Apple iCloud caused some services to be slow or unavailable for four hours on Tuesday

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in iCloud edited January 2022
Apple was having issues with its iCloud servers, with many users reporting that they cannot access Messages, Apple Music, files, and more.

Social media reports show emergent issues with several iCloud services. For example, users have reported being logged out of their iCloud accounts or unable to access anything stored on iCloud servers.

This is what happens when your home goes all in on Apple products (iPhone, ipad, Mac, Apple TV etc) when iCloud goes down. Every device starts going off telling you to log in, just to go in a continual loop.

-- Ken Crockett (@Goodeye)

AppleInsider confirmed at least some iCloud services are slow or unavailable, though it seems to be somewhat sporadic. Some staffers could access certain services, such as viewing files stored on iCloud on one device but not on another. Some have been able to access services, such as Apple Music, on an iPhone, but not on a Mac.

Apple's System Status page began reporting issues, showing that iCloud Backup, iCloud Mail, and Photos as currently unavailable to some users. The page suggests that Apple may have learned about the issue as early as 6:15PM ET, though it was not registered on the System Status page until 8:25PM ET.

Update: At 9:20PM ET, Apple added four new issues to the System Status page, noting outages for Game Center, iCloud Web Apps, iCloud Storage Upgrades, and iMessage.

Update: By 11:13PM, Apple listed five services as being restored, including iCloud Backup, iCloud Mail, iCloud Storage Upgrades, iCloud Web Apps, and Photos. The only remaining service experiencing outages currently is Game Center.

Update: By 11:40pm, Apple reported that it had resolved all ongoing issues with services.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 3
    they are reporting it is all green again but i am still having issues logging into my apple id on my iphone and devices. keeps asking me to update apple id settings. Iphone keeps trying to log in but fails or just recycles through the login request. "Update Apple ID settings,  Some account services require you to sign in again. " and whenever I hit continue on my iphone it just cycles through and i get a red icon notification to do it again
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 3
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,672member
    I am not in the US, but no troubles I can detect here.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 3
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,468member
    I'm based in Japan.  I've been having issues most of the day. My Macs are fine now, but on my iPhone it asks me to login with my Apple ID but it won't.  It keeps asking, and I keep trying, but in vain.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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