Foxconn apologizes to rioters, Apple is on the scene

in iPhone edited November 2022
Following riots at its iPhone plant in Zhengzhou, Foxconn has apologized and said pay problems were a "technical error."

Hundreds of workers from the Zhengzhou rioted on Wednesday, protesting about food and conditions in the COVID lockdown measures, and also pay. Despite Foxconn having previously promised bonuses, rioters claimed that the company had revised contracts to prevent workers being eligible.

According to BBC News, the company has now issued a statement saying that a "technical error occurred during the onboarding process." Foxconn said that the pay its new recruits would get is now "the same as agreed [in the] official recruitment posters."

Foxconn also said that it was in communication with the affected employees, and was doing what it could "to actively solve the concerns and reasonable demands of employees."

Separately, one worker told BBC News that since the company's apology statement, he had received $1,120, and was to get a further $280. The worker also said that the protests had now ended.

However, at the same time, Chinese authorities again ordered the city of Zhengzhou to go into lockdown. People will require a negative COVID test before they can leave the area.

And, Apple has a response team on site. It's not clear exactly when they arrived, but Apple confirmed that they were there to help deal with the problem.

"We are reviewing the situation and working closely with Foxconn to ensure their employees' concerns are addressed," Apple reportedly has said.

It was following a previous lockdown that Foxconn issued a warning about its revenue growth, and Apple made a rare statement about delays in iPhone 14 Pro production.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 12
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Gotta put down that slave rebellion. /s

    Problem is Apple is stuck there along with dozens of other manufacturers who followed the availability of large numbers of low wage laborers. And at the core of all of it are the consumers of the developed world who demand low prices while also demanding high wages for their domestic workforce. So now Apple is moving to India, Vietnam, possibly Brazil and some day they will run out of those low wage workers. Then what?
    edited November 2022 JaiOh81watto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 12
    MadbumMadbum Posts: 536member
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    edited November 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 12
    MadbumMadbum Posts: 536member
    lkrupp said:
    Gotta put down that slave rebellion. /s

    Problem is Apple is stuck there along with dozens of other manufacturers who followed the availability of large numbers of low wage laborers. And at the core of all of it are the consumers of the developed world who demand low prices while also demanding high wages for their domestic workforce. So now Apple is moving to India, Vietnam, possibly Brazil and some day they will run out of those low wage workers. Then what?
    Robots , 80 percent of iPhone assembly can already be done by robots.of course the cost of precision robots on a mass scale still more expensive than humans now
    edited November 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Madbum said:
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    Unlikely! This factory is in a special zone. It does not have to follow rules imposed by CCP on other Chinese companies. FoxConn management should be blamed for this Covid spread inside the factory. 
  • Reply 5 of 12
    lkrupp said:
    Gotta put down that slave rebellion. /s

    Problem is Apple is stuck there along with dozens of other manufacturers who followed the availability of large numbers of low wage laborers. And at the core of all of it are the consumers of the developed world who demand low prices while also demanding high wages for their domestic workforce. So now Apple is moving to India, Vietnam, possibly Brazil and some day they will run out of those low wage workers. Then what?
    Tim Cook has been pretty clear that the reason Apple is staying in China is the high number of skilled workers and not the presence of low wage workers (although in the past the latter was certainly a key reason for relocating production).

    I'm not arguing that Apple isn't seeking out the lowest possible price for workers, just that the company seems more willing than most to prioritise quality of output over the cost of production - best value, rather than lowest cost.
  • Reply 6 of 12
    AppleInsider said:
    According to BBC News, the company has now issued a statement saying that a "technical error occurred during the onboarding process." Foxconn said that the pay its new recruits would get is now "the same as agreed [in the] official recruitment posters."
    I find this company statement to be spectacularly unbelievable, although it may be corp-speak for "a local official interfered and has left us to take the blame."

    Shameful no matter the reasons.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,882moderator
    lkrupp said:
    Gotta put down that slave rebellion. /s

    Problem is Apple is stuck there along with dozens of other manufacturers who followed the availability of large numbers of low wage laborers. And at the core of all of it are the consumers of the developed world who demand low prices while also demanding high wages for their domestic workforce. So now Apple is moving to India, Vietnam, possibly Brazil and some day they will run out of those low wage workers. Then what?
    Apple doubled, and then doubled again wages of assemblers of Apple products in China.  This was quite a few years ago, so they’ve likely raised wages more times since.  Apple isn’t looking for the lowest cost labor like a garment manufacturer or a toaster/small appliance manufacturer might.  Apple is there because it’s the only part of the world where you can bring together such large numbers of workers to meet the demand of manufacturing complex electronics.  
  • Reply 8 of 12
    MadbumMadbum Posts: 536member
    Madbum said:
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    Unlikely! This factory is in a special zone. It does not have to follow rules imposed by CCP on other Chinese companies. FoxConn management should be blamed for this Covid spread inside the factory. 
    CCP staged to hurt Democratic owned Foxconn and Apple

    look at time line

    Not a conspiracy, it’s fact. A week ago, Local Chinese government offered 20k retired communist party members and soldiers to work for Foxconn. These 20k were the same people protesting yesterday clock work like military. And today 20k these same people says they are leaving…After extorting the 6 month bonus from Foxconn by being there a few days.. Gee whiz?

    also watch the video, the protestors were the ones beating the police in while hazmat suits , when have you even seen that in China?

    remember all the fake “Tesla cars brakes failing” videos? Same Weibo social media “army” , this time with help from CCP

    lastly, Chinese media is highly censored, nothing gets through unless government is ok with it. Why would they allow these protest videos to appear freely?

    This is confirmed by free Democratic media of a Taiwan

    edited November 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 12
    Madbum said:
    Madbum said:
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    Unlikely! This factory is in a special zone. It does not have to follow rules imposed by CCP on other Chinese companies. FoxConn management should be blamed for this Covid spread inside the factory. 
    CCP staged to hurt Democratic owned Foxconn and Apple

    look at time line

    Not a conspiracy, it’s fact. A week ago, Local Chinese government offered 20k retired communist party members and soldiers to work for Foxconn. These 20k were the same people protesting yesterday clock work like military. And today 20k these same people says they are leaving…After extorting the 6 month bonus from Foxconn by being there a few days.. Gee whiz?

    also watch the video, the protestors were the ones beating the police in while hazmat suits , when have you even seen that in China?

    remember all the fake “Tesla cars brakes failing” videos? Same Weibo social media “army” , this time with help from CCP

    lastly, Chinese media is highly censored, nothing gets through unless government is ok with it. Why would they allow these protest videos to appear freely?

    This is confirmed by free Democratic media of a Taiwan

    You believe in the free Taiwanese media? LOL There are all kinds of opposing views. How are you able to believe? LOL You are not watching US media. There is view by pro Democrat media. There is view by pro Republican media. They are opposing views, How are you able to believe any one is true? 

    Taiwanese media are liars. How can a mattress sell for 10,000,000? They think this is true? LOL
  • Reply 10 of 12
    MadbumMadbum Posts: 536member
    Madbum said:
    Madbum said:
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    Unlikely! This factory is in a special zone. It does not have to follow rules imposed by CCP on other Chinese companies. FoxConn management should be blamed for this Covid spread inside the factory. 
    CCP staged to hurt Democratic owned Foxconn and Apple

    look at time line

    Not a conspiracy, it’s fact. A week ago, Local Chinese government offered 20k retired communist party members and soldiers to work for Foxconn. These 20k were the same people protesting yesterday clock work like military. And today 20k these same people says they are leaving…After extorting the 6 month bonus from Foxconn by being there a few days.. Gee whiz?

    also watch the video, the protestors were the ones beating the police in while hazmat suits , when have you even seen that in China?

    remember all the fake “Tesla cars brakes failing” videos? Same Weibo social media “army” , this time with help from CCP

    lastly, Chinese media is highly censored, nothing gets through unless government is ok with it. Why would they allow these protest videos to appear freely?

    This is confirmed by free Democratic media of a Taiwan

    You believe in the free Taiwanese media? LOL There are all kinds of opposing views. How are you able to believe? LOL You are not watching US media. There is view by pro Democrat media. There is view by pro Republican media. They are opposing views, How are you able to believe any one is true? 

    Taiwanese media are liars. How can a mattress sell for 10,000,000? They think this is true? LOL
    Yes I believe Democratic Taiwan over communist CCP tactics

    i laid out facts and time line and the people sent in by the CCP 

    Do you really think the CCP police will stand there and basically get beaten by protestors if this was Xi Jing Ping they were protesting? Do you think any of those videos would be out? They wanted this scene to smear Foxconn and Apple and still have plausible deniability because they were just good partners trying to help.

    another fact, CCP plan is to force Foxconn out and have their own company take over manufacturing for Apple, that company is call Li Shin  so Apple will be fine here, real victim is Taiwan and Foxconn. Taiwan is also a true democracy, much more than corrupt Ukraine by the way 

    how do I know this? This is the tactic they have been using for many Taiwanese companies in China over last few years

    lastly, the CCP factory that made the shoe you are wearing is likely much worse than Foxconn

    also the mattress story is a parody stemming from big fight high profile divorce case between Taiwanese actress and Chinese businessman 
    edited November 2022 watto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 12
    Madbum said:
    Madbum said:
    Madbum said:
    Chinese communist CCP is behind all this

    Foxconn is owned by Democratic country  Taiwan that a China wants forever to attack

    Apple is owned by USA 

    CCP is using its famed “Weibo” army to do its dirty work . Weibo is the Chinese super app literally every person in China use 24/7

    CCP is doing this because it doesn’t want to directly be seen as going after Foxconn and Apple because they are “partners”

    lastly, why with strict “lockdowns”, nobody is wondering why these protestors are able to roam free, cameras everywhere?

    this is CCP coordinated 

    Unlikely! This factory is in a special zone. It does not have to follow rules imposed by CCP on other Chinese companies. FoxConn management should be blamed for this Covid spread inside the factory. 
    CCP staged to hurt Democratic owned Foxconn and Apple

    look at time line

    Not a conspiracy, it’s fact. A week ago, Local Chinese government offered 20k retired communist party members and soldiers to work for Foxconn. These 20k were the same people protesting yesterday clock work like military. And today 20k these same people says they are leaving…After extorting the 6 month bonus from Foxconn by being there a few days.. Gee whiz?

    also watch the video, the protestors were the ones beating the police in while hazmat suits , when have you even seen that in China?

    remember all the fake “Tesla cars brakes failing” videos? Same Weibo social media “army” , this time with help from CCP

    lastly, Chinese media is highly censored, nothing gets through unless government is ok with it. Why would they allow these protest videos to appear freely?

    This is confirmed by free Democratic media of a Taiwan

    You believe in the free Taiwanese media? LOL There are all kinds of opposing views. How are you able to believe? LOL You are not watching US media. There is view by pro Democrat media. There is view by pro Republican media. They are opposing views, How are you able to believe any one is true? 

    Taiwanese media are liars. How can a mattress sell for 10,000,000? They think this is true? LOL
    Yes I believe Democratic Taiwan over communist CCP tactics

    i laid out facts and time line and the people sent in by the CCP 

    Do you really think the CCP police will stand there and basically get beaten by protestors if this was Xi Jing Ping they were protesting? Do you think any of those videos would be out? They wanted this scene to smear Foxconn and Apple and still have plausible deniability because they were just good partners trying to help.

    another fact, CCP plan is to force Foxconn out and have their own company take over manufacturing for Apple, that company is call Li Shin  so Apple will be fine here, real victim is Taiwan and Foxconn. Taiwan is also a true democracy, much more than corrupt Ukraine by the way 

    how do I know this? This is the tactic they have been using for many Taiwanese companies in China over last few years

    lastly, the factory that made the shoe you are wearing is likely much worse than Foxconn
    The people wearing white hazmat suits are not police. You are a fool.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,128member
    lkrupp said:
    Gotta put down that slave rebellion. /s

    Problem is Apple is stuck there along with dozens of other manufacturers who followed the availability of large numbers of low wage laborers. And at the core of all of it are the consumers of the developed world who demand low prices while also demanding high wages for their domestic workforce. So now Apple is moving to India, Vietnam, possibly Brazil and some day they will run out of those low wage workers. Then what?
    Become like Germany instead of the UK when it comes to worker problems? ( Everything seems to be adversarial in the English speaking countries when it comes to workers and management ) Amazon, Apple, Starbucks movements to unionize won’t stop, those between 17-35 saddled with housing, educational, transportation, and food concerns,  won’t stop, it’s not going away in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the UK all have massive problems in that area. China doesn’t appear to be alone.

    Oh, and those other slave wage countries to the south won’t have any water due to China having built 13 dams with 7 more coming at the headwaters of several rivers draining from the Himalaya’s (Mekong being the most important) the slave wage countries to the south are not a long term fix).

    In the end the USA and Europe will need to tapped for labor there won’t be any short cuts anymore.
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