Samsung's new display tech could return Touch ID to the iPhone

in iPhone
Samsung's new OLED display panels have integrated fingerprint and health sensors, potentially paving the way for the return of Touch ID in future iPhone models.

iPhone Touch ID
iPhone Touch ID

The Sensor OLED Display can measure a person's heart rate, blood pressure, and stress level with a touch of two fingers on the screen. In contrast to the conventional approach of incorporating fingerprint sensors as separate modules beneath the panel, Samsung Display has integrated the light-sensing organic photodiode (OPD) directly within the panel structure.

The reflection of OLED light undergoes distinct variations based on the expansion and contraction of blood vessels within the finger. As the light returns to the panel, the integrated OPD detects these changes, converting them into valuable health data.

"To accurately measure a person's blood pressure, it is necessary to measure the blood pressure of both arms," the company. "The Sensor OLED display can simultaneously sense the fingers of both hands, providing more accurate health information than existing wearable devices."

Sensor OLED Display
Sensor OLED Display

Samsung Display says it's the first to release panel technology that can simultaneously sense fingerprints and biometric information.

Rumors have long claimed that Apple has been working on technology that could offer display-embedded fingerprint sensing and may release an iPhone with a Touch ID sensor under the screen. Samsung might have just delivered a solution to such a sensor.

But other reports say that Apple is also working to embed Face ID sensors under the iPhone display as well, though that may not arrive until 2025 or later. So it's also possible that Touch ID may not ever return to the iPhone.

Another new display that the company is showing off is called Rollable Flex. Unlike traditional foldable or slidable designs, which provide a maximum of three times scalability, the Rollable Flex overcomes these restrictions by allowing the display to be rolled and unrolled along an axis resembling the shape of the letter "O," much like a scroll.

Rollable Flex
Rollable Flex

Samsung is unveiling the new OLED technologies during the SID Display Week at the Los Angeles Convention Center in California. The event runs from May 23 to May 25.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 9
    omasouomasou Posts: 607member
    Give it up. TouchID is dead.

    AND Apple is moving toward microLED and away from Samsung as a supplier in general.
    edited May 2023 danoxdewmemacxpressDooofus
  • Reply 2 of 9
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,128member
    Face ID is better tech, and in time will be incorporated behind the screen, which will make it even better that what it is today, Samsung and Qualcomm are direct competitors and Apple doesn’t need to give them a tip off before hand , when Samsung was making the CPUs for the iPhone, they were able to fast follow Apple more closely, since Apple dumped them overboard, they are no longer able to do so, and their performance has suffered because of it.

    Qualcomm will no longer be tipped off either, about Apple’s ultimate direction with modems, in light of Apple, moving over to Broadcom.

    edited May 2023
  • Reply 3 of 9
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,302member
    As much as I will never buy a Samsung-branded device or appliance, I can't argue with the tremendous leaps in technology that they bring to the world. This is an amazing step forward of truly "smart" displays.

    Humans have achieved incredible progress in a very short time of existence (in terms of the Universe). I just wish we'd use that intelligence to truly move away from fossil fuels. (runs and hides).
  • Reply 4 of 9
    M68000M68000 Posts: 798member
    omasou said:
    Give it up. TouchID is dead.

    AND Apple is moving toward microLED and away from Samsung as a supplier in general.
    Why not have both face and fingerprint, with both available at same time to user?
    edited May 2023 williamlondon
  • Reply 5 of 9
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    M68000 said:
    omasou said:
    Give it up. TouchID is dead.

    AND Apple is moving toward microLED and away from Samsung as a supplier in general.
    Why not have both face and fingerprint, with both available at same time to user?
    Because it's expensive? Apple isn't interested in reducing profit margins just to have both and consumers aren't interested in paying more for a phone to make up for the extra cost. That's not a free option to have both.  Also, Apple worked really hard to make FaceID a thing and its very successful in every product its in so why would Apple decide to go back to what it had?
    edited May 2023 Dooofus
  • Reply 6 of 9
    M68000M68000 Posts: 798member
    macxpress said:
    M68000 said:
    omasou said:
    Give it up. TouchID is dead.

    AND Apple is moving toward microLED and away from Samsung as a supplier in general.
    Why not have both face and fingerprint, with both available at same time to user?
    Because it's expensive? Apple isn't interested in reducing profit margins just to have both and consumers aren't interested in paying more for a phone to make up for the extra cost. That's not a free option to have both.  Also, Apple worked really hard to make FaceID a thing and its very successful in every product its in so why would Apple decide to go back to what it had?
    But,  I suspect Samsung and others will have it.  If so,  why can’t Apple?
  • Reply 7 of 9
    docbburkdocbburk Posts: 109member
    Their claim of being able to measure blood pressure seems quite dubious. There is no mention of how accurate it is. Without measuring how much pressure is being applied to the screen by your finger/fingers that is is measuring the BP in, there is no way to accurately measure blood pressure. You can measure pulse rate, but not BP. Samsung has a long history or putting out tech that is not fully ready for the sake of claiming first. Doesn't matter as much if it is living up to claims, just that they got it out the door first. 
  • Reply 8 of 9
    XedXed Posts: 2,715member
    M68000 said:
    omasou said:
    Give it up. TouchID is dead.

    AND Apple is moving toward microLED and away from Samsung as a supplier in general.
    Why not have both face and fingerprint, with both available at same time to user?
    If feasible, I'd like to have both, which includes my Macs, too.
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