Google Pixel 7 is having reliability issues with buttons & camera lenses

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in General Discussion edited February 2023
Since launch, many owners of the Pixel 7 have been complaining about hardware problems with their handsets, such as camera lenses that suddenly crack for no apparent reason, or buttons that fall off.

Pixel 7 smartphones
Pixel 7 smartphones

Google released the Pixel 7 smartphones in October, with redesigned cameras, new accessibility features, and other upgrades and improvements.

But recent reports from Pixel 7 owners reveal that certain parts have been falling off the phone. For example, an AndroidCentral article on Tuesday shares how the author's volume button fell off.

Nicholas Sutrich says he was walking in the woods to take pictures and took out his Pixel 7 Pro from his pocket. But he noticed that the volume button was stuck to the screen instead of in its proper place on the side.

He mentioned that he takes good care of his equipment and that, aside from occasionally using it for photography, the Pixel 7 Pro usually gets left at home.

Sutrich said that the Pixel 7 volume button appears similar to the same button on other smartphones and could even be more reinforced at first glance.

Other Pixel 7 owners mentioned that their volume buttons had also fallen off, so it's not an isolated incident.

Cracked glass

The volume button isn't the only faulty hardware on Pixel 7 phones either. Some people have said that the glass on their rear cameras has spontaneously shattered.

In December, a person tweeted that their camera glass broke, even though they didn't drop their Pixel 7. On Reddit, another person said they pulled their Pixel 7 out of their pocket and found that the rear camera glass was broken, and others share similar incidents in the comments.

Fortunately, many users report that after contacting customer service, Google offered to replace their phones, indicating that the company is aware of the issues.

Shoppers considering a Pixel 7 should study the reports before deciding or get a smartphone from a different manufacturer. If these problems persist, they should be ready to pay for repairs, at least if Google doesn't provide a replacement.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 21
    Don't feel sorry for them. End of the day they opted for a High End Android phone LOL
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 21
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 21
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    I'm replacing my Pixel 7Pro because the front glass cracked. I had assumed it would hold up a LOT better....

    But having it run over by at least two vehicles after falling off the back of the truck was all it took. /s

    In all seriousness though, yes my Pixel 7Pro did fall off the back of a truck during a turn, hit the pavement sliding and spinning, then run over by at least two trucks, not sure the third vehicle hit it but it might have. The front glass shattered, the phone frame bent at the top where the camera bar is. BUT the glass back was undamaged, saved by a thin polycarb case, and all the buttons seem to be working, altho it's hard to know for sure with no display. The biggest shock is it still rings but I'm certain I wouldn't hear the caller.  

    It survived so well that I'm just ordering another and not chancing a repair, especially with possible battery damage from being crushed under truck tires. I can't in good faith replace the screen and speaker and even if it appears to be fine and working afterward, sell it on to someone else. I'd feel terrible if it burst into flames in someone's home or vehicle because of hidden damage.  
    edited February 2023
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 21
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    JP234 said:
    droids said:
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
    Why are you posting your love for a phone on an Apple forum. Kinda kinky, if you ask me…
    Isn’t it interesting how these two feel the need to justify their choices by commenting on the competition’s tech blog. They could post on any of the myriad of Android blogs about their love of their products but no, they chose to join and post on sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors.

    Psychologically this has to smack of insecurity and a need to reinforce their choices by putting down the ‘other’ choices. I don’t visit, let alone join, Android blogs because I simply don’t care. Like you accurately point, this is kinky to say the least.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 5 of 21
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,098member
    lkrupp said:
    JP234 said:
    droids said:
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
    Why are you posting your love for a phone on an Apple forum. Kinda kinky, if you ask me…
    Isn’t it interesting how these two feel the need to justify their choices by commenting on the competition’s tech blog. They could post on any of the myriad of Android blogs about their love of their products but no, they chose to join and post on sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors.

    Psychologically this has to smack of insecurity and a need to reinforce their choices by putting down the ‘other’ choices. I don’t visit, let alone join, Android blogs because I simply don’t care. Like you accurately point, this is kinky to say the least.
    But this article is literally about an Android phone. Isn't it logical for Pixel users to give their opinions, too? 
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 21
    I wonder if the phones exhibiting these failures are all from the same batch/manufacturing facility? Gonna be a real pain to sort out if there are problems with the components as well as the assembly process.
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 7 of 21
    Sounds like they might be having some QC issues, either from a parts supplier or during assembly. The manufacturing traffic-jam post pandemic is probably not helping and seems to be causing all sorts of issues and supply problems. At least Apple seems to have weathered that storm reasonably well because of their supply chain mastery . Unlike say a company like Cisco who’ve been quoting ridiculous lead times on some of their network switches and Wi-Fi products.  Obviously buying power really does pay dividends in manufacturing!
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 21
    I have had 1 issue. I had the green bars in my screen that have been going around, but I took it to a uBreakiFix shop (because their licensed by Google to make repairs) and got a screen replacement in a few hours for totally free because it was still covered by warranty. (Warranty lasts for a year) I assume it would be the same for any other hardware problem.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,510member
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 21
    Hi, I am Joey?
    danox said:
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
    Last week, I signed up for the Pixel 7. I really hadn't given in enough time when and a friend talked me into my first iPhone, 4he red Apple, iPhone 14.   📲💥
    I'd been using an Android for 8-10 YEARS. 
    36 hours later I thanked God I still had the Pixel 7. Now, about 3-5 days with the Pixel 7, I truly DO like it!, a lot. 
    JoeyLee* 😎😎
    "Just My Humble  Opinion"  
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 21
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,510member
    JowyLee said:
    Hi, I am Joey?
    danox said:
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
    Last week, I signed up for the Pixel 7. I really hadn't given in enough time when and a friend talked me into my first iPhone, 4he red Apple, iPhone 14.   📲💥
    I'd been using an Android for 8-10 YEARS. 
    36 hours later I thanked God I still had the Pixel 7. Now, about 3-5 days with the Pixel 7, I truly DO like it!, a lot. 
    JoeyLee* 😎😎
    "Just My Humble  Opinion"  
    Thank you Mr. one post you seem to be lost. Shouldn’t you direct that Beta post to the Microsoft AI site?
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 21
    JP234 said:
    JowyLee said:
    Hi, I am Joey?
    danox said:
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
    Last week, I signed up for the Pixel 7. I really hadn't given in enough time when and a friend talked me into my first iPhone, 4he red Apple, iPhone 14.   📲💥
    I'd been using an Android for 8-10 YEARS. 
    36 hours later I thanked God I still had the Pixel 7. Now, about 3-5 days with the Pixel 7, I truly DO like it!, a lot. 
    JoeyLee* 😎😎
    "Just My Humble  Opinion"  
    So why are you here?
    Because you know - To quote your own post from another thread - This is a discussion forum. And this particular article is about .... can you find out?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 21
    JP234 said:
    JP234 said:
    JowyLee said:
    Hi, I am Joey?
    danox said:
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
    Last week, I signed up for the Pixel 7. I really hadn't given in enough time when and a friend talked me into my first iPhone, 4he red Apple, iPhone 14.   📲💥
    I'd been using an Android for 8-10 YEARS. 
    36 hours later I thanked God I still had the Pixel 7. Now, about 3-5 days with the Pixel 7, I truly DO like it!, a lot. 
    JoeyLee* 😎😎
    "Just My Humble  Opinion"  
    So why are you here?
    Because you know - To quote your own post from another thread - This is a discussion forum. And this particular article is about .... can you find out?
    Not judging your choice. Just wondering why an Apple forum would be of interest to you. I have zero interest in anything Android or Windows. (Except as a Microsoft shareholder).
    Could it be due to the interest in understanding about all technologies, not just the one that an individual is using? Also, possibly an user of different platforms, not just restricted to one? You may be surprised by this, but there are many regulars in this forum who use devices from mutiple platforms, not just restricted to Apple. And if none of the users from other platforms visit this forum, why would AI cover this topic about Google in the first place? Do you think it is just to give a feel good factor about the supposed superiority of Apple in anything and everything that they do? Of course your other posts do not imply that. If this question (why are you here?) had come from many of the hard-core Apple fans in this forum, I wouldn't have even responded (in this same thread, we have another one similar to your post). Not sure why you are wondering about people with different choices are in this forum.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 21
    JP234 said:
    Not sure why you are wondering about people with different choices are in this forum.
    Simple curiosity. So what Apple devices do you use? And if you do have them, why do you want an Android phone?
    iPad, Android phone, windows desktop/laptop. Btw, I was not the person whom you asked "Why are you here?". And there are many more in this forum with different combinations of hardware usage.

    why do you want an Android phone? Guess what - Once you used an Android phone and features that are exclusive to Android, you would throw an iPhone within 15 minutes in disgust due to the missing features/limitations (which is exactly the actual experience of @JowyLee and it is not surprising to me). And the reverse is equally true as well - A regular iPhone user cannot stand the amount of bloatware, ads etc in Android phones and would throw them in disgust in 5 minutes. This is a reality that many in this forum (not just you) do not get.
    edited February 2023
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 21
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    JP234 said:
    Not sure why you are wondering about people with different choices are in this forum.
    Simple curiosity. So what Apple devices do you use? And if you do have them, why do you want an Android phone?
    Personally? I'm a current iPhone user and have been for a few years, and waiting on a Pixel 7 Pro that should arrive tomorrow to replace a phone abused by a couple of trucks !!

    I'm also watching for the right deal on a Mac Studio for my photography stuff even tho I already have a very capable Alienware PC for it. These all serve (or will) different aspects of my needs.
    edited February 2023
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 21
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JP234 said:
    droids said:
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
    Why are you posting your love for a phone on an Apple forum. Kinda kinky, if you ask me…
    Isn’t it interesting how these two feel the need to justify their choices by commenting on the competition’s tech blog. They could post on any of the myriad of Android blogs about their love of their products but no, they chose to join and post on sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors.

    Psychologically this has to smack of insecurity and a need to reinforce their choices by putting down the ‘other’ choices. I don’t visit, let alone join, Android blogs because I simply don’t care. Like you accurately point, this is kinky to say the least.
    But this article is literally about an Android phone. Isn't it logical for Pixel users to give their opinions, too? 
    So why are Pixel users on an Apple centric blog to begin with? But more to the point why is an Apple centric blog posting articles about Pixel problems? But I acknowledge this has been going on for over forty years. Non Apple users flock to Apple centric blogs to put their two cents in and tout the superiority of their non-Apple products. I get it. But it doesn’t happen the other way around. Why is that? 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 21
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    lkrupp said:
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JP234 said:
    droids said:
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
    Why are you posting your love for a phone on an Apple forum. Kinda kinky, if you ask me…
    Isn’t it interesting how these two feel the need to justify their choices by commenting on the competition’s tech blog. They could post on any of the myriad of Android blogs about their love of their products but no, they chose to join and post on sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors.

    Psychologically this has to smack of insecurity and a need to reinforce their choices by putting down the ‘other’ choices. I don’t visit, let alone join, Android blogs because I simply don’t care. Like you accurately point, this is kinky to say the least.
    But this article is literally about an Android phone. Isn't it logical for Pixel users to give their opinions, too? 
    So why are Pixel users on an Apple centric blog to begin with? But more to the point why is an Apple centric blog posting articles about Pixel problems? But I acknowledge this has been going on for over forty years. Non Apple users flock to Apple centric blogs to put their two cents in and tout the superiority of their non-Apple products. I get it. But it doesn’t happen the other way around. Why is that? 
    Why are some (not most) Apple owners so braggadocious and intolerant, loudly proclaiming anything not Apple must of course be garbage even if they've never used said devices?  Does denigrating others and searching out negative stories about competitors serve as validation for their own choices, and offer cover for their own insecurities? Life is chock full of mysteries, Larry.
    edited February 2023
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 21
    JP234 said:
    JP234 said:
    Not sure why you are wondering about people with different choices are in this forum.
    Simple curiosity. So what Apple devices do you use? And if you do have them, why do you want an Android phone?
    iPad, Android phone, windows desktop/laptop. Btw, I was not the person whom you asked "Why are you here?". And there are many more in this forum with different combinations of hardware usage.

    why do you want an Android phone? Guess what - Once you used an Android phone and features that are exclusive to Android, you would throw an iPhone within 15 minutes in disgust due to the missing features/limitations (which is exactly the actual experience of @JowyLee and it is not surprising to me). And the reverse is equally true as well - A regular iPhone user cannot stand the amount of bloatware, ads etc in Android phones and would throw them in disgust in 5 minutes. This is a reality that many in this forum (not just you) do not get.
    Well, you got that one wrong. My first smartphone was an Android phone. And you know what? The day the AT&T contract expired, I ran over it with my car and went to the Apple Store. Since everything else we had in our house was Apple, I figured that it would work better together. I bought an iPhone 6s, and it was a magical difference.

    Now I'm wondering why you bought an iPad, when nothing else you use is Apple based. Sounds like you'd be better off with a Samsung Tab or a Google Android 11. Or was it a gift?
    Nope, it was not a gift. I bought it with my own hard earned money. Don't you think it is futile to "judge" another person's purchase decision(s)?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 21
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,098member
    lkrupp said:
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JP234 said:
    droids said:
    Of course, this is from appleinsider.......
    I love my Pixel 7, it's amazing -  no problems at all  Why would I pay more for an iPhone.....that does less. 
    Why are you posting your love for a phone on an Apple forum. Kinda kinky, if you ask me…
    Isn’t it interesting how these two feel the need to justify their choices by commenting on the competition’s tech blog. They could post on any of the myriad of Android blogs about their love of their products but no, they chose to join and post on sites like AppleInsider and MacRumors.

    Psychologically this has to smack of insecurity and a need to reinforce their choices by putting down the ‘other’ choices. I don’t visit, let alone join, Android blogs because I simply don’t care. Like you accurately point, this is kinky to say the least.
    But this article is literally about an Android phone. Isn't it logical for Pixel users to give their opinions, too? 
    So why are Pixel users on an Apple centric blog to begin with? But more to the point why is an Apple centric blog posting articles about Pixel problems? But I acknowledge this has been going on for over forty years. Non Apple users flock to Apple centric blogs to put their two cents in and tout the superiority of their non-Apple products. I get it. But it doesn’t happen the other way around. Why is that? 
    You answered your own question. Apple centric doesn't mean Apple exclusive
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 21
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,325member
    JP234 said:
    JP234 said:
    JowyLee said:
    Hi, I am Joey?
    danox said:
    A parasitic company has trouble building hardware, who knew…….
    Last week, I signed up for the Pixel 7. I really hadn't given in enough time when and a friend talked me into my first iPhone, 4he red Apple, iPhone 14.   📲💥
    I'd been using an Android for 8-10 YEARS. 
    36 hours later I thanked God I still had the Pixel 7. Now, about 3-5 days with the Pixel 7, I truly DO like it!, a lot. 
    JoeyLee* 😎😎
    "Just My Humble  Opinion"  
    So why are you here?
    Because you know - To quote your own post from another thread - This is a discussion forum. And this particular article is about .... can you find out?
    Not judging your choice. Just wondering why an Apple forum would be of interest to you. I have zero interest in anything Android or Windows. (Except as a Microsoft shareholder).
    Yet you read and commented on an article about Google. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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