Big tech antitrust bill in danger after lobbyist spending spree

in General Discussion edited September 2022
Apple, Google, and others have spent $95 million lobbying against a bill that would prevent them from favoring their own services, and between that and the schedule, a vote seems unlikely.

US Capitol. Credit: Alejandro Barba
US Capitol. Credit: Alejandro Barba

Big Tech firms have been lobbying against the American Choice and Innovation Act since 2021. It's also been subject to delays as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has been waiting to put the bill to a vote until there is sufficient support.

Now according to Bloomberg, it's a risk of failing because there is so little time left to pass major legislation before the midterms. This is the same problem that it faced before the August recess, but now the Senate is planning to be in session for just two weeks in October before the elections.

The bill would require 60 votes to pass and be sent to the House. It has 13 co-sponsors in the Senate. Since it is a bipartisan bill, some believe that if time were taken to put it to a vote, there would be sufficient support from the currently undecided.

"Once this bill comes to the floor for a vote, we are confident it will pass," said Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar, who introduced the bill with Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley.

There are opponents of the bill within government, including Californian Republican Kevin McCarthy. But if the bill is not voted on in this session, it will have failed and will not return in its current form.

Apple, Google, Amazon, and Meta reportedly spent almost $95 million in lobbying efforts against the bill. The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) -- a group that has Amazon, Google, and Facebook as members -- says voters are not interested.

"I don't see it going to the floor," said Michael Petricone of the CTA. "With an election coming up, I expect senators to come back and focus on issues that are popular with voters. Tech regulation is not one of those issues."

Big Tech lobbyists argue that the bill's constraints would impact privacy.

However, Bloomberg reports that they are also concerned about how antitrust reform would work under a future GOP majority in the House. Such a majority would likely mean a focus on the allegation that online platforms limit conservative viewpoints.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 11
    $95M  :o  That's an obscene amount of money! I could throw money out of a car window while driving from across the county and still have money left when I arrived.

    It just shows how the entire political system is broken.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,328member
    On the other hand, what are the technology concerns that real Americans have?

    These include- monopoly control of your neighborhood internet ISP, the cost of cellular contracts and the poor service, the epidemic of online scams that especially target the elderly, the loss or privacy, misinformation etc etc.

    I also think the proponents of the bill are responding to moneyed interests as well.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    I'm not against the idea of anti-trust applied to the tech industry, but I've read this very short anti-trust proposal, and its simply a piece of crap. 

    Nobody could lobby me to vote in favor of this bill, and you could give me a million dollars and I still wouldn't vote in favor of it.

    The political system certainly is broken in many ways, and one way is these morons in Congress have no idea what a good law looks like and don't seem to care. The bill, like their campaigns, is a word salad. 
  • Reply 4 of 11
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    larryjw said:
    I'm not against the idea of anti-trust applied to the tech industry, but I've read this very short anti-trust proposal, and its simply a piece of crap. 

    Nobody could lobby me to vote in favor of this bill, and you could give me a million dollars and I still wouldn't vote in favor of it.

    The political system certainly is broken in many ways, and one way is these morons in Congress have no idea what a good law looks like and don't seem to care. The bill, like their campaigns, is a word salad. 
    Yes, and where is Net Neutrality these days, once the cause du jour of the anti-trust crowd here? The current progressive administration has had two years to reinstate it and nothing so far. And what happened to all the dire predictions of small operators being thrown off the internet because of big guys paying for traffic priority? What about all the throttling that was going to happen to those who couldn’t pay? Now comes the next cause celebre, tech giants pushing their own apps, oh the horror!

    Then there is a recent article in the NYT warning politicians they may want to take it slow on domestic tech lest they go too far and damage their ability to compete globally against the Chinese and Koreans. But the “Too big so break it up, kill it” Elizabeth Warren mentality persists.
    edited September 2022 jdwgatorguywatto_cobra
  • Reply 5 of 11
    lkrupp said:
    larryjw said:
    I'm not against the idea of anti-trust applied to the tech industry, but I've read this very short anti-trust proposal, and its simply a piece of crap. 

    Nobody could lobby me to vote in favor of this bill, and you could give me a million dollars and I still wouldn't vote in favor of it.

    The political system certainly is broken in many ways, and one way is these morons in Congress have no idea what a good law looks like and don't seem to care. The bill, like their campaigns, is a word salad. 
    Yes, and where is Net Neutrality these days, once the cause du jour of the anti-trust crowd here? The current progressive administration has had two years to reinstate it and nothing so far. 

    "While the bill is narrow, what it does is important: it prevents the FCC from reclassifying broadband internet services again in the future. The bill stops the back and forth we’ve experienced, with one FCC instating net neutrality rules, only for another to strip away those protections. By deciding with a congressional mandate that broadband internet services fall firmly under Title II, the American public will have clarity on what the FCC can do, what users’ protections are, and who they can go to when ISPs cause harm."

  • Reply 6 of 11
    badmonk said:
    On the other hand, what are the technology concerns that real Americans have?

    These include- monopoly control of your neighborhood internet ISP, the cost of cellular contracts and the poor service, the epidemic of online scams that especially target the elderly, the loss or privacy, misinformation etc etc.

    I also think the proponents of the bill are responding to moneyed interests as well.
    Thank you very much. An informed comment. Yeah there’s no favoring of their own services by Comcast et al up and down this entire country?
  • Reply 7 of 11
    MadbumMadbum Posts: 536member
    Screw the stupid government ( I voted for Biden god help me…Obama he is not and he honestly is worse than Trump if you are objective!)

    Apple just announced today they will not raise IPhone 14 prices in this crazy stupid government policy induced 15 percent inflation!
    Kudos to Apple! And Emergency  satellite service for free for 2 years!? If you don’t appreciate this , just go look up how expensive it is to use a satellite phone!!

    What has the stupid government done for us except increasing inflation and bashing great companies like Apple! Like Biden DOJ preparing a suit for Apple because these Chinese game companies like Epic complaining?

    if DOJ brings that lawsuit vs Apple on behalf of Chinese owned Epic games. I will lose it!

    stop this big government shit now!

    sorry for the rant but just so sick of what is going on in our country!!
    edited September 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 8 of 11
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,530member
    Congress has the finest legislators money can buy.  :D

    But more seriously, I don’t think it is JUST money that is making this bill falter. It’s that it appears to be a weak bill written mostly by people who have no real idea of how tech works.

    Do Google, FB, and even Apple engage in some monopolistic abuse? Yes, they very likely do at least in some areas (Google and FB especially). What you need, however, is someone like Katie Porter to write the bill personally, not a bunch of technology-challenged doddering old men influenced by special interests. Porter seems to have a good handle on applying what she knows into specific questions and proposals. She does the research and seems to be able to focus on the core issues, unlike a lot of US legislators.

    I am absolutely in favour of legislation that prevents technology providers from favouring their own products/services in search results, et al as has been part of this debate. But of far more importance to the general public, as badmonk noted, is security and privacy and the complete lack thereof from the non-Apple tech companies.

    No body nor law ever granted FB, Google, et al the right to collect and sell intimate data about the users without explicit/informed consent, and because of that kind of widespread abuse it has become necessary to legislate that ability out of existence ASAP. If that happened, you’d be improving the internet for its users a thousand-fold, largely without harming existing advertising (which is still free to gather general information like age range, gender, location etc). Instead, Washington seems convinced that law enforcement needs to destroy encryption — something literally no internet user with a brain in their head actually wants, and that doing so would solve everything.
    FileMakerFelleravon b7watto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 11
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,105member
    omasou said:
    $95M  :o  That's an obscene amount of money! I could throw money out of a car window while driving from across the county and still have money left when I arrived.

    It just shows how the entire political system is broken.
    Not when you compare that $95M to how much other industries spends on lobbying, as a percent of their industry economic worth. Industries like oil, pharmaceutical, heath care, financial. insurance, realtor, and even labor unions, spends a much larger percentage of their economic worth on lobbying, than Tech. When you consider that Tech includes the likes of Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, Qualcomm, Oracle, Texas instrument, Adobe, Nvidia, etc., Techs are not spending as much on lobbying as they should be. Even though they have greatly increased their lobbying  spending in the past several years. Apple pays over $40M in property taxes a year (for just their spaceship HQ) and Google spends over $50M a year on free food for their employees. That $95M in lobbying is a drop in the bucket for Tech. And maybe that's the problem. Politicians wants more lobbying money from Tech. They think Tech is not paying their fair share of the "grease" needed to keep the wheels of politics turning.
    edited September 2022 muthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobra
  • Reply 10 of 11
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,105member
    badmonk said:
    On the other hand, what are the technology concerns that real Americans have?

    These include- monopoly control of your neighborhood internet ISP, the cost of cellular contracts and the poor service, the epidemic of online scams that especially target the elderly, the loss or privacy, misinformation etc etc.

    I also think the proponents of the bill are responding to moneyed interests as well.
    Here you go ...

    Maybe not the most unbiased of poll but surely way more accurate in representing the sentiment of the general US population, than this heavily bias poll taken by the Coalition of App Fairness. Which was done only in "key" States. "Key" meaning States whose poll results would most likely support the positions of the CAF. All the other States whose results would most likely not support  the positions of the CAF, were over looked for this poll.
    edited September 2022 watto_cobra
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