Apple launched the iPod 23 years ago, and changed the world

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited 7:37AM

The iPod line has vanished into history, but the influence of this once-ubiquitous device is still shaping Apple, music, and the world, 23 years on from its announcement on October 23, 2001.

You had one. Everybody had an iPod, some people had several, and at the time it seemed as if Apple had somehow thrown a light switch. One moment, almost nobody had any portable music players, and the next they were all wearing those white earbuds.

That isn't true, of course, because the iPod did take a long time to climb up as high as it got. Yet its ultimate dominance was so total that it used to be hard to imagine a time when there wasn't an iPod.

It was hard, too, to remember that there were alternatives, but there were many. Apple's iPod was far from the first music player, and Microsoft's failed, brown Zune may not even have been its absolute worst rival.

As with any drama about a rise to power, though, the iPod should have watched its friends as well as its enemies. For the iPod was destroyed by a competing device, and when it came, the blow from Apple's own iPhone was total.

You don't have an iPod any more. It's possible that there's one in a drawer somewhere, but in another light switch, this treasure of our age went from everywhere to nearly nowhere except for some stalwarts that have removed the hard drives in place of flash media.

When Apple announced the end of the very last iteration of the iPod, it did so with a headline that was meant to celebrate the device, but felt more like a dismissal of it. "The music lives on," was the whole headline for the May 2022 announcement that first admitted the iPod was dead, and then spent more time talking up Apple's AirPods.

We are fickle

If you want evidence of just how quickly we forget things, you were surprised to read there that the iPod's death was in May 2022. It already seems longer ago, partly because in one way, it was.

Long, long before the last gasp of the iPod touch, it had gone from a physical device to briefly being the name of the music app on the iPhone.

But the iPod's influence does live on

It's not certain that it was because we had the iPod that we got the iPhone, but it does look like it.

"The start of the iPhone project happened from the iPod project," said designer Tony Fadell, best known for his work on Apple's iPod. "We started seeing these feature phones with cameras starting to add digital music features, tools in your phone."

"And it was clear at some point they might be able to catch up with us with this lead that we had with the iPod," he continued. "We were saying... what is the future of the iPod? And if people have two devices in their hand, which one would they pick up every time."

The iPod could hold 1,000 songs. Apple Music now as 100 million.
The iPod could hold 1,000 songs. Apple Music now as 100 million.

But then as well as being Apple's inspiration, it was so incredibly successful that profits from it enabled Apple to develop the iPhone.

Similarly, it's also not certain that music and the music industry would be in the position and the form that it is today, if it weren't for the iPod. And yet you doubt it, because iPod led to iTunes, which begat the iTunes Music Store, and that changed the world.

It's a smaller step from the iTunes Music Store to streaming services like Apple Music, than it was from CDs and vinyl to digital downloads. In the early 2000s, Steve Jobs had to talk the record labels in to providing music, and now streaming is their survival.

Looking back now, it's hard to imagine what a brick wall the record labels represented. Jobs only broke through because -- back then -- he could say that Apple was so small that it wouldn't have any noticeable impact on their business.

Today, the idea that Apple could ever be thought of as small is laughable -- although Apple sometimes tries it on. And it's never again going to be dependent on Windows users, the way it was at the start of the iPod.

A glass of water in a desert

When Apple's Jon Rubinstein bought Toshiba's entire inventory of miniature hard drives for the device, and Tony Fadell worked on its hardware design, the iPod was intended to be only for the Mac.

At least, that was Jobs's intention. Fadell eventually enlisted journalist Wall Mossberg to persuade Jobs to open up the iPod to Windows users.

But at the launch, it was Mac-only, and the New York Times shrugged. The publication said the iPod was nice for Mac users, "but to the rest of the Windows world, it doesn't make any difference."

Of all the places to give the iPod a rave, though, you might not have expected one from PC Magazine. "Leave it to Apple to come out with the world's coolest -- and dare we say best -- MP3 player," said the magazine's review. "Not just candy."

"Its usefulness and simplicity make it a standout product, even for the price," it continued. "Our only gripe: while the Mac-friendly iPod is available now, a rumored PC version won't appear until spring, if ever."

Perhaps PC Magazine had been listening to Fadell about wanting to bring the iPod to Windows. But it still took until July 2002 for that to happen.

From Windows to being shown the door

From 2002 to 2007, the iPod ruled -- and it ruled an ever-expanding empire whose sheer momentum made it appear unstoppable. The word "iPod" became like Biro and Hoover, one trade name that people used to describe a whole industry of competing products.

Apple's lawyers may not have loved that, but on the other hand there were no competing products to speak of.

And then Apple itself used the term to help sell a different device. In 2007, Steve Jobs gave a masterclass of a presentation, in which he got everyone watching excited by the prospect of "a widescreen iPod with touch controls."

It was the end of the iPod, except we didn't know it -- and Apple was still 15 years away from abandoning the device.

For a while, the iPhone could even be thought to be helping the iPod. Its success -- also slow to grow but then quite overwhelming -- brought the world iOS, and with it, the iPod touch.

That really was a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and, more significantly, it was cheaper because it wasn't a phone. You could buy an iPod touch as your gateway drug into Apple's ecosystem, and then later move to an iPhone.

But you would move to an iPhone. Even as Apple kept coming out with more versions of the iPod touch, the world was putting its little white devices in drawers.
Or possibly landfills.

Apple's upbeat announcement about the end of the iPod
Apple's upbeat announcement about the end of the iPod

It used to be that, "iPod" was the word used for all music players. Now if you write the word iPod, it could even get autocorrected into "iPad."

The iPod is 23 years old on October 23, 2024, and it is being erased from history. But it's left a mark and our world has been shaped by it.

The music does live on.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 12
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    But, but, but... The iPod wasn’t first music player so how could it have changed the world? Apple, always late to the game, never changing anything, just copying what’s already there and applying clever marketing so stupid people will buy it. From computers, to music players, to mobile phones, to tablets, to watches, the mantra from the critics is consistent. 

    It won’t be long before one of AI’s own bridge trolls comes along to point this out. They almost always do. I’m just making it easier for them. /s

    p.s. I have a 2003 iPod (Dock Connector) that still holds a charge and still works.
    edited October 2022 baconstangwatto_cobraAppleZulu
  • Reply 2 of 12
    You mean stupid people like you who bought an ipod? Clever Apple ain't it?
  • Reply 3 of 12
    mfrydmfryd Posts: 222member
    lkrupp said:
    But, but, but... The iPod wasn’t first music player so how could it have changed the world? Apple, always late to the game, never changing anything, just copying what’s already there and applying clever marketing so stupid people will buy it. From computers, to music players, to mobile phones, to tablets, to watches, the mantra from the critics is consistent. 

    It won’t be long before one of AI’s own bridge trolls comes along to point this out. They almost always do. I’m just making it easier for them. /s

    p.s. I have a 2003 iPod (Dock Connector) that still holds a charge and still works.
    Apple has a track record of taking something that exists, and improving it.  When Apple gets it right, the product can really take off.

    It's not that Apple is "late to the game", it's more like the game isn't serious until Apple starts playing.

    Music players existed before the iPod, but the iPod was better and easier to use.  The iPod made portable players mainstream, and the iPod dominated the market.

    Graphical User Interface computers existed before the Macintosh.  Xerox had their workstations, and Apple had the Lisa.  But the Mac did it better, and for awhile was the leader in GUI computers.

    Let's not forget that cell phones existed long before Apple entered the market.  There were phones that could send email and access the web.   The iPhone was simply better.   Over 95% of all phones sold today are iPhone, or Android phones based on the iPhone keyboardless/touchscreen model.

  • Reply 4 of 12
    h4y3sh4y3s Posts: 85member
    The real breakthrough for the iPod was the integrated iTunes store. I brought the whole concept to Tony Fadell on Jan 20, 1999. He brought it to Apple. It took years of hard work to bring to market. 
    People at the time couldn't wrap their brain around the concept that music could be downloaded over the internet (over a phone line!).
  • Reply 5 of 12
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,697member
    h4y3s said:
    The real breakthrough for the iPod was the integrated iTunes store. I brought the whole concept to Tony Fadell on Jan 20, 1999. He brought it to Apple. It took years of hard work to bring to market. 
    People at the time couldn't wrap their brain around the concept that music could be downloaded over the internet (over a phone line!).
    I agree. One could also argue that iTunes saved the music industry, or at least kept it alive and healthy long enough for streaming to catch up and eventually take over as the primary outlet for music delivery.  

    Of course none of these narratives are as simple as we see them today. Apple and especially Steve Jobs must have had enormous powers of persuasion over a critical mass of music industry executives to be able to pull this whole thing off. Otherwise this would still be mired in litigation. Changing technology is easier than changing minds, but changing minds was alway one of Steve Jobs' superpowers.
    edited October 2022 JP234h4y3swatto_cobra
  • Reply 6 of 12
    I still use my iPod Shuffle. 
  • Reply 7 of 12
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,146member
    It wasn't that "hard to remember" if you were familiar with the iPod's parents, the Walkman and boombox...
  • Reply 8 of 12
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,426member
    I've stated this before, but the single most important decision made, whether or not they realized it at the time, was to create a Windows version of iTunes.
    That one move immediately opened up their market to far more customers than they would have had as a Mac-only accessory. Many of those iPod owners became Apple customers for the first time.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    h4y3sh4y3s Posts: 85member
    JP234 said:
    h4y3s said:
    The real breakthrough for the iPod was the integrated iTunes store. I brought the whole concept to Tony Fadell on Jan 20, 1999. He brought it to Apple. It took years of hard work to bring to market. 
    People at the time couldn't wrap their brain around the concept that music could be downloaded over the internet (over a phone line!).
    "Fadell found support for his business idea of an MP3 player complemented by an online music store in Apple. In 2001 Fadell was hired by Apple as a contractor designing the iPod and planning Apple's audio product strategy. His idea for a small hard disk-based music player and an online-store-for-music had caught Steve Jobs's attention. During that time, he created the concept and initial design of the iPod. He was then hired by Apple to assemble and run its iPod & Special Projects group in April 2001. He was tasked with overseeing the design and production of the iPod and iSight devices."

    A real shame that your name is never mentioned for conceptualizing the iPod AND iTunes Store. Time to stand up and be named, so we can call Tony and tell him to give you the credit! 
    Thanks JP. That would be nice. But I doubt it will ever happen! I've moved on. 
  • Reply 10 of 12
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,329member
    lkrupp said:
    But, but, but... The iPod wasn’t first music player so how could it have changed the world? Apple, always late to the game, never changing anything, just copying what’s already there and applying clever marketing so stupid people will buy it. From computers, to music players, to mobile phones, to tablets, to watches, the mantra from the critics is consistent. 

    It won’t be long before one of AI’s own bridge trolls comes along to point this out. They almost always do. I’m just making it easier for them. /s

    p.s. I have a 2003 iPod (Dock Connector) that still holds a charge and still works.
    Which one of those music players supported Mac’s? Which one of the so-called Smartphones or Smartwatch/Fitness bands supported Mac’s? Basically none Apple as usual had to roll up it’s sleeves and support the Mac itself. AAA games on the Mac are currently in the same boat, Apple in the end will need to do the same.
    edited October 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 12
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    lkrupp said:
    But, but, but... The iPod wasn’t first music player so how could it have changed the world? Apple, always late to the game, never changing anything, just copying what’s already there and applying clever marketing so stupid people will buy it. From computers, to music players, to mobile phones, to tablets, to watches, the mantra from the critics is consistent. 

    It won’t be long before one of AI’s own bridge trolls comes along to point this out. They almost always do. I’m just making it easier for them. /s.
    How long do you think we'll have to wait? The critics you so certainly predict never seem to show up.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    AppleZuluAppleZulu Posts: 2,155member
    lkrupp said:
    But, but, but... The iPod wasn’t first music player so how could it have changed the world? Apple, always late to the game, never changing anything, just copying what’s already there and applying clever marketing so stupid people will buy it. From computers, to music players, to mobile phones, to tablets, to watches, the mantra from the critics is consistent. 

    It won’t be long before one of AI’s own bridge trolls comes along to point this out. They almost always do. I’m just making it easier for them. /s

    p.s. I have a 2003 iPod (Dock Connector) that still holds a charge and still works.
    This is the pattern I’ve noted elsewhere in discussions about AI. The pattern has repeated so many times, it’s comical seeing the “late to the game” doomsayers who seem to have no clue how they’re just filling the role of saying predictable things that are wrong. 

    The mp3 market was a hot mess of poor implementation and industry cannibalizing theft of IP, and then Apple arrives with a great device and a way to easily, securely and legitimately purchase music online. 

    It turned out consumers weren’t committed to the piracy everyone else was enabling. They just wanted to be able to get their music online. 

    Then Apple was “late” with streaming music subscriptions, only now it’s Spotify that still can’t figure out a sustainable business model. 

    The same is about to happen with AI. Everyone else has brought AI to market without a clear use case, and built it on delivering unreliable results based on the massive theft of IP to “train” their programs. 

    Apple will use it to enhance a suite of hardware, base it on legitimately sourced content, and deliver it without selling out its customers’ personal data. 

    In a couple of years, the others will be busily trying shoehorn their AI into something that resembles Apple’s model, while not actually giving up the data monetizing shenanigans. 
    edited 9:23AM
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