Microsoft says that if Apple isn't stopped now, its antitrust behavior will just get worse...



  • Reply 81 of 148
    They are buying every game studio ever and making them microsoft exclusive.

    They must be crazy.
  • Reply 82 of 148
    Are their alternative Xbox stores? Can I side load games onto my Xbox?
    Microsoft allows alternative payment methods in the store, and their cut is only 12%, not 30%. It is a world of difference. A 30% cut simply for digital distribution today is frankly absurd. (Looking at you too, Steam.)
    Only non-gaming apps. MS does not allow alternative payment methods for games. 
  • Reply 83 of 148
    "Innovation will suffer."

    It's the go-to cry of the out-innovated.

    Also: Invoking the legacy of Ma Bell might backfire. The U.S. phone system was never better (relative to technology), and Bell Labs didn't seem to have a problem with innovation.
  • Reply 84 of 148
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    danvm said:
    davidw said:
    danvm said:
    genovelle said:
    Beats said:
    Not like MS is a competitor to Apple or anything.

    And MS is right! Let’s also open up all of Microsoft’s stores to 3rd parties! I wanna be able to sell my crappy games on Xbox without giving them money!!

    Microsoft has a monopoly on Windows!! Microsoft, police yourselves!
    Microsoft doesn't put the same controls on Windows that Apple puts on their platforms.

    For one you can install whatever you want on their devices. For another they allow third party payments for when you do use their store.
    Windows is Not a mobile device that stores all your data and can be easily stolen or misplaced. When windows phone existed they had a similar store but it failed miserably and they a jealous now. 
    If MS is jealous of Apple mobile market, I suppose Apple is jealous of MS enterprise market, right?
    They are afraid Apple will finally get serious about enterprise software and compete with Office in a concerted manner. They also see the Mac install base increasing significantly since the pandemic. That means fewer windows licenses. What’s crazy is that if Apple doubled their install base Microsoft would still have 80% of the market, but they are just greedy and want it all. 
    Do you really MS is afraid of Apple enterprise software? Apple has a lot work to do if they want to get close to MS in the enterprise, specially when you consider the ecosystem MS have for enterprises.  

    And yes, Mac installed based grew, but looks like Windows too, considering Windows 10 / 11 are installed in 1.5B devices.  
    Windows 10/11 install base grew at the expense of Windows 7/8 users that upgraded. Overall, Windows is losing market share to Google ChromeOS and MacOS. Windows global marketshare (based on quarterly sales figures) is now only about 80%. It has lost about 7% in the past couple of years.
    The article you posted is from a year ago.  It looks like Windows market share went a little bit during 2021, while macOS and Chrome OS are flat from a year ago.  
    Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats

    But as you said, in recent years, both, macOS and Chrome OS market share are growing quickly.

    While I'm sure that is true, I am not sure that it is meaningful since Microsoft has, for decades, held a a near complete monopoly over operating systems.

    The genius of Bill Gates was not in technology but in marketing -- he figured out how to monopolize the OS side of a rapidly growing industry using an inferior technology.   Neither his DOS nor his Windows were the match for things like CPM, MacIntosh and OS2 -- all of them were superior to Windows.
    edited February 2022 MacsWithPenguins
  • Reply 85 of 148
    danvm said: Do you think that MS "NEED to buy the developer of Candy Crush" for $70B?  I think the real purpose of acquiring Activision / Blizzard is CoD, Overwatch, Diablo and WoW, among other IP's.  I think Candy Crush still one of the most popular games in iOS and Android, so it was good it was part of the deal.  
    COD is the only Activision/Blizzard game that generates more revenue per year than Candy Crush. CC generated over $2 billion in 2020. 
    edited February 2022
  • Reply 86 of 148
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    Given the hysterics, it would be wise to commit Microsoft and their attorneys to at least 90 days for psychological evaluations, to determine whether they are a danger to themselves or others. 
  • Reply 87 of 148
    Apple is much too successful - we need to stop it now! -- Microsoft

    Microsoft is pretty pathetic, and Apple's privacy terms rankle Microsoft's nerves. Too bad Windows doesn't have the same privacy safeguards - with Windows attempting to force everything through Edge.

    Microsoft runs their own closed ecosystem with XBox, so it's a lot of Microsoft calling the kettle black.

    The real monopoly is in the enterprise software realm where Microsoft keeps boosting prices for their good enough software.

    What really pisses off Microsoft is that they don't have access to Apple Silicon ARM processors, so Windows ARM will run faster on Apple hardware than on their OEMs - or indeed on their own surface machines.
    Adolf Hitler was also successful in his times even before WW2. Many prominent politicians from around world met him and discussed and they were not even nazi. Someone said that power can corrupt and absolute power can corrupt absolutely. That applies to business as well.
  • Reply 88 of 148
    Are their alternative Xbox stores? Can I side load games onto my Xbox?
    Best Buy, Amazon, GameStop, Walmart...
  • Reply 89 of 148
    AppleZuluAppleZulu Posts: 2,130member
    I think people would lay off Apple if they would just allow third party payment systems fully.

    Developers already spend $99+ a year for distribution of their apps in the app store. 3rd party payments require $0 for Apple to maintain because they use zero of Apple's infrastructure outside of the phone you already paid for.

    Apple doesn't need to take a cut in your entire business.
    That's hilarious. Third party payments require $0 for Apple to maintain, other than the entire hardware and software platform that created (and still maintains) the mobile app market that's under discussion. For all practical purposes, none of the mobile app market existed before Apple created the iPhone and app store. Also, none of the lucrative iPhone user customer base would exist if Apple didn't maintain a stable, secure platform that has very little downside risks for users who want to try out new iPhone apps. 

    This whole argument is still analogous to a company expecting, say, Costco to -for a $99 developer fee- stock a product that customers can come in and pick up, but bypass Costco's point-of-sale and instead purchase directly from the product manufacturer. The $99 covers the floor space, right? It costs Costco nothing to maintain the building, retail brand and business and to entice costumers with money who already paid for a Costco membership to come through the doors.
    edited February 2022 GeorgeBMacwilliamlondonMacsWithPenguinsdewmetmaymaximara
  • Reply 90 of 148
    omasouomasou Posts: 611member
    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

    Let's reword this sentence...

    "Online commerce and interpersonal connection funnels significantly, and sometimes predominantly, through iOS devices," says Microsoft.


    "Online commerce and interpersonal connection funnels significantly, and sometimes predominantly, through their devices," says Microsoft.

    Microsoft and everyone else is just butt hurt that their hardware and fractured ecosystem isn't the choice of most customers.

    Hey Microsoft, Epic, etc. innovate build a better mouse trap. You're walled garden approach failed.
    edited February 2022 MacsWithPenguins
  • Reply 91 of 148
    I don't like the language here or the company making the statement. Apple does not need to be stopped. It just needs a behavior modification. Apple should not only respect the privacy of their customers, it should respect their freedom to make their own decisions about the apps they can run. Warn them and then allow them to side load any app they want with some important restrictions and limitations. For example, when side loading is enabled the phone is wiped and access to the traditional App Store and iCloud is disabled. You can run anything you want but you are on your own. It would be perfect for that older iPhone languishing at the bottom of a draw somewhere.
  • Reply 92 of 148
    omasouomasou Posts: 611member
    Beats said:
    Not like MS is a competitor to Apple or anything.

    And MS is right! Let’s also open up all of Microsoft’s stores to 3rd parties! I wanna be able to sell my crappy games on Xbox without giving them money!!

    Microsoft has a monopoly on Windows!! Microsoft, police yourselves!
    Microsoft doesn't put the same controls on Windows that Apple puts on their platforms.

    For one you can install whatever you want on their devices. For another they allow third party payments for when you do use their store.
    NO MS OS supports hardware that conforms to their requirements the same as Apple. The difference is that Apple doesn't support third party hardware manufactures.

    That similar to complaining that we cannot install our own OS in ours car. The hardware and software are designed to work together, And no I'm not talking about the infotainment systems where manufactures do support Android Auto and Apple CarPlay which run "under" the manufacture's OS and infotainment OS control but does NOT replace them.
    edited February 2022 williamlondon
  • Reply 93 of 148
    When Microsoft compares Apple to the antitrust trials against itself (Microsoft) and AT&T they are unfortunately just right.
    Just think about Safari not implementing some web standards (web apps) that could hurt the App Store and Apple not allowing other browser engines (Chrome and Firefox on iOS have to use Apple's WebKit engine that is also used by Safari) at the same time.
    Looking at the latest security problems arguments that this is for privacy reasons are looking lame...
  • Reply 94 of 148
    Apple is much too successful - we need to stop it now! -- Microsoft

    Microsoft is pretty pathetic, and Apple's privacy terms rankle Microsoft's nerves. Too bad Windows doesn't have the same privacy safeguards - with Windows attempting to force everything through Edge.

    Microsoft runs their own closed ecosystem with XBox, so it's a lot of Microsoft calling the kettle black.

    The real monopoly is in the enterprise software realm where Microsoft keeps boosting prices for their good enough software.

    What really pisses off Microsoft is that they don't have access to Apple Silicon ARM processors, so Windows ARM will run faster on Apple hardware than on their OEMs - or indeed on their own surface machines.
    Adolf Hitler was also successful in his times even before WW2. Many prominent politicians from around world met him and discussed and they were not even nazi. Someone said that power can corrupt and absolute power can corrupt absolutely. That applies to business as well.
    Adolf fucking Hitler, seriously? You've lost it completely (not that you ever had it).
  • Reply 95 of 148
    Says the company trying to monopolize AAA gaming by literally buying the competition. 

    MS does the same thing Apple does. They just aren’t successful. 

    This is petty jealousy snd and anticompetitive behavior from Microsoft. 
  • Reply 96 of 148
    I think people would lay off Apple if they would just allow third party payment systems fully.

    Developers already spend $99+ a year for distribution of their apps in the app store. 3rd party payments require $0 for Apple to maintain because they use zero of Apple's infrastructure outside of the phone you already paid for.

    Apple doesn't need to take a cut in your entire business.
    Tell that to shark tank investors. 

    It doesn’t work the way you think it does. 

    You build a platform that everyone wants and get paid for what you offer. Boom done. 

    Apple has earned their cut. 

    Nobody does this for free. 
  • Reply 97 of 148
    Are their alternative Xbox stores? Can I side load games onto my Xbox?
    Yes, called steam, epic or boxed ga,es
  • Reply 98 of 148
    Xbox = Dedicated Interactive Entertainment Software Platform.
    iOS = Operating System Platform that manages computer hardware (iPod, iPhone, iPad), software resources, and provides common services for computer programs for multiple purposes in consumer and business use.

    Xbox = Microsoft Allows any interactive software on its store, regardless of how it directly competes with Microsoft, including other subscription services.
    iOS = Apple allows software based on its security standards and non-direct competition to its own apps.

    Windows = Allows app installation from multiple sources outside of its own app store. 
    iOS = Allows only apps that are located in its app store.
    Mac OS = Allows app installation from multiple sources outside of its own app store.

    It seems like even apple is contradicting itself.
  • Reply 99 of 148
    Microsoft has really shown their ugly and dark side during this trial. The company is doing a lot of interesting things lately, but it's like one head of the hydra doesn't understand that all heads need to work together, putting out goodwill and being the good guy: everything from Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.0 (WSL 2), attempts to improve accessibility features and the continuation of support for Mac and iPad software versions of their Windows counterparts, and stop being bitter about Apple's success in the one area they failed exceptionally: Windows Phone. Please note: I'm saying this as a former Windows Phone owner and really big Lumia high-end enthusiast.

    The modern-day, post-Bill Gates era of Microsoft, fails in almost everything they do, except one thing: Azure. That business is a gold mine. Xbox Game Pass (games as a service and cloud gaming) is a big success, too, but the platform as a whole lost the battle against PS4 and Microsoft is trying to win back customers in the PS5 vs Xbox Series X era, but frankly I don't know how they are progressing, since both PS5 and XB are barely selling consoles in the era of scalpers and chip shortage. Disclaimer: I'm an Xbox One S owner and previous PS enthusiast, who dropped his interest in Playstation when the PS4 came out.
    edited February 2022 williamlondon
  • Reply 100 of 148
    Are their alternative Xbox stores? Can I side load games onto my Xbox?
    Microsoft allows alternative payment methods in the store, and their cut is only 12%, not 30%. It is a world of difference. A 30% cut simply for digital distribution today is frankly absurd. (Looking at you too, Steam.)
    Microsoft lowered its cut to 12% from 30% just before the Epic trial began.
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