iPhone SE 4 allegedly canceled, perhaps over Apple's 5G modem failures



  • Reply 21 of 22
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,870member
    danox said:
    avon b7 said:
    wood1208 said:
    Apple should focus on in-house Advanced 5G or 6G then current 5G spec.
    Apple can't ship a modem that isn't backwards compatible with earlier specifications unless it were to add another modem to the soup.

    With the way, all the regulatory agencies are acting around the world regional Apple devices are probably going to be coming into style for Apple the EU, China, Japan, Korea, Brazil, India, and Russia, or any other place you care name the politicians are just never going to stop, so Apple may need to build a different phone or device for several regions of the world. Politicians of course don’t care it’s free money to them.

    A new modem is coming from Apple at some point Qualcomm is going to be out of the Apple system no different than Intel and AMD are out in processors, or Google being out with their mapping system, Apple over the years, has had to build various devices, programs, open physical and digital stores, to support their ecosystems because no one else would.

    Since they were in the in the minority position (still are), the same condition applies today. Most people support Windows/Android, and Apple is always faced with building something to support their ecosystems, but when they become successful? Hmm…

    No one was worried about Apple Pay, Apple Watch or iMessage when they were first introduced as a matter fact, most of the tech/analysts laughed them off, now that they became successful the laughing stopped but the crying ensued me too me too let me in…….
    5G is a collection international standards. Regulatory agencies won't change that. All they can do is auction off the use of frequencies. 

    Qualcomm was already out of the Apple ecosystem due to their patent spat and didn't suffer at all. When Apple went back to QC it was just a plus for them. A plus they know they will lose at some point. When sanctions hit Huawei (which, like Apple, was reducing use of QC modems and using its own) QC got another client. They know they will lose that client too. It's all factored into their business plans. 

    With most decent 5G modems on-Soc, the sale of the modem is more dependent on the sale of the chipset. Qualcomm has a broad portfolio of clients but due to US weaponisation of technology, long term, QC will lose out as companies seek to reduce their exposure to US geopolitical decisions.

    Apple managed to fall under the radar of competition watchdogs for many years but as business grows, everyone eventually gets put under the microscope and if you are abusing your gatekeeper status you know what to expect. 
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