Now we have new PowerMacs - what about the PowerBook?



  • Reply 41 of 59
    [quote]Originally posted by TobyX:


    You mean Wallstreet, don't you?</strong><hr></blockquote>


    IIRC, mainstreet was the codename for the low-end g3 series...
  • Reply 42 of 59
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    let's see if I can remember them all... <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    PowerBook 100, remember that one? Bought 2, one for Japanese & one for English. Distant past, but one still works....

    PowerBook 3400 '97?

    PowerBook G3/500 firewire '00 ('99?) Great service and still in use with all the VST swappable goodies for the bay: Zip250, DVD, SuperDisk, 10GB HD, and a SCSI adapter, but wait there's more... Well, not actually.

    iBook 500 2001 in Japan, Japanese keyboard and still using it to play and project Japanese region DVDs!

    The point is, I'm raring to go on my next PB with G4, but never really got into the TiBook. It just didn't feel right in the hand. Now they've got the screen right and ADC so I'll wait until I see the next iteration. Do you think it will be out the 25 of September when the $150 educator's extra promotion on the TiBook expires? <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />
  • Reply 43 of 59
    They probably will be updated after the education promotion. That would follow the pattern, considering I bought my TiBook (667 VGA with 16 MB Radeon) during the last Apple Education promotion and after that ended, they released the current Rev...needless to say I was kicking myself for weeks.
  • Reply 44 of 59
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    Another clue just dawned on me, it's a bit iffy but hey this is AI!

    Apple recently stopped a company selling DVD-R updated eMacs. Then they released a eMac with a Superdrive.

    with me so far?

    Apple also stopped OWC selling iDVD compatible DVD-R drives. With every other desktop Mac now with a Superdrive option, OWC would mostly be selling to Powerbook owners and legacy users.

    Why don't Apple just sell iDVD? That way they benefit from OWC & Formac selling DVD-R drives.

    To me it suggests Apple wants to encourage the sale of all Superdrive Macs by keeping iDVD in house, yet Powerbook owners would happily shell out $50-$100 more to burn DVDs.

    But then Ti400, 550, 667 & 800 owners wouldn't need to upgrade to a 1Ghz Superdrive Powerbook.

    I admit it's tenuous, but it kinda makes sense as well.
  • Reply 45 of 59
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    Power. DPs need Power, almost twice as much... That sure doesn't help battery life.

    If there was a DP laptop then my bet is only one CPU would be used while on battery power. That may or may not be a good thing. The added cost of a second CPU may not be realized with its intermittent issue.

    Who knows...
  • Reply 46 of 59
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Yeah, like I said before, I don't think we'll see DP laptops any time in the near future, but some interesting things emerge when you look at the power requirements of one really fast proc versus that of two slower ones. Depending on the choices made, it could be possible to spec two slower PPC's with roughly the same power requirements as one of the fastest PPC's.

    A DVD burning laptop would surely need to be plugged in, a second CPU coming on-line at that moment would be a useful thing.

    BTW, when did Apple stop OWC from selling an iDVD compatible drive? And how would they stop them from selling it? The could stop them from including iDVD, but can't you get that from Apple?

    Links? Explanation? Interesting...
  • Reply 47 of 59
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Well, I found some stories about it,

    All I can say is, Steve, if you're reading this, FVCK YOU, you truly are an A$$hole.
  • Reply 48 of 59
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>A DVD burning laptop would surely need to be plugged in, a second CPU coming on-line at that moment would be a useful thing.


    Maybe it could go into 'burn mode' if on batteries, shutting the screen off etc.


    BTW, when did Apple stop OWC from selling an iDVD compatible drive? And how would they stop them from selling it? The could stop them from including iDVD, but can't you get that from Apple?

    Links? Explanation? Interesting...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It had some sort of software patch to make it work with iDVD.


    <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>.
  • Reply 49 of 59
    [quote]Originally posted by TobyX:


    You mean Wallstreet, don't you?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The first release of the 1998 Powerbook G3 is the Mainstreet ( no video out and no backside cache ).
  • Reply 50 of 59
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    And wasn't mainstreet a beauty? Maybe the next PB should be equally crippled. NO adc NO optical drive NO keyboard--voice entry or maybe stylus only... Sounds like an eBook, anybody remember them?

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 51 of 59
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I heard somewhere that the next PowerBook will sport a new enclosure. I suppose the existing case will be two years old at MWSF, which is the standard time between PowerBook updates. I can't wait to see how Apple has improved on the current enclosure. It's going to be hard to top.

    Perhaps this new enclosure is necessary for dual processor support? I'm sure the high-end will get DP, but I'm also hoping Apple will continue their newest trend in the pro line and make the entire PowerBook lineup DP.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I hope they do some signficant remodeling of the Powerbook architecture for the next rev.

    The case is perfect but perhaps try to make it a bit more durable with the paint. I really like the current color but a darker color may work better. don't really know. a TiBook in black or just darker in my head looks cool.

    What I want in the next powerbook...



    usb and firewire on the side of the powerbook. get tired of moving the screen outta the way

    What I expect

    800Mhz and 933Mhz G4s on a 133Mhz bus

    256 and 512 MB RAM

    30 and 40GB HD

    ATi Radeon 7500 32 MB graphics

    Combo drive

    Bluetooth integrated

    Airport built-in

    I think there may be a very slim chance of a superdrive popping up. I'm not sure if Pioneer will make a slot loading version of their portable version.
  • Reply 53 of 59
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I for one, hope the new PowerBooks do not come with slot loaded drives. Sure they look cool, but every time I insert a CD into my PowerBook I'm afraid it will be the last time. The loading mechanism sounds like it could go at any moment, and I can't read 3.5-inch media.
  • Reply 54 of 59
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    I'm with the no slot-load lobby too, but I must confess as a Pismo owner the though of blowing 3k does make me want features I don't have.

    Now I have a bluetooth adapter, the draw of that is gone so slot loads do appeal for the novelty value, but tray loading Superdrives are a better novelty.
  • Reply 55 of 59
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Slot-loaders can't read 3 inch CDs, enough said. I'm paranoid about scratching CDs too, even though my experiences with the iMacs have been good. I think slot loading is a stupid gimmick. That's just me. If it costs more I don't think it's worth it. DVD-R in SuperDrives is much more attractive, another first for Apple
  • Reply 56 of 59
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    One year ago at Seybold SF/Paris MWExpo it was the post 9/11 release of the free 10.1/9.2.2 update pack. Note: Phil Shiller will also keynote in San Francisco at Seybold Seminars while Steve is doing Paris.

    Powerbooks are beginning to look a little long in the tooth. Would be a good time to refresh them up to 1 GHz/800 MHz + Jaguar and Bluetooth. I guess they can also say iSynch and iCal are ready for download and installed on all new Macs henceforth.

    Seems like the PowerBooks will want a refresh sometime before January. But perhaps Apple is sitting on too many 667/800 mobiles to graduate the line due to slow sales. It just seems like there is a tremendous GAP between dual 1.25 MDD that cost the same as the portable 800. The 1 GHz PowerBook would be a good psychological threshold to reach ASAP for those who must have portability more than speed. Even the cheasiest portable PCs are now running at over a GHz (not that that means their faster). It's a perception thing.

    The sooner Apple can move the entire line to the GHz or more level, I think the sooner sales will pick up. This is purely speculation on my part. I could be completely wrong. I don't know where Mac portable sales paces are at all. I would like to see the iBooks become G4 computers ASAP too. They could keep the same speeds and move them to G4 to radically increase their value as ultra-light/compact multimedia production systems.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    What are these 3 inch CDs you people are talking about? I haven't seen any since the late 1980s. I have never had any problems with discs getting scratched. The slot-load mechanism is far less problematic than the cheap tray loaders. No chance of the optics getting smudged, the crappy disc clamp braking, etc. and I'll tell ya, my slot-load drive is also responsible for selling three PowerBook G4s to former PC-using friends. Keep it at all costs!
  • Reply 58 of 59
    I want to burn DVD's with my Powerbook. Maybe if they finally release a Superdrive Powerbook, the pressure from me and the other TiBook users will force them to put iDVD on the shelf so I can buy a 3rd-party drive and keep up with the Joneses.

    Why does Apple want to prevent the Pro-notebook users from doing what the rest of the Macs can do?



  • Reply 59 of 59
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Apple Expo Paris is also Seybold Seminars San Francisco, Phil Schiller the same morning September 10. I predict iSynch and iCal shipping plus PowerBook refresh to 1GHz/800 MHz 2100 DDR memory bus.
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