NMR speaks. OSX to us "Piles"?



  • Reply 21 of 55
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by Hobbes

    Imagine a stack of windows, compact and organized, that can be placed anywhere on the screen. Instead of the current flat, two-dimensional line of windows in the Dock, or at the edge of the screen... The stack would provide visual feedback when rolled over. Stacks could be unstacked to expand in a single option-click, or a single window could be plucked out to expand. It would be the first (gentle) introduction of three-dimensional interface, and would serve a purpose -- to reduce window clutter.

    That would be nice, and I've seen something like it wished for on these very forums: The idea of a set of documents that are related somehow to the user, regardless of which applications are used to work with them. It would be natural and consistent to be able to organize them into piles whether or not they were open.

    Hmm. Interesting. I like it.
  • Reply 22 of 55
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    hmm, funny part is this could either be really cool, or really, really lame.

    i hope Apple does it right, but if there's anyone out there who could it would be them.
  • Reply 23 of 55
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member
    But it could be really great if "piles" didn't represent real files, but were a place were files could aggregate. If tied to a proper metadata implementation, piles could be the result of live searches or the result of saved searches in which the contents could change according to the search criteria. In its lamest sense it could a group of .mp3s fixed by genre, or if you were working on a job, all Adobe Illustrator files saved after XXX date, and marked with the job name.
  • Reply 24 of 55
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by cowerd

    But it could be really great if "piles" didn't represent real files, but were a place were files could aggregate. If tied to a proper metadata implementation, piles could be the result of live searches or the result of saved searches in which the contents could change according to the search criteria. In its lamest sense it could a group of .mp3s fixed by genre, or if you were working on a job, all Adobe Illustrator files saved after XXX date, and marked with the job name.

    Dag! That's powerful!

    I can only imagine all the implications something like this would have. Even without the pile concept, a 'smart folder' akin to the smart playlists of iTunes would be the biggest thing since MultiFinder .
  • Reply 25 of 55
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Amorph

    I seem to recall NeXT having something like this, actually.

    I think you're thinking of the old NeXTstep shelf multiple-picks icon (this one via TIFFany):

    Whenver you selected more than one item and dropped the group into the Shelf, it would use this icon. To tell you the truth, the LoopRumors account of them sound slike it could be quite useful, especially when as others have mentioned, you can group according to metadata info. It's all sort of half-solved everwhere. I have a hard time understanding where you would have these aside from the desktop, and how they would work with folders in a mixed environment or how they might enclude folders. Surely, someone will try to add a folder of stuff to a pile. not just individual things?

    Really, the idea spouted by LoopRumors and The Gay Blade is the return of single-window mode to an extent if true, isn't it?
  • Reply 26 of 55
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    I think you're thinking of the old NeXTstep shelf multiple-picks icon (this one via TIFFany):

    That's exactly what I was thinking of. A sort of specialized pile of whatever was currently selected (a proxy, strictly speaking).


    Really, the idea spouted by LoopRumors and The Gay Blade is the return of single-window mode to an extent if true, isn't it?

    Single-pile mode?

    That name will never make it past marketing...
  • Reply 27 of 55
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Ah, "Smart Folders" would be great! To have one folder that held the alias's of every "latest version of..." would very useful. And the ability to make a folder hold your "last 10 apps" would replace the "Most Recent..." part of the old Apple Menus that many liked.

    As for 3D interfaces, I don't quite see the advantage over a well implemented 2D that allows drilling through layers of folders....except if the files were rapidly previewed from the "stack" during a mouse roll-over. If you could right-click a folder to view its contents in a menu or window form, that would do the same thing. (Note: I don't have OSX so I don't know if this is already an option.)

    Maybe if the dock actually held "stacks" it would be useful. It would not break the idea of the "desktop" since the dock already does this. If "stacks" were distributed around the screen, I know I would quickly get myself in big trouble. It would be great to give the dock more things to do...more powerful.
  • Reply 28 of 55
    I was thinking today that metadata could be so incredible powerful, especially if we could make our own fields.. say, for mp3's an 'intrumental' tag so that i can quickly listen to non-vocal music. And then to be able to search it with, say, genre conditions and have that easily accessible. I'd love that type of thing for graphics (like a 'suitible for desktop' tag and all results could be cycled in the desktop). So many options, and if any of this is beyond random rumors or speculation, I am really excited!

    And one advantage of these piles is that unlike real life, they wouldn't fall over, or blend into each other, and Jobs could stick his 'magnification' into them! that'll make him happy!
  • Reply 29 of 55

    Originally posted by Code Master

    I was thinking today that metadata could be so incredible powerful, especially if we could make our own fields.. say, for mp3's an 'intrumental' tag so that i can quickly listen to non-vocal music.


    You can already do that in iTunes....
  • Reply 30 of 55
    By setting the genre? I want another tag above that
  • Reply 31 of 55
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    Originally posted by Code Master

    By setting the genre? I want another tag above that

    You have one, Comments.
  • Reply 32 of 55

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    off topic: hey hobbes, what's that desktop pic you are using? is it a live update?

    I've got what I think is the same image. Used it on my desktop at work for ages.

    PM me with your email address, and I'll send it to you.
  • Reply 33 of 55
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    off topic: hey hobbes, what's that desktop pic you are using? is it a live update? [/B]

    Here you are.
  • Reply 34 of 55
    Its all part of the file system being developed, meta data, JFS, live database access FS...where things are on the disk becomes much less importnat than that data can be anywhere you may want to use it in the form it is best suited to, in as many iterations as you want
  • Reply 35 of 55
    wyntirwyntir Posts: 88member

    Originally posted by serrano

    You have one, Comments.

    Let me take this opportunity to pimp my softwares, Common Tater. Nift little floating window that lets you set ratings and comments in iTunes without opening the main window or finding the Dock icon. I'm proud of it It's way handy for doing the dynamic playlisting.
  • Reply 36 of 55
    Has anybody else considered "piles" being affiliated in some way with minimize-in-place (mini-)windows?
  • Reply 37 of 55
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    thanks hobbes.

    great image...
  • Reply 38 of 55
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Code Master

    I was thinking today that metadata could be so incredible powerful, especially if we could make our own fields.. say, for mp3's an 'intrumental' tag so that i can quickly listen to non-vocal music. And then to be able to search it with, say, genre conditions and have that easily accessible. I'd love that type of thing for graphics (like a 'suitible for desktop' tag and all results could be cycled in the desktop). So many options, and if any of this is beyond random rumors or speculation, I am really excited!

    One problem with user-implemented/created metadata tags is something you illustrated incredibly well without even knowing it:

    intrumental or instrumental? What if someone inadvertantly spells some of their tags wrong and doesn't realize it? They get endlessly frustrated when their smart search doesn't work. Or what if someone one day decides that this piece of music is instrumental, but tomorrow decides that another piece similar is acoustic? Or that this document is business related and one similar is finance related? Or that..... you get the point. People are disorganized. It would cause this system to fail. My 2¢.
  • Reply 39 of 55
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by LudwigVan

    Has anybody else considered "piles" being affiliated in some way with minimize-in-place (mini-)windows?

    Yeah, I thought so too. We talked about this here before jag came out. I'll see if I can find the link since the search is supposedly working.

    edit: Here it is
  • Reply 40 of 55
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    Originally posted by torifile

    One problem with user-implemented/created metadata tags is something you illustrated incredibly well without even knowing it:

    intrumental or instrumental? What if someone inadvertantly spells some of their tags wrong and doesn't realize it? They get endlessly frustrated when their smart search doesn't work. Or what if someone one day decides that this piece of music is instrumental, but tomorrow decides that another piece similar is acoustic? Or that this document is business related and one similar is finance related? Or that..... you get the point. People are disorganized. It would cause this system to fail. My 2¢.

    It seems we're going to have to trust people to some extent. But besides the genre tag is from a popup, so you select Instrumental, or Acousitc. Or, if you're using iTunes, you can just put a comma between the two and let it fall into both categories. ie. Instrumental, Acoustic

    Apple's apps are very feature rich, I just wish they were better documented.
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