How to protect yourself when your iPhone and passcode are stolen

in iPhone edited April 2023
Apple believes that needing both the iPhone and its passcode makes it harder for thieves to steal users' information, but having both stolen is common enough, that you need to know how to protect yourself.

iPhone passcode
iPhone passcode

It has always been the case that the weakest part of security on iPhones is the passcode, but the Wall Street Journal is again highlighting the problem. The publication has accounts from users who had their iPhone snatched after thieves watched them enter a code, and ones who were forced or even drugged into sharing the code.

In some of these reports, the situation was greatly exacerbated because of a feature Apple intended would give extra protection. Apple's Recovery Key is a randomly-generated 28-character code that you can set up in order to later regain access to your Apple ID.

"While it's not required, using a recovery key improves the security of your account by putting you in control of resetting your password," says Apple in a support document. "Creating a recovery key turns off account recovery... a process that would otherwise help you get back into your Apple ID account when you don't have enough information to reset your password."

The problem is that if users have not set up a Recovery Key like this, the thieves can. They can set up the Recovery Key for themselves and effectively lock the user out forever.

How to protect yourself

Nearly everything you need to do to protect yourself from this, needs to happen in advance of the theft.

The easiest and most obvious first step for prevention of the issue for any user is to always be careful about entering a passcode when it might be seen. Biometrics like Touch ID or Face ID are nearly always better to use when in public.

A thief could snatch the iPhone, hold it in front of the owner's face to unlock with Face ID. But, of course, this takes time and the user would be aware of the theft immediately.

That can be made harder for a thief to pull off, though. Users can go to Settings, Face ID & Passcode on their iPhone and turn on Attention Detection for Face ID. This means the user has to be very specifically looking at the iPhone for it to unlock.

It's possible that a user could still be coerced into unlocking with Face ID, either by threat or manipulation. It's also possible that a user could be drugged first.

Then there is the Apple ID Recovery Key, though this must be set up and protected before.

Screen Time can be configured to prevent account changes as well. Amongst other options, changes to the account can be prevented with another passcode, similar to how you'd stop a child from changing settings on an iPhone.

How to set up the Apple ID Recovery Key

  • On an iPhone or Mac, go to Settings > Your Name > Password & Security.

  • Tap Recovery Key, then slide to enable it. On a Mac, click Manage next to Account Recovery.

  • Tap Use Recovery Key and enter the device passcode.

  • Write it down and store it in a safe place, then confirm it on the next screen.

"Using a recovery key is more secure, but it means that you're responsible for maintaining access to your trusted devices and your recovery key," says Apple. "If you lose both of these items, you could be locked out of your account permanently."

This isn't a theoretical problem, but it is rare with the inclusion of biometrics. Of course, that doesn't help the users it happens to.

We all keep so much information on our iPhone that losing it is a boon for thieves but potentially a tragedy for us, so everyone should take extra care to protect themselves and their phone.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 9
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    What a fucked up country the U.S. is. Its citizens now have to be afraid to go out in public for fear they will be attacked, murdered, their identity stolen. Now we have to be paranoid about our personal devices. And It doesn’t help when dipshits expound on how easy it is to hack an iPhone. Again, a common thread in the Apple Discussion Forums are posts from users who think they have been hacked because their device is acting funny.

    And we think we are free? What a joke. We are prisoners in this clown show and carnival mirror maze. And our right to defend ourselves is being eroded by every left wing politician. Oh, you can’t use deadly force unless the perp is actually in your house and is actually attacking your wife or daughter. Otherwise you’ll be charged with assault or murder. The same politicians want ‘stand your ground’ and ‘castle’ laws diluted or even banned because, hey, that teenager breaking into your house with a gun or knife might have a family too.
    edited April 2023 watto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 9
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 837member
    I don’t know about everyone else on this forum, but all the options, cross-device authentication, different passwords etc make managing our Apple devices really complex, and dare I say, even more unsafe (complexity leads to simplicity, ie same password 123456 for everything). 
    There must be an easier way. 

    edited April 2023 watto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 9
    lkrupp said:
    What a fucked up country the U.S. is. Its citizens now have to be afraid to go out in public for fear they will be attacked, murdered, their identity stolen. Now we have to be paranoid about our personal devices. And It doesn’t help when dipshits expound on how easy it is to hack an iPhone. Again, a common thread in the Apple Discussion Forums are posts from users who think they have been hacked because their device is acting funny.

    And we think we are free? What a joke. We are prisoners in this clown show and carnival mirror maze. And our right to defend ourselves is being eroded by every left wing politician. Oh, you can’t use deadly force unless the perp is actually in your house and is actually attacking your wife or daughter. Otherwise you’ll be charged with assault or murder. The same politicians want ‘stand your ground’ and ‘castle’ laws diluted or even banned because, hey, that teenager breaking into your house with a gun or knife might have a family too.
    But at least we don't have to worry about getting shot when we mistakenly knock on the door of the wrong house or open the door of the wrong car. What a joke, indeed.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    israndyisrandy Posts: 16member
    I don't get people that think the world is WORSE off today than some mythical time in the past. Who wants to go back to feudal times, or the Wild West, and don't get me started on women's equality. We have frickin' cars that let us go anywhere in perfect comfort and we can pay for fuel by waving our phone, the same device that lets us be in immediate contact with our entire world. Oh, boo hoo, I can't remember my password, so be like Ed Rooney's secretary and write it on a post-it.

    If you are worried you cannot secure your phone, don't put things on it that others could abuse. You can just go down to the bank and cash a check still. Scammers are a real thing and elder abuse has been happening since the dawn of time. It is likely you are going to lose some money when you can't afford to, but don't blame the phone, blame the horrible human beings that live on the planet with us.

    Oh, and I didn't see mentioned, if you wanna secure your phone for fear that someone will force you to open it just hold down the buttons on the side for 5 seconds. It'll call emergency services but then your phone will require your pin to unlock, and even the courts can't force you to unlock it.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,479member
    sflagel said:
    I don’t know about everyone else on this forum, but all the options, cross-device authentication, different passwords etc make managing our Apple devices really complex, and dare I say, even more unsafe (complexity leads to simplicity, ie same password 123456 for everything). 
    There must be an easier way. 

    Actually, password management has never been simpler than it is now.

    First off, use biometrics to unlock your devices in public. Nobody can see your passcode if you’re never entering it in public, now can they?

    Secondly, EACH and EVERY website you log into needs a STRONG, COMPLEX password that is unique. That sounds daunting … until you remember that Apple’s Keychain will **create one for you** and all you have to do is say “okay” to that. It’s securely stored locally on device (encrypted before it is synced with iCloud and authenticated with your face or Touch ID, again super simple).

    And coming soon … Passkeys, which are (essentially) biometric or device verification for websites. So, over the next decade or so, no more passwords at all.

    Is this all flawless? No, but it’s not hard to be as secure as possible if you’ll just stop FIGHTING the simple systems Apple has set up for you. Even 2FA is not really a pain, since the code websites send you to authenticate show up automatically to be filled in IF the come in via text messages.

    PS. Before I get a reply about how Touch ID “doesn’t work” for you, the trick is to STOP PRESSING DOWN on the sensor. Touch ID needs you to LAY your finger on the sensor, not press. Then it works fine, 100 percent of the time.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    looplessloopless Posts: 340member
    israndy said:
    I don't get people that think the world is WORSE off today than some mythical time in the past. Who wants to go back to feudal times, or the Wild West, and don't get me started on women's equality. We have frickin' cars that let us go anywhere in perfect comfort and we can pay for fuel by waving our phone, the same device that lets us be in immediate contact with our entire world. Oh, boo hoo, I can't remember my password, so be like Ed Rooney's secretary and write it on a post-it.

    If you are worried you cannot secure your phone, don't put things on it that others could abuse. You can just go down to the bank and cash a check still. Scammers are a real thing and elder abuse has been happening since the dawn of time. It is likely you are going to lose some money when you can't afford to, but don't blame the phone, blame the horrible human beings that live on the planet with us.

    Oh, and I didn't see mentioned, if you wanna secure your phone for fear that someone will force you to open it just hold down the buttons on the side for 5 seconds. It'll call emergency services but then your phone will require your pin to unlock, and even the courts can't force you to unlock it.
    Everyone should be required to read Stephen Pinkers book "The Better Angels of our Nature". In every measurable way, overall, life is better for most everyone on this planet that it was 10/20/50/100/200/500 etc years ago. We all  are drowning in "bad news" fed to us by our devices, maybe more so than ever.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    lkrupp said:
    What a fucked up country the U.S. is. Its citizens now have to be afraid to go out in public for fear they will be attacked, murdered, their identity stolen. Now we have to be paranoid about our personal devices. And It doesn’t help when dipshits expound on how easy it is to hack an iPhone. Again, a common thread in the Apple Discussion Forums are posts from users who think they have been hacked because their device is acting funny.

    And we think we are free? What a joke. We are prisoners in this clown show and carnival mirror maze. And our right to defend ourselves is being eroded by every left wing politician. Oh, you can’t use deadly force unless the perp is actually in your house and is actually attacking your wife or daughter. Otherwise you’ll be charged with assault or murder. The same politicians want ‘stand your ground’ and ‘castle’ laws diluted or even banned because, hey, that teenager breaking into your house with a gun or knife might have a family too.
    Your hinge is a little loose porcupine. 
    I don’t know of many people that are afraid to go outside. I think people are being clueless to their surroundings when it comes to their security.  This is nothing new. 

    If you are afraid of your iPhone getting hacked, then don’t do any banking or financial things on it, don’t set your apps to use faceID or your passcode for sensitive information, lock your sensitive notes with a unique password that only you know. 

    If you don’t think you’re free, I’m sure all of us here could chip in and get you a one way ticket to Russia and you can see if you were free or not. You are free, you are free to defend yourself.  You are free to kill someone if you can prove that that someone was about to take your life or a life of a loved one.  You are free to own a gun, you are free to own other weapons that are less lethal, but can still protect you and your family. 

    Murdering someone for knocking on your door is not standing your ground, It’s murder. Murdering someone over an argument is also murder. If you are going to own a gun to protect yourself, part of that duty is to know the law where you live on when you can use deadly force. Problem is, most people don’t. 

    Don’t get mad because having convenience on your iPhone to access your money is a double edged sword. 
  • Reply 8 of 9
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    The problem is that if users have not set up a Recovery Key like this, the thieves can. They can set up the Recovery Key for themselves and effectively lock the user out forever.

    Then there is the Apple ID Recovery Key, though this must be set up and protected before.

    Screen Time can be configured to prevent account changes as well. Amongst other options, changes to the account can be prevented with another passcode, similar to how you'd stop a child from changing settings on an iPhone.

    How to set up the Apple ID Recovery Key

    • On an iPhone or Mac, go to Settings > Your Name > Password & Security.
    • Tap Recovery Key, then slide to enable it. On a Mac, click Manage next to Account Recovery.
    • Tap Use Recovery Key and enter the device passcode.
    • Write it down and store it in a safe place, then confirm it on the next screen.
    "Using a recovery key is more secure, but it means that you're responsible for maintaining access to your trusted devices and your recovery key," says Apple. "If you lose both of these items, you could be locked out of your account permanently."
    Using a recovery key seems like it wouldn't be effective when the iPhone allows disabling it and replacing it, unless Apple is willing to let you use old keys. At 7:08 in the following video, it's just a toggle to turn the recovery key off:

    The WSJ videos mentions this:

    The problem is a single device passcode and phone number gives access to so much control over an account. A mobile device will typically be the two-factor device used for calls, text and emails.

    If someone with a stolen device knows the passcode, they can add biometrics and access all secure apps. They can reset the account password and reset/disable recovery keys. In doing so, they can lock people out of their other devices like Macs where people would likely save their recovery keys.

    The only viable protection seems to be the screen time option that prevents resetting the account passwords. This doesn't prevent access to financial apps but at least if there are transfer restrictions, it can limit the damage as the person could block the stolen device.

    As the WSJ video mentions, the default policies could easily be improved like not allowing disabling or resetting the recovery key from the device. At the very least put a time restriction on it of a week to give someone time to block the stolen device.

    You shouldn't be able to change an Apple account password without entering the old password. If the password is forgotten, it can be reset via other methods but again, put a time restriction on it to allow people time to flag stolen devices.

    Another option that would be useful is the ability to prevent people adding/removing biometric id unless the existing biometrics are authenticated. This would block people from accessing financial apps, which use biometrics.
    edited April 2023 muthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 9
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 837member
    chasm said:
    sflagel said:
    I don’t know about everyone else on this forum, but all the options, cross-device authentication, different passwords etc make managing our Apple devices really complex, and dare I say, even more unsafe (complexity leads to simplicity, ie same password 123456 for everything). 
    There must be an easier way. 

    Actually, password management has never been simpler than it is now.

    First off, use biometrics to unlock your devices in public. Nobody can see your passcode if you’re never entering it in public, now can they?

    Secondly, EACH and EVERY website you log into needs a STRONG, COMPLEX password that is unique. That sounds daunting … until you remember that Apple’s Keychain will **create one for you** and all you have to do is say “okay” to that. It’s securely stored locally on device (encrypted before it is synced with iCloud and authenticated with your face or Touch ID, again super simple).

    And coming soon … Passkeys, which are (essentially) biometric or device verification for websites. So, over the next decade or so, no more passwords at all.

    Is this all flawless? No, but it’s not hard to be as secure as possible if you’ll just stop FIGHTING the simple systems Apple has set up for you. Even 2FA is not really a pain, since the code websites send you to authenticate show up automatically to be filled in IF the come in via text messages.

    PS. Before I get a reply about how Touch ID “doesn’t work” for you, the trick is to STOP PRESSING DOWN on the sensor. Touch ID needs you to LAY your finger on the sensor, not press. Then it works fine, 100 percent of the time.
    Yeah I was referring to the security processes described in the article, not how to unlock an iPhone. 
    (PS: 2FA is not always useful, as you could be at a computer without your phone and some sites require you to use the phone app for 2FA, like PayPal). 
    Automatic password generation is also not flawless: a) company websites don’t always sync with the company’s apps; and b) sometimes you may need to log into a website on someone else’s computer, or on your office PC). )

    edited April 2023 watto_cobra
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