Cannibalistic Rap

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Can you guys believe this!



  • Reply 1 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    This all but guarantees him a number one album and rule of the Billboard charts, if recent trends/pattern in the world of hip-hop/rap are to be taken into account.

    "Can I have a record deal?"


    "But I done killed two people and shot up a nightclub."

    "Sign right here, my man!"

    How can someone be that a) stupid and b) lacking ANY sort of compass? "I need to 'make my mark'...guess I'll eat this chick's lung...".


    "Shit, n****...just write a song like everybody else! Crazy ass mothe......"

    (Disclaimer: Not ME talking...I used asterisks just to avoid any unpleasantness or unfair charges...I'm in "character", okay? A buddy or labelmate of his, perhaps...think Pryor, alright? Whew...)

    Man, that HAS to rank up there with the oddest story I've heard in a while. And to think: at one time, Elvis wiggling his hips nearly brought on the end of civilization as we know it.

    The King is, I'm sure, shocked to no end and would want no part of this.

  • Reply 2 of 21
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member
    cannibalism should be illegal. this guy should be jailed on that alone but of course for the murder as well
  • Reply 3 of 21
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    i thought cannibalism was illegal.

    dear lord, it's not illegal in the UK apparently!


    Cannibalism is classified as CB8937 in the British Legal system.

    A registered cannibal is allotted 5 murders a year to accomodate cannibals culturally.

    Cannibalism has been legal (for registered cannibals) since 1639.

    Andrew Macintosh was the tallest lawyer ever. He was 7 foot 5 inches tall and represented 6 cannibals in his career.

    There are no laws on the books about cannibalism in Russia.

  • Reply 4 of 21
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i'm pretty sure cannabalism is iLegal. if not directly then: assault and battery with a deadly weapon, or attempted murder. aside from the actual murder of course.
  • Reply 5 of 21
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    "A registered cannibal is allotted 5 murders a year to accomodate cannibals culturally."

    I call bullshit on that.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Cool, next guy I kill in a fit of rage, I'm biting a piece out of his bicep and sticking him in my freezer.

    I can do this 5 times a year! Whoopee!!

  • Reply 7 of 21
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    check google for "legal cannibalism"

    you can research this if you want to.
  • Reply 8 of 21

    Originally posted by pscates

    This all but guarantees him a number one album and rule of the Billboard charts, if recent trends/pattern in the world of hip-hop/rap are to be taken into account.

    "Can I have a record deal?"


    "But I done killed two people and shot up a nightclub."

    "Sign right here, my man!"

    How can someone be that a) stupid and b) lacking ANY sort of compass? "I need to 'make my mark'...guess I'll eat this chick's lung...".


    "Shit, n****...just write a song like everybody else! Crazy ass mothe......"

    (Disclaimer: Not ME talking...I used asterisks just to avoid any unpleasantness or unfair charges...I'm in "character", okay? A buddy or labelmate of his, perhaps...think Pryor, alright? Whew...)

    Man, that HAS to rank up there with the oddest story I've heard in a while. And to think: at one time, Elvis wiggling his hips nearly brought on the end of civilization as we know it.

    The King is, I'm sure, shocked to no end and would want no part of this.

    I would agree with you forthright if you weren't so damn reactionary here. Cannibalism, murder, rape, misogyny- they're all obviously wrong. But to evoke the King and lambast music's progress since then is not something I can entirely agree with. I think what we're dealing with is just one music genre- Gangsta Rap. Other rap is based more on the rake's progress to virtue- aka street cred as in growing up in tough neighborhoods and doing regrettable, arguably immoral things. But does hardcore Gangsta Rap necessarily translate into Billboard success? I don't think so. Does it indicate an industry-wide trend? I really don't see it.

    Suge Knight never should have been let out of prison by the way. I think he and other Gangsta Rap moguls do more to tarnish music than anyone.
  • Reply 9 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    I would agree with you forthright if you weren't so damn reactionary here. Cannibalism, murder, rape, misogyny- they're all obviously wrong. But to evoke the King and lambast music's progress since then is not something I can entirely agree with...

    Dude, it's called "being silly". You would be the one person who comes in after tons others to do this.

    I'm TOTALLY being sarcastic with the Elvis thing. Think about it, Shawn: Elvis himself degenerated into quite a mess in his later years, so he's obviously no saint or unspoiled example. Do you not realize that? I know you're young, but I know you're smart enough to know enough about pop culture and recent history and to know that ANYONE with a brain (or a mild sense of humor) would NOT look to Elvis Presley as some sort of perfect, no-bad-marks role model.

    If you could, for three seconds or so, set aside your compulsive need to disagree with every goddamn thing I post here, you'd see the post in the manner in which I intended (here's a tip: usually, those smileys are dead giveaways that I'm not being "reactionary", on a "rant", being truly serious or delving into a scholarly, analytical observation. Jeez-louise...should I even have to point that out?

    L I G H T E N U P. I know it's me and all, but come on.

    Not everything has to be a little battle, okay? Or a me vs. you moment. Enjoy the thread: not lambasting music at all. Kinda sticking it to this particular rapper a little bit. But, well, he kinda deserves it, doesn't he? He ATE someone, for crying out loud! Please don't tell me your ultra-liberal disposition and solidarity with the oppressed and trod-upon extends to excusing/ignoring cannibalism? I should "understand" it, right? Even though it's alien to my caucasian, Republican and repressed background, it might be acceptable for others in, say, in the Amazon jungle, the South Pacific and South Central L.A.? Is that kind what I should be taking/learning from all this?

    Here's another little tidbit: I don't even LIKE Elvis. I was always a Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry man myself.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    Suge Knight never should have been let out of prison by the way. I think he and other Gangsta Rap moguls do more to tarnish music than anyone.

    I agree 100%. The man is a complete thug and has brought more violence and bad blood to his particular industry than anyone else I can think of. I've seen documentaries/bios of him on VH1, BET, MTV and E! and he just seems like bad news from the word go: threats, violence, strongarm tactics, true mafia-mentality behavior, etc.

    He'll probably end up shot and killed before it's all over. He seems to constantly be in the mix with all this nonsense. I'm sure before it's all over, that'll be his fate. You live that life, court those trappings, make enemies the way he has, etc.

    It usually comes back to bite you in a major way.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    And actually, upon further reading of your post, there have indeed been some periods where some pretty hardcore rap got a bit of wide, mainstream appeal and enjoyed some across-the-board success.

    Quit taking everything so literally and don't feel so inclined to pull out 8 years worth of Billboard charts (which I know you're probably going to) to try and prove me wrong...and just enjoy the post in tone it was intended.

    That 50 Cent fella is a recent example. Pretty much a hard case, by all accounts. He's got one of the top albums in the country right now. Yeah, he didn't eat anyone, but he certainly lived the life a bit, and is now enjoying strong success in the music industry. I think his CD is in the top 5 or so. Was the other week anyway.

    Hey, it's better he's making a living as a performer than the other stuff. If you can pull yourself out of that life with your music, art, writing, etc., then go for it. One less thug on the street, one less person to be victimized by said thug, one less young person dying stupidly in a gutter for trying to live such a dead-end life. Everyone wins: citizens, fans of the performer and the performer himself.

    I'd rather see all those guys with a microphone in their hand than a gun. Not much good comes from the latter.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    But then there's the times when it follows into the music. From an article I read in Newseek about the time Jam Master Jay was killed, it was said that 50 Cent received a death threat around the same time that was reportedly some how connected.
  • Reply 13 of 21
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    That site looks pretty bogus to me.
  • Reply 14 of 21

    Originally posted by pscates

    If you could, for three seconds or so, set aside your compulsive need to disagree with every goddamn thing I post he

    You've been posting a lot these days. I think I might have picked up on only a few of "everything that you post."

    So cut the humorless victimhood crap. (Well, since we're talking about cannibalism here, maybe "stop" is more appropriate)

    And dude, what bugs me is that I said I agreed, and would say so forthright without the industry condemnation.

    I'm with you on this one, man! Must you react like that just because a bleeding heart liberal naturally disagrees with a So-Cal conservative over a bit of reactionism here or there? Come on, man! It's in your blood.

  • Reply 15 of 21

    that site links to a yahoo picture group of cannibalism.. and


    you get the picture.
  • Reply 16 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by iBrowse

    But then there's the times when it follows into the music. From an article I read in Newseek about the time Jam Master Jay was killed, it was said that 50 Cent received a death threat around the same time that was reportedly some how connected.

    That's true too. Sometimes that stuff follows you. Tupac got killed, that other guy (was it Biggie something?) was shot and killed in his SUV. And just the other day, someone took a shot at Snoop Dogg and his entourage in L.A.

    I guess if you've lived that life a little TOO hard (or pissed off enough of the wrong people), it might always loom over you regardless of how popular and "removed from the lifestyle" you become?
  • Reply 17 of 21
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    And dude, what bugs me is that I said I agreed, and would say so forthright without the industry condemnation.

    And, as I said (and as anyone here who read it, knows me, etc.) this supposed "industry condemnation" was laced with quite a heaping dose of silliness and sarcasm and invoked the name of the end-all/be-all cautionary tale subject, Elvis Presley, to comment on the matter. WHO would ever confuse that with a true, serious analysis or, worse, reactionary rant?

    Uh, you? As usual, no one but you took it as anything but that. And, as we all know, this isn't the first time. Hell, probably not even the fifth. Probably more like the 11th or 12th!

    You could've just agreed and left off the "reactionary" comment and thinking I was lamenting the loss of the "good ol' days" and attacking the music biz.

    Let me guess: in addition to being JLo's boyfriend and taking up for her anytime someone makes a comment about her, you're ALSO a music industry exec and saw your bread and butter assailed and felt the need to defend it too?

    The "biz" is doing just fine, Shawn. With or without your chivalry and obvious passion.
  • Reply 18 of 21

    Originally posted by pscates

    He'll probably end up shot and killed before it's all over. He seems to constantly be in the mix with all this nonsense. I'm sure before it's all over, that'll be his fate. You live that life, court those trappings, make enemies the way he has, etc.

    It usually comes back to bite you in a major way.

    Personally, I think all this gangsta rap stuff, should be done like in the Highlander movies(well mainly the first one), they all kill each other, and after there is only ONE left, only he and he alone gets the 'prize' and that is actually making the record.
  • Reply 19 of 21

    Originally posted by pscates

    it might always loom over you regardless of how popular and "removed from the lifestyle" you become?

    While not true in all cases, one of the problems is, that these guys usually DONT remove themselves from the lifestyle, they stay in the gangs. They tell you how hard there life is/was, but then they dont move on.... even when they could.
  • Reply 20 of 21

    Originally posted by pscates

    You could've just agreed and left off the "reactionary" comment and thinking I was lamenting the loss of the "good ol' days" and attacking the music biz.

    The "biz" is doing just fine, Shawn. With or without your chivalry and obvious passion.

    Well, dude, then rock on! I'll have to completely agree with your first post then. But you do have to admit, it's kinda hard being a reactionary yourself to figure out when you're either genuinely or sarcastically reactionary. The latter is usually kind of funny! I mean the confusion has got to come with the territory after all.

    So cut me some slack! (figuratively please)
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