Apple inching closer to noninvasive blood glucose testing tech

in Apple Watch edited February 2023
Apple's moonshot project to use the Apple Watch as a noninvasive glucose meter has reportedly reached a "proof of concept" stage, but will still take years to come to market.

Being able to monitor blood glucose levels without any invasive procedures has regularly been rumored to be coming, but research was expected to take many more years.

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, it will still take time to become part of the Apple Watch, but the research has passed a significant milestone. Unspecified sources, seemingly within Apple, say that after 12 years they have reached what they call a proof of concept stage.

This means that Apple now believes it has the technology working, but it needs to be shrunk down to Apple Watch size. Reportedly, the company's engineers are currently working to create an iPhone-sized prototype that would then be strapped to person's leg.

The system, which used to occupy a table top, has been tested by Apple on hundreds of people over the last 10 years. Each result was then compared to traditional tests that involve taking blood samples.

Bloomberg says that as well as reaching a milestone, however, the small research team on the project recently had a major setback. Its leader, Bill Athas, died suddenly in late 2022.

Reportedly, the work has been taken over by some of Athas's deputies. That includes Apple managers Dave Simon and Jeff Koller, who report to Johny Srouji, Apple's senior vice president of Hardware Technologies.

It's also now claimed that Apple's research began as an entirely separate startup company called Avolonte Health LLC which had no apparent connection with Apple. However, the firm was created in 2010 when Steve Jobs got Apple to quietly buy another health firm, RareLight.

In 2021, it was reported that an Apple supplier, Rockley Photonics, had managed to get the technology down to Apple Watch size, but there has been no release as yet

That company produced what it described as a reference design, which meant it was a working device that was only intended for other manufacturers to base shipping watches on. Even so, the Rockley Photonics reference design was clearly build atop an Apple Watch.

The long history of Apple's blood glucose aim

While there have been strong rumors of a release since at least 2017, it was Apple's significant relationship with that firm that at one point led to the expectation the glucose feature would be in the 2022 Apple Watch Series 7.

In the meantime, there was a 2022 Homebrew project that saw one Apple Watch owner create a complication and watchOS app that worked in conjunction with a third-party glucose monitor.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 16
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    Counting down in 3...2...1... (for which non-practicing entity will sue them...)

  • Reply 2 of 16
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 656member
    There are two competitors (Dexcom G6, FreeStyle Libre and maybe more) selling devices that placed on the backside of your arm (other places might be possible) and they stay in place for about two weeks. It has a needle in the center that pierces the skin for continuous monitoring of glucose levels so you do not need to do finger sticks. My neighbor can check it anytime he wants to with a handheld device that also alerts him if his blood sugar is trending out of range (high or low). Great when it happens while sleeping. I do believe you can do the monitoring with a mobile phone instead of or in addition to their handheld device. He does not have a phone so I am not sure.

    The watch will be another leap forward as it eliminates the need for purchasing a new device every two weeks or so and no initial prick.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    The day this happens, it will be groundbreaking.  
  • Reply 4 of 16
    JP234 said:
    If this succeeds, it's going to transform the lives of diabetics. And be really, really painful for existing companies making the finger stick tests.
    painful… was for vinyl companies, then for tape recordings companies, CD companies, VHS companies…
    I am all for that pain!
  • Reply 5 of 16
    Continuous Glucose Monitor and Blood Pressure measurement in Apple Watch would make it a 1st choice medical device for millions and millions of people.
    The future is bright!
  • Reply 6 of 16
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    This reminds me of how Apple took the TouchID tech from a form factor the size of a half shoe box and shrinked it to be included inside the iPhone 5S home button, in less than a year, which is just amazing.  
  • Reply 7 of 16
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
     Thrang said:
    Counting down in 3...2...1... (for which non-practicing entity will sue them...)

    You read my mind. It won’t matter anyway because President Biden is banning the sale of Apple Watches in the U.S.  B) /s
    edited February 2023
  • Reply 8 of 16
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,963member
    designr said:
    This and blood pressure would be amazing game changers.

    The more continuous—or near continuous—monitoring of health vitals, combined with some AI and ML, could open up great new views into our individual well-being and the things that affect it in tighter feedback loops. e.g., you're not diabetic (yet) but that bowl of fruit loops spikes your blood sugar...and it's trending up over weeks and months...hmmm...maybe I can change now before it's too late!

    Cool stuff. Very hopeful for this technology.

    It will definitely be a massive help for people who are silently moving towards chronic illness as a result of lifestyle habits. 

    As well as existing sufferers of course. 

    I'm more optimistic than Gurman on this one and I think something will reach the market this year or next. 
  • Reply 9 of 16
    JP234 said:
    If this succeeds, it's going to transform the lives of diabetics. And be really, really painful for existing companies making the finger stick tests.
    Incorrect. Non-invasive glucose monitors are already commonplace. Finger prick testing has been obsolete for years now. The only advantage offered by the Apple system is that it's been 2-3 years away for 6 years. Oh, wait... that's not really an advantage.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,963member
    proline said:
    JP234 said:
    If this succeeds, it's going to transform the lives of diabetics. And be really, really painful for existing companies making the finger stick tests.
    Incorrect. Non-invasive glucose monitors are already commonplace. Finger prick testing has been obsolete for years now. The only advantage offered by the Apple system is that it's been 2-3 years away for 6 years. Oh, wait... that's not really an advantage.
    I'm unaware of any such device being commonly available on the open market. 

    There are a number of companies that claim to have cracked the problem and have end user products in the final stages of development but I haven't seen any reach the user yet. At least in large numbers.

    Others are shoebox size devices for clinical settings and product testing purposes.

    Remember that we are talking about wearable devices here even though any non-wearable device will sell out as soon as it becomes freely available. Being able to use one while sleeping will be a very big plus. 
  • Reply 11 of 16
    HrebHreb Posts: 87member
    Non-invasive, convenient glucose monitoring will for sure be ground-breaking.  And just as surely the Apple Watch will not be the first consumer device to offer it.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    Hreb said:
    Non-invasive, convenient glucose monitoring will for sure be ground-breaking.  And just as surely the Apple Watch will not be the first consumer device to offer it.
    It’s certainly conceivable the Apple Watch will be the first consumer device to offer non-invasive convenient glucose monitoring that people want to wear on their wrist daily and that offers all that other useful functionality. 
  • Reply 13 of 16
    williamhwilliamh Posts: 1,041member
    Hreb said:
    Non-invasive, convenient glucose monitoring will for sure be ground-breaking.  And just as surely the Apple Watch will not be the first consumer device to offer it.
    Apple might have the first consumer device that offers convenient glucose monitoring along with all the other Apple Watch stuff.
  • Reply 14 of 16
    williamhwilliamh Posts: 1,041member
    Yesterday, I watched an interview with awesome Canadian athlete Ryan Atkins in which he talks about the glucose monitor thing stuck on the arm being a real game changer during long events.  During an endurance event, you need to eat before you are hungry to stay properly fueled.  With the monitor, he can keep tabs on his blood sugar level during a race.  

    I'm not in the same universe as Atkins but I would enjoy the glucose monitoring on an Apple Watch as an added benefit during the running/sports things I do.  I already love using the watch to track location, distance, cadence, heartbeat, etc.
  • Reply 15 of 16
    It would be nice if they could coincide development of blood pressure monitoring which is equally important to glucose monitoring.
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