Here is how Apple is poised to crush FaceBook/Meta

in Future Apple Hardware
I have been working on AR/VR for about 20 years. I have a pair of two full fledged suits created from the ground up and evolved from 1997, based on Sony Glasstrons back with Pismo's and now at MacBook Air 11". Now this has been a side project due to when the "weather" is cool because man the suit gets HOT, just my own temps, not the computers (all tho they get hot too). So I have some experience studying the field.

But here is a serious event/problem that is going to happen in the future unless corrected by FaceBook, now known as Meta. But at a preface I think they are dead before they even start or get out of the "gate."

The main question is, in about oh 2-3 years, after 'Meta' releases say another offering of Oculus and such, at a ballpark $599, $499, $399, etc what will they do when Apple offers their Goggles? Don't get me wrong Apple probably will come in at $1999 $1499, $1299 etc. But People will buy Meta Oculus and use them once a month or once every three months in the end. Why because the quality just won't be there and when Apple starts gaining traction. Like I said I have had this AR/VR hobby for 20+ years, and why is this relevant? Because the tech just isn't there, it's almost there. But the main requirement are chips that are in devices like the AirPods + Apple Watch + Apple iPhone & even the MacBooks. Meta will take the low road and their followers will say "They are good enough for gaming" and Apple's are good for "Work" but too expensive for gaming.

When Apple has Super Small, Low Power, Cool, Fast chips with and that can drive say (Two) 4k 3x2 inch screens with a port for an external monitor for instance, in say a developer edition. With 32 GPU cores, 16 GB of RAM etc etc, you know a really SMALL beefy ARM chip specifically designed for the Apple Goggles, there will be no HOPE for Meta (or HoloLens if we even need to go there)...

Who can FaceBook/Meta BEG and I mean BEG to get them the Silicon they need? To cut to the chase I only see them purchasing Magic Leap (wherever they are at) or PLEADING with Google to get them on the inside track of Google Silicon or Qualcomm? Samsung? or some NVIDIA type ARM project?

The main issue is Intel is history, there is no way Intel will be able to compete nor Nvidia. What are you gonna put a 3080 video card strapped to your FACE! And that's where Apple Silicon is gonna shine INSANELY, the capability that the "integrated" GPU Apple has "Unleashed" vs the Intel Iris is ridiculous the gains area IMENSE!

To me it's lights OUT for Meta before the game is afoot. Unless Magic Leap has something, but then what ditch Oculus? Or like I stated BEG Google? Or you're gonna tell me FaceBook has some secret Fabs and experience that even Intel doesn't have, and that they can crank out Silicon in 6 months? Please enough with that stupidity!

But what is key is the "EXPERIENCE." And I emphasize with caps because it's [double] the experience. The experience Apple has with the chips (and again let's not even mention Operating System or get into unix/macOS/iOS/Darwin) and the experience that customers will get versus Oculus. And in 2025 when Apple has cemented their superior platform, 3-5 years after that well we'll get regular prescription glasses for a seamless AR.

Does anyone see how Meta can compete when INTEL is at there PEAK? and been there for over 5+ years? I mean I know NVIDIA is making strides with GPUs but to have a completely Wireless Head Up display with ML deciphering your "hand gestures" with "Lidar" and such camera technologies, at the super small scale, I don't see who Meta can BEG.

One last thing, Apple only gave away their OS once back in the Power Computing and Radius "MP" computer days, and then quickly said WHOA made a mistake won't do that again. So Meta or anyone else can forget about Apple giving them Apple Silicon or Apple Systems, or any Tech advantages.

Honestly I am just looking for some die hard Apple Fans that can see the Light at the end of the Tunnel that is hugely LIT up while those in the Microsoft/Intel/NVIDIA world are about to get SMOKED once and for all...

Let's have a party? LOL


  • Reply 1 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    rezwits said:
    Don't get me wrong Apple probably will come in at $1999 $1499, $1299 etc. But People will buy Meta Oculus and use them once a month or once every three months in the end.

    When Apple has Super Small, Low Power, Cool, Fast chips with and that can drive say (Two) 4k 3x2 inch screens with a port for an external monitor for instance, in say a developer edition. With 32 GPU cores, 16 GB of RAM etc etc, you know a really SMALL beefy ARM chip specifically designed for the Apple Goggles, there will be no HOPE for Meta (or HoloLens if we even need to go there)...

    Who can FaceBook/Meta BEG and I mean BEG to get them the Silicon they need? To cut to the chase I only see them purchasing Magic Leap (wherever they are at) or PLEADING with Google to get them on the inside track of Google Silicon or Qualcomm? Samsung? or some NVIDIA type ARM project?

    The main issue is Intel is history, there is no way Intel will be able to compete nor Nvidia. What are you gonna put a 3080 video card strapped to your FACE! And that's where Apple Silicon is gonna shine INSANELY, the capability that the "integrated" GPU Apple has "Unleashed" vs the Intel Iris is ridiculous the gains area IMENSE!

    To me it's lights OUT for Meta before the game is afoot. Unless Magic Leap has something, but then what ditch Oculus? Or like I stated BEG Google? Or you're gonna tell me FaceBook has some secret Fabs and experience that even Intel doesn't have, and that they can crank out Silicon in 6 months? Please enough with that stupidity!
    I don't think the end-game for Facebook is the hardware. Facebook only needs hardware where they don't have enough control over the users. They tried a phone too but they can operate their services ok on other phones. Facebook is an ad-based services company like Google.

    Right now, a lot of companies want to build a metaverse where people live in their digital world. There's skepticism of this because of what's been seen so far but the ultimate goal is to build something close to the Matrix, which to most people would be a lot more compelling. This is where photoreal-capable avatars live in a virtual world:

    I suspect that MMOs have had a role in this desire to create AR/VR metaverses, not just due to the amount of money involved but the player engagement. Facebook's mission statement has always been to connect people around the world.

    Apple doesn't have a goal to run a social network service so I can see them allowing Facebook/Meta on their platform. The USDZ object format from Apple and Pixar helps keep things open to other publishers on the platform:

    For the hardware, there were some reports suggesting Apple was testing direct projection into the eye instead of displays. They would have to be capable of high resolution but they wouldn't have to draw the entire buffer, just the objects that are in view, which saves a lot of battery power. Direct projection would also make it easier to make fully opaque objects and produce a much lighter wearable.

    The rendering hardware could be an iOS or Mac device connected wirelessly to save needing such a large battery on the wearable. A cable connection isn't ideal but I don't think it would be too bad in earlier iterations. People have worn headphones like this for a long time. This would make the wearable much more comfortable by putting the battery and processing hardware in a pocket or strapped to an arm. It can have a shoulder pad and sit at the back/front. Wireless would be a possibility with a direct wifi 6/7 connection.

    If they were to put the processing hardware on the wearable, they'd probably want around 2TFLOPs of compute power to be able to render high quality objects. To get this in a wearable with < 5Wh battery, it would need around double the efficiency of the M1 chip. It's much easier to put this hardware in an iPhone than on the wearable itself and this would make the wearable cheaper for existing iPhone users. The wearable could easily be priced below $500 with the processing/storage/memory on a separate device.

    The Microsoft HoloLens starts at $3500 and is quite bulky:

    The Oculus Quest is $300 so much more accessible price point but still pretty bulky:

    Apple's setup could be some kind of lanyard that plugs into the glasses at the back and an iPhone can be docked into it so if cameras are needed or some quick typing/gestures, it can be picked up. The glasses would need some processing hardware for motion tracking data.

    I think Apple is in a good position to deliver this kind of product and they would easily deliver the best user experience.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    So, you think FaceBook will be ok letting Apple be "the hardware" instead of when they attempted to make a "smartphone" and failed?
    i.e. they will have their lower entry hardware (Oculus line) and Apple can have the upper echelon hardware, and Apple won't try to make eWorld again, haha.

    IDK tho, I think Apple is going to want a FULL environment for "their" creations, because this is like an END ALL for a while (tech wise), being that the next "thing" will be really slick Holographic projection, you know Star Wars chess style, unless you count FULL AI entering in the mix.

    But I feel that having an enjoyable experience laying in bed as you DIE, is something on the table...  AND you don't want this to SUCK!

    Thanks for the informative write up!
  • Reply 3 of 3
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    They need to release something first.
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