What Apple learned from skeuomorphism and why it still matters

in General Discussion edited August 2022
Apple's focus on skeumorphism changed a decade ago in iOS 7. Here's why Apple started and stopped using it, how it evolved, and why it's still important to interface design.

Apple's calculator has had a long history with skeuomorphism.
Apple's calculator has had a long history with skeuomorphism.

You might have heard the term "skeuomorphism" to describe Apple's iconic design style. About 10 years ago Apple's use of skeuomorphism was at its peak with iOS 6: the yellow, lined notepad paper in the Notes app, the bookshelf-like interface of the Newsstand app, the metallic look of the Voice Memos app microphone, and other life-like materials.

iOS 6 was the peak of Apple's realistic, skeuomorphic interfaces
iOS 6 was the peak of Apple's realistic, skeuomorphic interfaces

At this time these and many other Apple-designed apps shared this style of design. As far back as the 1800s, "skeumorphism" has been used to describe a specific approach to design.

What is Skeuomorphism?

Skeuomorphism is used when a designer carries over elements from an original object into a new one. The purpose of retaining such elements can be purely aesthetic. Or it can provide the user familiarity and understanding of how the new object works -- assuming the user has previous experience with the original object.

After doing it first with radio, television makers designed the sets with the same materials and look of furniture for decades. This helped consumers see the television fitting into a living room setting.

In the early days of TV, designing them to look like furniture was a skeuomorphism.
In the early days of TV, designing them to look like furniture was a skeuomorphism.

Another early example was the transition from horse-drawn carriages to cars. For people to understand the leap from one to the other the skeuomorphism began in the language used. It was better understood to refer to these 4-wheel contraptions as "horseless carriages".

Because of it, early cars were made to look like carriages. One designer even attached a dummy horse head to the car's front.

Graphical user interfaces mimic the real word

When the computer screen came along and we got to see what we were working on in real-time, the average consumer was not keen on the text-based interface or command line input. When Steve Jobs visited Xerox's R&D department in 1979, he was blown away by the basic graphical user-interface Xerox had been testing.

Jobs quickly saw the potential and Apple began building its own which would become the interface for the 1984 Macintosh.

The Macintosh showed clear and deliberate metaphors for the physical world. One of the fundamental metaphors still in use today is the desktop. A work area that can have files and objects laying on top of it-- the desktop was easily understood.

The trash can, folders, printers, and other icons were easily understood as well. The most basic skeuomorph was the button. The buttons on the Macintosh calculator appeared raised from the background suggesting the depth of a physical button.

The calculators' display was positioned above the buttons and contrasted with the background. The user instantly knew how to use it.

The 1984 Macintosh was one of the first graphical user interfaces.
The 1984 Macintosh was one of the first graphical user interfaces.

This approach to graphical user interfaces caught hold across the entire computer industry. It continued to evolve as drop shadows, textures, and objects were given photo-like qualities so they might appear more like their real-world counterparts.

iPhone design goes from photo-like to flat

In 2007, Apple launched iPhone. Naturally, iPhone's OS followed the skeuomorphic approach, but by this point, it probably was more of a design tradition than a tool to provide users with familiarity. By 2012, Apple had reached its skeuomorphism peak with iOS 6 and macOS Mountain Lion.

It wasn't just Apple skeuomorph-ifying everything. For years, designers everywhere had "copied Apple" and applied materials like leather and wood with embossed text on all kinds of interfaces. Designers didn't need a reason to use a metaphor as long as it looked cool.

The trend in 2012 was to use rich textures with embossed elements like this mockup from Matthias Mayr.
The trend in 2012 was to use rich textures with embossed elements like this mockup from Matthias Mayr.

By 2014, this look was getting old for many users and even designers. That group included some people at Apple. Up to this point SVP of iOS, Scott Forstall had been Apple's chief skeuomorphism proponent next to the late Steve Jobs.

In 2012, Forstall was fired for a couple of major flops. Jony Ive and others took over the design of iOS who were not fans of continuing with skeuomorphism.

"When we sat down last November (to work on iOS 7), we understood that people had already become comfortable with touching glass, they didn't need physical buttons, they understood the benefits," Ive said to USA Today in 2013. "So there was an incredible liberty in not having to reference the physical world so literally. We were trying to create an environment that was less specific. It got design out of the way."

iOS 7 was born with its flat style and limited metaphors. Some textures were replaced with white while others with subtle punchy gradients. Buttons had backgrounds removed and given thin outlines. The icons were flat and lightweight. Depth was kept in some places with an occasional drop shadow.

The compass app was one of the many drastic changes in UI from iOS 6 (left) to iOS 7 (right).
The compass app was one of the many drastic changes in UI from iOS 6 (left) to iOS 7 (right).

Some overlaying elements in iOS 7 such as the share sheet were given a translucent background depicting frosted glass. This particular choice showed the kinds of lessons Apple learned from their history with skeuomorphism.

A drop-shadow once was the obvious approach to mimic as literal as possible the real-world depth of objects. Now, designers began to find more elegant metaphors and use unrelated physical properties like frosted glass to convey the hierarchy between layers.

Skeuomorphism is often misunderstood

Apple's deliberate approach with skeuomorphism and sudden shift to flat design in iOS 7 gave many users whiplash. Many people felt like they had to pick a side as they wondered if maybe they missed the eye candy that was the microphone of the Voice Memos app, or the torn paper at the top of the macOS Mountain Lion's Calendar app, or Apple's photo-realistic app icons.

Whatever your preference was or is, Apple made the right call to evolve its approach to interface design. Once users understand a new design, skeuomorphism begins to lose its advantage.

By 2014, users were familiar enough with iPhone and smartphone interfaces that they didn't need to rely on so many metaphors for the physical world.

Luckily, we don't have to choose between skeuomorphism or flat design because they are not exclusive to each other. A design can be flat in appearance while also applying skeuomorphic attributes.

Since iOS 7 Apple's icons have appeared flat but many still have a metaphor for real-world objects. For example, the inbox list in Mail includes icons that look like the kind of physical inboxes you'd see sitting on a 1960s office desk.

Another example of how Apple continues to use skeuomorphism is the drawing tools in the Notes app. They are photo-realistic graphics of a pen, a highlighter, a marker, an eraser, and a ruler. Tapping on one activates that tool.

Apple has struck a balance in skeuomorphism in recent years. Wallet, Notes, and Weather apps are a few examples in iOS 15.
Apple has struck a balance in skeuomorphism in recent years. Wallet, Notes, and Weather apps are a few examples in iOS 15.

Interfaces are ever-changing

Apple didn't invent skeuomorphism but it's hard to ignore the influence its exaggerated use of it had on the tech and design industries. Apple and many other companies continue to lead the way in how we interact with devices.

Real-world objects continue to get replaced with digital ones. Just as we saw the transition from horse-drawn carriages to horseless carriages, we are seeing a shift from human-driven cars to self-driving cars. Virtual reality is packed with real-world metaphors as that technology continues to evolve.

The principle of skeuomorphism is needed as much as it ever was. When the anticipated Apple car is released and the steering wheel is replaced with a digital one, what a throwback it would be if it was designed to look like black hand-stitched leather.

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  • Reply 1 of 21
    amar99amar99 Posts: 181member
    IMHO, the strength of skeuomorphism is to simulate physicality within a digital space, even if only for the sake of visual interest. This doesn't have to mean excessive gradients or over the top shading and lighting, but much as the OS7 approach, a simple drop shadow can go a long way toward helping the eyes and brain to divide between foreground and background -- something increasingly lost in modern OSes. There's nothing wrong with simulating 3D within a 2D space, but avoiding a tacky result does take effort and skill.
  • Reply 2 of 21
    Excellent article. A fascinating perspective look about the user interface on a electronic device. One of the best articles I have read on Appleinsider. 👏
  • Reply 3 of 21
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,753member
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.  When I first saw iOS 7, I was a bit worried that it would go the way of many modern websites where there are almost no visual indicators which allow you to determine what's interactive and what isn't (and thus navigation becomes frustrating).  But Apple did a good job of using consistent color, font size, bolding, and positioning to enable people to intuitively figure out how to navigate the new interface.
  • Reply 4 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,257member
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.  When I first saw iOS 7, I was a bit worried that it would go the way of many modern websites where there are almost no visual indicators which allow you to determine what's interactive and what isn't (and thus navigation becomes frustrating).  But Apple did a good job of using consistent color, font size, bolding, and positioning to enable people to intuitively figure out how to navigate the new interface.
    No, the motivation at the time was listening to the some geeks at the time who wanted something similar to the bad UI design that was Google Android, which was spearheaded by the Verge editors. Flat is a lazy non talented design.

    Most Humans see in vivid color used it. However some males 8% are color blind and they might be fine with flat…..That might explain the horrible paint job in new housing developments after the first paint job wears off, 10-20 years later, and we all live near an example of that bad repaint.
    edited August 2022 libertyandfree
  • Reply 5 of 21
    The totally flat look still bothers me. I often have no clue what a button is, what is active, etc. I really think design has plunged over the past decades. So much thought used to go in to GUI, but it just doesn't feel that way to me anymore.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,129member
    iOS_Guy80 said:
    Excellent article. A fascinating perspective look about the user interface on a electronic device. One of the best articles I have read on Appleinsider. 👏
    We used to get more of this kind of article back in the days when DED/“Prince McLean” (I’m assuming they’re the same person) was a regular AI contributor, and I’m always glad to see them. 
  • Reply 7 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,257member
    designr said:
    Apple's problem with skeuomorphism was taking it too far. It almost became a religion. It became kitchy and skeuomorphism for skeuomorphism's sake.

    The move to the flat design, while a step in the right direction, was probably an over-reaction. It, once again, went too far. It seemed to abandon one key, foundational concept of good human factors design: affordance. A lot of affordances were just lost with the pendulum swinging so far to "flat".

    These are the problems that come from adopting a visual design aesthetic for the sake of the aesthetic (i.e., form over function).

    Form and function properly exist in a careful, thoughtful, even delicate balance. Excellent designers know those and execute it exceedingly well.

    Jony Ive (and Steve Jobs) had great instincts but sometimes got out of balance in this area.

    Windows and Android took a flat (lazy) approach to UI design, Font design and WYSIWYG were also a part of Apple’s UI design philosophy which is still a iffy proposition in Windows and Android. And in addition Apple’s continued usage of 5k monitors also play a part in their design philosophy.
    edited August 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 8 of 21
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Skeuomorphism has a place in creating familiarity, but when it gets in the way of functionality it becomes a burden. Calculator still suffers from this; there’s no reason why the display line needs to work like a calculator, it can show a much better summary of what you’re inputting and the calculations.
  • Reply 9 of 21
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,753member
    danox said:
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.  When I first saw iOS 7, I was a bit worried that it would go the way of many modern websites where there are almost no visual indicators which allow you to determine what's interactive and what isn't (and thus navigation becomes frustrating).  But Apple did a good job of using consistent color, font size, bolding, and positioning to enable people to intuitively figure out how to navigate the new interface.
    No, the motivation at the time was listening to the some geeks at the time who wanted something similar to the bad UI design that was Google Android, which was spearheaded by the Verge editors. Flat is a lazy non talented design.
    Any design which is mindlessly followed without thought about the function and purpose is lazy.  I feel that skeuomorphism was becoming that way too.  I remember attending an Apple tech talk at the time where they were pushing it as a way to make your apps have more "value" in the eyes of the people purchasing them.  Recreating materials like leather and wood the same way they're used in high end cars to charge more.  I was pretty turned off by that attitude.

    That said, I agree about the inconsistent mess with flat design on websites and many Android apps.  A great big wild west of "designers" who mindlessly implement things the way they think works best without a thought about the function and purpose.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    dtb200dtb200 Posts: 47member
    The totally flat look still bothers me. I often have no clue what a button is, what is active, etc. I really think design has plunged over the past decades. So much thought used to go in to GUI, but it just doesn't feel that way to me anymore.
    Agree - too flat is too flat
  • Reply 11 of 21
    dtb200dtb200 Posts: 47member
    Why is Contacts icon n MacOS still skeuomorphic tho? 🤔
  • Reply 12 of 21
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,753member
    The totally flat look still bothers me. I often have no clue what a button is, what is active, etc. I really think design has plunged over the past decades. So much thought used to go in to GUI, but it just doesn't feel that way to me anymore.
    Part of the problem is that some apps are actually designed to keep you using them for as long as possible so that they can harvest as much data as possible.  There's no financial incentive for them to make activities efficient and intuitive.  The sad reality of the data harvesting/advertising driven business model.
    edited August 2022 ramanpfaffthtwatto_cobra
  • Reply 13 of 21
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,663member
    The totally flat look still bothers me. I often have no clue what a button is, what is active, etc. I really think design has plunged over the past decades. So much thought used to go in to GUI, but it just doesn't feel that way to me anymore.
    I could not agree more. It's very frustrating to view a form, card, or website that has a mix of text and controls on it and not know what text is active/actionable and what is just static text. I've developed UIs and when there was an attribute on an actionable control to make it appear more button-like I always started with that option by default. If it didn't pass muster with beta users, I'd change it to make it more intuitive. 

    UI/UX design is a lot more difficult than people realize and is so much more than "look & feel." Everyone has their own particular likes and dislikes. My biggest bone of contention when it comes to UI/UX design is the ambiguity that some UIs present around the commitment (or application - i.e., the "apply" model) of controls on a form/card/dialog. In other words, when do the changes that you've entered actually take effect? Is it explicit where you have to specifically hit an "OK" or "Apply" button or is it implicit where the simple act of changing the focus away from a control or the form causes the change to take effect? Hmmm....

    The fashionable trend in UI design over the past decade seems to lean more towards implicit commit. This often drives me crazy because you can end up with a partial or inconsistent commit, all due to the total confusion about when exactly the changes or entries you've made take effect. Nobody wants to be nagged by constant "Are you sure?" type of dialog, but being totally vague and mysterious about when your changes are committed is no better.

    Apple's Calendar app is a serial offender in this department. When you create a new Calendar event and start filling in the various attributes of the event you get no feedback or assurance that what you've entered even makes sense or exactly how to tell the app "I'm done ... make sure I didn't enter anything stupid ... and save the event NOW to my calendar." Depending on where the selection is in the entry form, hitting the return key isn't even guaranteed to trigger a commit. If you're in a multiline text entry field when you hit the Return key it inserts a carriage return into the text field. Sometimes. Leaving the entry form by clicking outside of the form sometimes triggers the commit, but sometimes it just abandons the whole entry process.

    Apple's UI designers obviously didn't want to enforce any kind of managed state machine or modality into the workflow. I don't know why. Rather than users learning how the process works and being prompted to complete the process correctly and verify their intent, it's a big loosey goosey convoluted mystery that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Barf.

    Making the UI more pretty or subscribing to some new age UX enlightenment rained down from on high and blessed by Jony doesn't matter if the logic and consistency of the UI is confusing, unpredictable, or nondeterministic. I can forgive ugly, but I cannot forgive uncertainty or wasted effort trying to get the machine to do what I want it to do or bad UI induced failure.
    edited August 2022 ramanpfafffastasleeppscooter63muthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobra
  • Reply 14 of 21
    amar99 said:
    IMHO, the strength of skeuomorphism is to simulate physicality within a digital space, even if only for the sake of visual interest. This doesn't have to mean excessive gradients or over the top shading and lighting, but much as the OS7 approach, a simple drop shadow can go a long way toward helping the eyes and brain to divide between foreground and background -- something increasingly lost in modern OSes. There's nothing wrong with simulating 3D within a 2D space, but avoiding a tacky result does take effort and skill.
    I wholeheartedly agree. To this day, it still takes me half a second longer to recognise app icons on my iPhone. In particular, the address book icon. Sure it’s 3D brown leather bound appearance,  might be an old fashioned aesthetic but I feel some function has been lost. I’m not that sad Ives has gone. I feel he got too caught up in the idea of minimalism over utility. Get rid of almost every useful port and make icons that blend into everything else. 
  • Reply 15 of 21
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.
    I used to think this, until I started looking more closely at flat designs and I realized that designs using separator lines and  shadow, were very effective at showing visual hierarchy in a compact way. Once those are taken away, it is very hard to see how items are grouped and related. The only way left to show those relationships, is to add space and that’s the reason why today’s flat designed have a lower density of information that the prior designs.

    Those pre-ios7 designs showed a lot of information on very small screens (all pre-iPhone 6).
    edited August 2022 danoxpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 16 of 21
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,442member
    That is thing no design trend ever suits every situation so people start forcing the design to suit the theme.
    Case in point is Calculator which is based on a specific physical model by a specific designer the Apple designers liked not actually the generic item. 

    Given extra space and push to look like the analogue thing.....
    Why wasn't calculator based on mechanical calculator with a paper tape instead of a screen readout?

  • Reply 17 of 21
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 1,049member
    What a fascinating and fabulous article. Well done, AI! More like this, please. 
  • Reply 18 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,257member
    mbishop said:
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.
    I used to think this, until I started looking more closely at flat designs and I realized that designs using separator lines and  shadow, were very effective at showing visual hierarchy in a compact way. Once those are taken away, it is very hard to see how items are grouped and related. The only way left to show those relationships, is to add space and that’s the reason why today’s flat designed have a lower density of information that the prior designs.

    Those pre-ios7 designs showed a lot of information on very small screens (all pre-iPhone 6).

    Windows Ribbons are another type of terrible UI design, the top down menu Mac UI just works better, Ribbons little icons at random in little windows everywhere just doesn’t work well. And when you combine it with flat UI it gets even worse.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    danox said:
    mbishop said:
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.
    I used to think this, until I started looking more closely at flat designs and I realized that designs using separator lines and  shadow, were very effective at showing visual hierarchy in a compact way. Once those are taken away, it is very hard to see how items are grouped and related. The only way left to show those relationships, is to add space and that’s the reason why today’s flat designed have a lower density of information that the prior designs.

    Those pre-ios7 designs showed a lot of information on very small screens (all pre-iPhone 6).

    Windows Ribbons are another type of terrible UI design, the top down menu Mac UI just works better, Ribbons little icons at random in little windows everywhere just doesn’t work well. And when you combine it with flat UI it gets even worse.
    Ribbons are great!!!  Love MS Office.
  • Reply 20 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,257member
    k2kw said:
    danox said:
    mbishop said:
    auxio said:
    One major reason why it made sense to drop skeuomorphism in iOS is because the screens it's running on are a lot smaller.  Adding depth to interface elements takes a fair number of pixels/screen real estate, which leaves less room for the actual content the person is interested in.
    I used to think this, until I started looking more closely at flat designs and I realized that designs using separator lines and  shadow, were very effective at showing visual hierarchy in a compact way. Once those are taken away, it is very hard to see how items are grouped and related. The only way left to show those relationships, is to add space and that’s the reason why today’s flat designed have a lower density of information that the prior designs.

    Those pre-ios7 designs showed a lot of information on very small screens (all pre-iPhone 6).

    Windows Ribbons are another type of terrible UI design, the top down menu Mac UI just works better, Ribbons little icons at random in little windows everywhere just doesn’t work well. And when you combine it with flat UI it gets even worse.
    Ribbons are great!!!  Love MS Office.
    Colorblind? MS Office still sucks always fun to use anything but that abomination, Pages, Nisus Writer, BBEdit, OmniOutliner, or a page layout program have always work much better.
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