display! I've been messing around and testing each for 4 hours now and both batteries are in the 70% range still. Never again Intel, Apple Silicon for the win lol. I'm glad they dumped the Touch Bar which Im sure will only help battery life even more - That being said, I really gotta retrain my finger for autofills (about the only thing I ever touched the bar for lol). The wife is going to enjoy her baby MacBook and my 16" beast is settling in well on my desktop. Enjoy it guys, these things are awesome! Sweet baby Jesus Apple, please keep heading in this direction. Most of us longtime loyal customers do not mind a couple grams or millimeters here or there for improved performance and functionality! **Bonus nostalgia points for paying homage to the PowerBook G4 body style haha.
    edited October 2021
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  • Reply 8 of 8
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,661member
    I just read this morning that ups, which is delivering part of the new machine orders (mine is coming FedEx), is blaming delays on “mechanical” problems. The photo shown was a pallet next to an airplane. So possibly at least some of their fleet is having some problem. If it’s just one plane, that would affect at least hundreds of orders, depending on how many are on one plane. It could also lead to delays in orders that plane would handle assuming a normal turnaround.
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