Apple now requires Unidays verification for education purchases

in General Discussion
The Apple Education Store online has been revamped to require verification through the Unidays student or staff education status.

Apple has quietly revised how its Apple Education store works, with students, teachers, and other education workers now required to verify their status before ordering. For the US, and countries including the UK and France, education status must now be confirmed via the Unidays service.

Unidays is a free service which manages getting students and education users assorted discounts on products and services from a wide range of companies. Originally formed in the UK, it was aimed at what are known in that country as sixth form students -- the equivalent of senior year in high school - and older.

Apple's Education Store limits it to "current and newly accepted university students," but also adds "teachers and staff at all levels."

It's not clear when Apple made the change, but Unidays verification was not a requirement as recently as November 2021.

Apple's discounts for education users vary, and sometimes include extras such as the recent offer of free AirPods with Mac or iPad purchases.

Even with discounts, however, students can regularly get better deals on Apple devices through third-party vendors.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 12
    No change in Scotland for me when accessing the UK Education Store...always thru Unidays since I started Uni in September...
  • Reply 2 of 12
    mystigomystigo Posts: 183member
    I ordered a 14" MBP in December for my son who is a full time university student in the US. I was shocked that I was not asked for any verification of his status as a student. The discount was substantial -way more than you find on a Black Friday deal. I felt rather guilty about thinking that I should get my next machine this way.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    Based on their policy I presume that Apple does not care about education below the level of University. That’s something of a disappointment, as the father of a middle school age child that is required by the school to have an Apple laptop.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Long overdue. Apple tightened up the Military/Veteran store and 3rd party Corporate Employee plans several years ago. One thing I admire about Apple is trying to fairly adjudicate policies. I may not like a policy but there is a fair chance someone else isn't skating by it. In my days I've seen lots of resellers try to take advantage of discount policies this tightens up one more loophole.
    edited January 2022 bageljoey
  • Reply 5 of 12
    longpath said:
    Based on their policy I presume that Apple does not care about education below the level of University. That’s something of a disappointment, as the father of a middle school age child that is required by the school to have an Apple laptop.
    You can still get the same discount for your kid, just bring them to apple store and let them know it is for him. 

    I think apple don’t mention other school is because of these is no universal student ID for below university level. 
  • Reply 6 of 12
    Interesting. When I placed an order on December 29, the education store specifically included "and their parents" in the eligibility clause. Now it does not.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    ronnronn Posts: 670member
    longpath said:
    Based on their policy I presume that Apple does not care about education below the level of University. That’s something of a disappointment, as the father of a middle school age child that is required by the school to have an Apple laptop.
    If you can, have the school provide the policy in writing. It may help in getting the educational discount. Any school with such a requirement should make it easy for parents to get the discount.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,229member
    There is currently no check in my country. And the web is replete with non students bragging they have gamed the system and accessed the education discount.
    They are killing the goose unfortunately.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,790member
    It's been though Unidays since at least 2013, in the UK at least.
    edited January 2022
  • Reply 10 of 12
    In U.S., Apple Store didn't even check my son's ID. We just picked up the device like any regular purchase. I can see why Apple needs to change the system.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    elijahg said:
    It's been though Unidays since at least 2013, in the UK at least.
    I don't think it's been mandatory to go through Unidays in the UK, it's just been the option that many(/most?) universities direct their students through.

    Now it's mandatory.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    No change in Scotland for me when accessing the UK Education Store...always thru Unidays since I started Uni in September...
    Given my learning disabilities, I can recommend the service to students with free essay samples about optimism.
    . This way I improved my grades a lot and was able to improve my knowledge in a short time.
    I talked to a friend from Scotland, he also confirmed that he did not observe any changes.
    edited June 2022
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