Ex-WeWork CEO Adam Neumann apologizes to Tim Cook for being 'an idiot'

in General Discussion edited November 2021
WeWork founder Adam Neumann says he blew a chance to learn from Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Credit: Noam Galai/Getty Images for TechCrunch
Credit: Noam Galai/Getty Images for TechCrunch

Speaking at the The New York Times DealBook summit, shortly after Cook's interview, Neumann recounted meeting Cook in person. He says he had a chance to listen to Cook, but instead just talked at him.

"It made no sense. I had the chance to sit in front of a great person like that and learn, and I was busy talking," he said. "Again, it was where I was at the time. I was not in the right place in that sense."

Neumann then said he was hoping Cook would be at the DealBook online summit on Tuesday so that he could say sorry for the meeting.

"I was going to apologize to him and tell him that if I ever get a chance to speak to him again," said Neumann "I will listen and I apologize for being an idiot back then."

It isn't clear when the meeting between Cook and Neumann took place, or under what circumstances.

Neumann is known for co-founding the embattled co-working startup WeWork. The interview Tuesday represents his first public comments since being ousted as CEO of WeWork.

Apple is currently working on a limited Apple TV+ series about the rise and fall of WeWork. As of July, filing on the project, dubbed "WeCrashed," was underway.

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  • Reply 1 of 12
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I wouldn’t worry, he wasn’t listening. 

  • Reply 2 of 12
    jas99jas99 Posts: 159member
    It’s refreshing to see someone have the guts to admit they were wrong.
    We’re human. We make mistakes. 
    A big person admits it, learns, and grows as a person. 
    A small person denies, retaliates, “doubles down”, goes on the offensive, and otherwise makes a fool of themselves. 
  • Reply 3 of 12
    Good idea not to insult people who can make a movie about you. 
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Apple TV+ is having all these Progressive content on that you can find for free on over the air network broadcast channels and HBO channels and Prime as well as Netflix.  Many people want to get away from this type of programming content and go back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!
  • Reply 5 of 12
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,948member
    Apple TV+ is having all these Progressive content on that you can find for free on over the air network broadcast channels and HBO channels and Prime as well as Netflix.  Many people want to get away from this type of programming content and go back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!
    Wow that was barely intelligible. No, you cannot get the sort of content from ATV+ “for free” over the air. Nor are HBO, Prime, or Netflix “free”. 

    I enjoy documentaries and docuseries. Hulu has a great documentary about WeWork, detailing exactly what sort of nonsense this CEO was peddling… They spend more than they take in, scamming investors while padding their personal net worths along the way. When the failed company crashes, the investors are the ones burned, while CEOs like this guy cash out and move on to their next train wreck. 
  • Reply 6 of 12
    OMG, people getting upset for showing black people, or two women or men kissing or whatever your favourite bogey man is, forcing one to shield your children's eyes less their retinas burn a permanent "progressive" scar always filtering out "real life" and replacing it with rainbows and unicorns, just like we're back in the 50s!
  • Reply 7 of 12
    jas99 said:
    It’s refreshing to see someone have the guts to admit they were wrong. 
    If this is the start of some kind of tour where Neumann individually admits that he was wrong to every single person whose life he's impacted… well he's young, probably got several decades ahead of himself.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    Apple TV+ is having all these Progressive content on that you can find for free on over the air network broadcast channels and HBO channels and Prime as well as Netflix.  Many people want to get away from this type of programming content and go back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!
    You capitalized "Progressive"… are you talking about the car insurance company?

    "get away from programming content… not how it should be content" lol I wanna make a joke here but this is gibberish
  • Reply 9 of 12
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,326member
    I was told once to only hire teenagers while they still know everything.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    Apple TV+ is having all these Progressive content on that you can find for free on over the air network broadcast channels and HBO channels and Prime as well as Netflix.  Many people want to get away from this type of programming content and go back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!
    This statement literally makes no rational sense.  You state and I quote, "Many people want to get away from this type of programming and get back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!".

    Apple TV has provided both real world, based on real people real events programming (that's about as real as it gets), to programming that is very much based on stuff that is fictional but based on things that can actually happen in real life, and it also programs fantasy based programming that isn't based on any known real life situations.  This is in a nutshell what programmers have been doing since the 60's.  In fact in many ways shows are far more realistic today than what previous generations were exposed to.

    And then your final part about leave out the politics too, and how pray tell does one have real life situations that doesn't contain some aspects of politics.  Politics shape events and situations and personal beliefs across the globe, and influence how people behave and react and the society that is around them.  You can't realistically have real life situations that don't in one way or another get influenced by politics.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,283member
    Apple TV+ is having all these Progressive content on that you can find for free on over the air network broadcast channels and HBO channels and Prime as well as Netflix.  Many people want to get away from this type of programming content and go back to real life situations, not how it should be content and leave out the politics too!
    Wow that was barely intelligible. No, you cannot get the sort of content from ATV+ “for free” over the air. Nor are HBO, Prime, or Netflix “free”. 

    I enjoy documentaries and docuseries. Hulu has a great documentary about WeWork, detailing exactly what sort of nonsense this CEO was peddling… They spend more than they take in, scamming investors while padding their personal net worths along the way. When the failed company crashes, the investors are the ones burned, while CEOs like this guy cash out and move on to their next train wreck. 
    More Foundation, please! Can’t get enough. 
  • Reply 12 of 12
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    I agree with StrangeDays about the politics. Netflix gets it right, they have left (Cuties) and right (Dave Chapelle) represented equally.
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