Apple employees disgruntled over return to working in offices



  • Reply 61 of 70
    ericthehalfbeeericthehalfbee Posts: 4,489member
    Paul_B said:
    Do the front and back doors align? Because it is a circle, also are employees allowed to work outdoors, they can run Ethernet cables underneath the ground or get Cat 6 cords which can go for miles to be plugged in.  Perhaps it's the traffic to and from work.  My work is exactly 4.89 KM away, (8) minute drive, I have to be there since we use our hands for landscaping.  Afterwards my team travels to various sites.  Vaccination, masks, and distancing, are frowned upon, and they are immediately terminated on site by myself if they follow those rules. - No Joke. My business, My Way or the Hi-Way.

    Seeing how you can’t even spell highway correctly it’s no wonder you have a job in landscaping. 
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  • Reply 62 of 70
    sconosciutosconosciuto Posts: 341member
    JFC, STFU and count your money or drool over your amazing resume or, I don't know, maybe go find another job if Apple is so oppressive. #firstworldproblems #growTFup #countyourblessings
    edited May 2022
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  • Reply 63 of 70
    Madbummadbum Posts: 536member
    They have a list of these people right? Why is Cook still talking to them. If you don’t follow company rules, you are gone! What is this? I like Cook but he is being way too weak here.

    employment is at will , get these people out of there now!
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  • Reply 64 of 70
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,510member
    dewme said:
    One "little thing" to think about for all those who are getting a bit too enamored and overly invested with the whole notion of working remotely ... 

    If you are currently performing a job that can actually be done entirely remotely with no need for physical presence it also means that the pool of candidates who can do "your job" can come from anywhere - including lower cost development centers like India, Brazil, Columbia, China, Singapore, Viet Nam, etc., where those qualified to do "your job" are willing to work for far less money and far fewer benefits than what "your job" commands in a high cost area like where you are now living.

    To some degree, by insisting that "your job" has no location or physical presence dependencies you are playing chicken with your employer and daring them to outsource "your job" so it ain't "your job" anymore, but just "a job" being filled by someone far away from you who is not you. That's exactly how a lot of the early adopters of "virtual teams" were created, by recognizing that some members of the team could fully perform their tasks in far away places.

    I spent several years working with engineers on my team who were working halfway around the globe. By having some engineers "working remotely" we were able to hire around 4X more staff than what it would cost in the US and gain access and insights into markets that we were trying to break into. It worked very well, I'd say too well for some, because eventually the entire team was working remotely - in another country.

    Be careful what you ask for. You may win the battle but lose the war.

    And there are so many talented people who speak English like a native, be very careful spoiled American Apple workers. However some ex Apple employees simply stole Apple’s tech by the gigabytes at will, however since it is a white collar crime they will walk a way with a slap.
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  • Reply 65 of 70
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,288member
    nicholfd said:
    mike1 said:
    Real reason is people do not want to work at Apple Park because people do not have even a semi private office to work in.  Really poor working conditions unless you are in management.

    You mean like practically every other company in the world?
    Every other company in the world at least gives you a desk to work at.  At Apple Park you get a table with 10 other people to collaborate with.  A horrible working condition.
    And these people accepted the job & did the work there, pre-pandemic.  If the working conditions were so bad, why did they continue to work there, and not look for employment elsewhere, complain, etc., pre-pandemic?  So it was Ok pre-pandemic, but not now?
    nicholfd said:
    mike1 said:
    Real reason is people do not want to work at Apple Park because people do not have even a semi private office to work in.  Really poor working conditions unless you are in management.

    You mean like practically every other company in the world?
    Every other company in the world at least gives you a desk to work at.  At Apple Park you get a table with 10 other people to collaborate with.  A horrible working condition.
    And these people accepted the job & did the work there, pre-pandemic.  If the working conditions were so bad, why did they continue to work there, and not look for employment elsewhere, complain, etc., pre-pandemic?  So it was Ok pre-pandemic, but not now?
    Most did look for work.  Why do you think Apple started giving stock grants to valued engineers who they could not afford to lose?

    You really know nothing about Silicon Valley.

    Silicon Valley tech companies here have been giving stock to employees as a retention incentive FOR DECADES. There's even a colloquialism for this specific type of compensation: "golden handcuffs."

    In the Nineties they were options. Today they are RSUs.

    You are totally out of touch with this region's employment environment.

    Apple didn't start this recently and they aren't the only company to do this. Everyone does it and have for decades.
    edited May 2022
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  • Reply 66 of 70
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,656member
    JFPotts said:
    Whiny Babies making three figure salaries complaining about where they have to park their tush during business hours. These people don’t live in the real world.
    If I was making $999 or less, I’d complain too. 
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  • Reply 67 of 70
    chuck1252chuck1252 Posts: 22member
    What?  You are expected to GO to work?  How Ridiculous.  Now the Doctors Frankenstein can bask in what they have created.
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  • Reply 68 of 70
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,549member
    So why no stories about the employees gruntled to be returning to work?

    I guess Florence is correct happiness is an extremely uneventful subject.
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  • Reply 69 of 70
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    mpantone said:
    Real reason is people do not want to work at Apple Park because people do not have even a semi private office to work in.  Really poor working conditions unless you are in management.
    You are wrong.

    Cubicles became normal working conditions in Silicon Valley in the late Eighties and early Nineties. Before the pandemic everyone expected their desk to be in a cubicle in some office building. And this isn't just for Fortune 500 companies like Apple, Cisco, Intel, Nvidia, AMD, whatever. It's the same for that little startup on Castro Street in Mountain View or University Avenue in Palo Alto.

    Remember: Intel's Andy Grove (CEO 1987-1998) famously worked in a standard sized cubicle with partitions of normal height. And no, he did not wear noise cancelling headphones. That's how ingrained the cubicle work environment is in Silicon Valley.

    The main reasons why Apple employees don't want to return to Apple Park is the commute and the schedule flexibility.
    Cubicles weren't normal at all in Apple, not in infinite loop anyhoo. Still aren't as far as I know.  And I suspect the ability of getting into an actual room and closing a door explains a lot of Apple's successes in the Steve Jobs' era. 
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  • Reply 70 of 70
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    The level of entitlement these people have is next-level. Imagine what all the millions of people who worked through the entire pandemic think of these snowflakes.
    Here's another one -the entitlement of people using Apple devices and hating on the people producing them. 

    Personally I can see why Apple would require many of its engineers back at the Office ( although some of it is the sunk cost fallacy), but there should be a compromise with perhaps greater flexibility in some, or many, cases. 
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