Peter Arnette should be tried for treason.



  • Reply 41 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I agree. The guy's been caught in pure fabrications in the past. Now he smooches the ass of Saddam? What gives?
  • Reply 42 of 56
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    This is the amazing bit, the depth of the myth of arab muslim tolerance of jews before 1948, and how few people realize that what was happening in europe had a similar analogue in the middle east, in syria, in egypt, to name but two.

    I tell ya what, go look it up, it isn't even well publicised by jews, partly, I think, because the spanish and european jews don't think too much of the middle eastern variety, but there's plenty of info.

    Or better yet, why don't we give one of our resident jews some time to detail it first, lord knows we listen to enough palestinian caterwalling, lets give an isrealite equal time? anyone, anyone?

    PS. who in their right mind actually thinks that Bush could give a damn about jews? He hates them less than those there a-rabs, but lets not confuse mutual enemity with friendship/ideological compatibility. The fundamentalist christian epic narrative may be incedental, and it has a little room for jews, but not that much, people who think like bush would sooner make jews a footnote to that epic if they didn't have to contend with all those dirty arab paynims.

    Still for the war, but only just.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Hmm...the word is now that Rivera HASN'T been booted. He just called in from Iraq (still with the 101st, 60 miles south of Baghdad) to O'Reilly's radio show and said NBC or MSNBC had spread that rumor and that, if not retracted by tomorrow (Tuesday), he was going to sue them for $30 million.

    Beats throwing a chair at them, I guess.

    He's still an idiot, of course.
  • Reply 44 of 56
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    This is the amazing bit, the depth of the myth of arab muslim tolerance of jews before 1948, and how few people realize that what was happening in europe had a similar analogue in the middle east, in syria, in egypt, to name but two.

    I tell ya what, go look it up, it isn't even well publicised by jews, partly, I think, because the spanish and european jews don't think too much of the middle eastern variety, but there's plenty of info.

    Or better yet, why don't we give one of our resident jews some time to detail it first, lord knows we listen to enough palestinian caterwalling, lets give an isrealite equal time? anyone, anyone?

    PS. who in their right mind actually thinks that Bush could give a damn about jews? He hates them less than those there a-rabs, but lets not confuse mutual enemity with friendship/ideological compatibility. The fundamentalist christian epic narrative may be incedental, and it has a little room for jews, but not that much, people who think like bush would sooner make jews a footnote to that epic if they didn't have to contend with all those dirty arab paynims.

    Still for the war, but only just.

    ok, I'll resist the urge to dive into the palestinian conflict again, and just say that in my personal opinion, I think your view is simplistic. The issue certainly has more than one side to it.

    We'll get plenty of chances to get back on this, with the almighty "roadmap" comming up to solve everything. g'night.
  • Reply 45 of 56

    Originally posted by Matsu

    This is the amazing bit, the depth of the myth of arab muslim tolerance of jews before 1948, and how few people realize that what was happening in europe had a similar analogue in the middle east, in syria, in egypt, to name but two.

    I tell ya what, go look it up, it isn't even well publicised by jews, partly, I think, because the spanish and european jews don't think too much of the middle eastern variety, but there's plenty of info.

    Or better yet, why don't we give one of our resident jews some time to detail it first, lord knows we listen to enough palestinian caterwalling, lets give an isrealite equal time? anyone, anyone?

    PS. who in their right mind actually thinks that Bush could give a damn about jews? He hates them less than those there a-rabs, but lets not confuse mutual enemity with friendship/ideological compatibility. The fundamentalist christian epic narrative may be incedental, and it has a little room for jews, but not that much, people who think like bush would sooner make jews a footnote to that epic if they didn't have to contend with all those dirty arab paynims.

    Still for the war, but only just.

    I guess I'm going to have ro read the rest of the thread to find out what this is all about.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    If the Rivera thing is true, then he shold also get the boot. If Arnett is a traitor, Jane Fonda should have hung from the gallows and then drawn and quartered a long time ago, as well as some members of these forums. But none of that has or will happen.

    I shouldn't say he's dumb. He was just stupid. His mistake is not his opinion, its who he chose to share them with.
  • Reply 47 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by zaphod_beeblebrox

    I guess I'm going to have ro read the rest of the thread to find out what this is all about.

    Dont' bother. I read the thread and I have no idea where this came from.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member
    This link isn't from a particularly reliable media source, but it looks as if Peter Arnett has now been hired by one of the UKs most popular newspapers:
  • Reply 49 of 56
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    "Fired by America for telling the truth ... hired by Daily Mirror to carry on telling it."

    uhh, that's low...
  • Reply 50 of 56
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    giant and others who love to attack me with no real substance:

    Once again, I am accused of being an idiot who cannot comprehend. Yet, in your postings, you never present any real facts. As soon as I disagree, I am called an "right wing wack-job" or other simliar term. It's just easier for you to label me as such than actually defend your positions.

    And I quote:


    Now we see what SDW's strategy is for staying "right-wing." Discount anything, no matter how factual, that doesn't jive with his imaginary 'stance.' Or maybe the real world is just too complicated for little SDW. There's nothing right or left about realizing that Rumsfeld has been making mistakes. I'm sure there are plenty of right-wing republicans that are pissed at him, too. Hell, I'd be surprised if most of the sources for that article weren't republican. But for Joe "SDW" Six-Pack, that's would make life a little too complicated. Hopefully your circuits won't fry too much when you finally realize that your black and white world-view doesn't fly even with the people you pretend to identify with.

    Nice, giant. Try having some facts once in awhile. No, actually....I'll settle for an argument that makes any sense whatsover.
  • Reply 51 of 56
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, crap. Now I don't know what to believe: CNN's website is saying that Geraldo IS in trouble and that Fox and the Pentagon have come to an agreement that Captain Moustache will leave Iraq on his own, as opposed to being expelled.

    So I guess all that blowhard bluster on O'Reilly yesterday was a pack of crap by him? Lying to cover his butt and all? Talking all tough about how he's "putting his life on the line to cover this war" and has a "great relationship" with the military and the 101st and that they were "glad and proud he's with them", etc.

    I saw the newscast where he did what they said he did...and he DID. Just for basic stupidity (uh, like giving away the 101st's location and distance from Baghdad by DRAWING A MAP IN THE SAND ON LIVE TV), he should've been tossed out last Friday (the day he did it).
  • Reply 52 of 56
    Hey Paul,

    You might enjoy this clip from The Daily Show called Cry Me a Rivera. Stephan Colbert is usually brilliant.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Yeah, that's a good, well-written and truly funny show. Jon Stewart is great, as is the rest of the "cast" or "reporters". They perfectly skewer the whole tone/vibe of some of the more overdramatic, out-of-touch blowhard reporters and correspondents.

    I don't know about "treason", but Arnett should be tried for that hellacious combover if nothing else.
  • Reply 54 of 56
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I don't know about "treason", but Arnett should be tried for that hellacious combover if nothing else.

    More good news from our friend Peter....
  • Reply 55 of 56

    Originally posted by bunge

    More good news from our friend Peter....

    Uh-oh. Someone get the rope...

  • Reply 56 of 56
    enaena Posts: 667member
    I'll load the gun.
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