Multiple mall shootings prompt Apple Store closure in North Carolina



  • Reply 21 of 22
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    AppleZulu said:
    AppleZulu said:
    What? I thought these states’ inexorable march toward unregulated, unrestricted gun sales and ownership was supposed to make everyone safer. You know, because of all the “good guys” wandering around, armed to the teeth. Did Apple check first to see if the mall shootings weren’t just some of those good guys exercising their freedom and protecting us?
    This is double truth. Western culture believe a free society is able to sustain double truths. 
    "Western culture" is not a person, and therefore doesn't believe anything.

    Some people in the West believe stupid things, yes, and other people in the West use sarcasm to point out those stupid things. Happily, at least so far, we're able to do both without being sent to "re-education camps" until we learn to only say the official things that we are told to say we believe, even if privately we know those beliefs to be stupid. This is apparently more of a problem in some Eastern cultures. 
    Western culture advances past Chinese culture during Renaissance. Re-education camp is the only way for China to catch up West. It has been tried since Mao's time. You know the result. US governments are fearful of Chinese companies. Note the totally ban of Huawei. Western culture are now trapped in the double truths. 
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