Apple releases macOS Ventura 13.4 update

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in macOS edited May 2023
Apple has released the update for macOS Ventura 13.4 to the public, in one of the last updates expected before WWDC.

The latest release follows after just two beta cycles, with the second beta issued on April 25. The relatively few betas is unusual, but for an update that is seemingly light on tangible content, it's not out of the ordinary.

This is especially true with WWDC occurring in the not-too-distant future, which will see the introduction of the next wave of macOS itself.

The build on the Ventura release is 22F66.

Alongside Thursday's Ventura release, Apple also updated macOS Big Sur to 11.7.7 and macOS Monterey to 12.6.6.

How to update to the latest release of macOS

Devices update automatically within a day or two, depending on the user's settings. Those who want to install the update sooner can do so manually.

To update macOS manually, open System Settings or System Preferences from the Apple menu, then click General followed by Software Update. If an update is available, follow the prompts.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 1
    maneussmaneuss Posts: 5member

    since installing the update i have serious problems getting mails from my imap- mail server using apple-mail. Perhaps anyone knows how to help. I sent feedback to apple and posted the same question in the support forums of apple and synology.

    but now to the details:

    yesterday i installed the latest Update to MacOSX Ventura 13.4 provided by Apple. Since then i cannot access my MailPlus-Server running on my DS 920+. 

    The connection always times out and an error is displayed „Zugang/Passwort können nicht verifiziert werden“ / „ Account/ password cannot be verified“.

    I tried the following steps:

    -Restarting my MacBook and my DS 920+

    -Deleting the Mail-App Mailaccounts and reconfiguring them from scrap

    -Checking the passwords and account names multiple times

    -Deleting the Mail-App-Settings in the Library-Folder and reconfiguring the Accounts

    -Using Thunderbird as an alternative Client-App

    -Testing the connection via the terminal-app using OpenSSL to get a connection and initiating a client connection by using the local ip and the dynamic ip.

    the results are:

    The MailServer is running perfectly, it is accessible by OpenSSL using local and global ip-addresses. So there is no problem regarding firewall-configuration or ip-blocking.

    Thunderbird did have the same connection problems and was not able to connect to the server.

    Next i tried to reinstall my MacBook from my last Timemachine Backup before the upgrade.

    Today it does not seem to be possible to reconstruct the whole system from the backup. I was always forced to "reinstall" Ventura and then using the migration assistent to recreate all other files.

    After doing that the issue persisted (as automatically the newest version of Ventura is installed)

    Then i renewed the certificate on my DS920 (Lets Encrypt), assuming it is an certificate problem and checked the certificate-settings in the keychain-App (Schlüsselbundverwaltung). There all certificates seem to have the correct settings.

    As the access to my mail server from my IPad and IPhone is working and my daughter and my wife have no problems and the low-level access using openssl in the terminal app also works, I´m sure that the last update causes the problem, possibly due to certificate issues or a new implementation of apple security measures, ...

    My questions are:

    Any other people with this problem in this forum?

    Do you have perchance any solution available?

    Is there any way to use my last secure timemachine backup to really reset the system to the recorded state before the last update not being forced first to reinstall the actual system?

    Withbest regards 


    edited May 2023
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