New Optic ID biometrics use your iris to unlock the Apple Vision Pro headset

in Future Apple Hardware edited June 2023

The next generation of biometric authentication using unique iris patterns will be used for Apple Vision Pro, and it's called Optic ID.

Apple Vision Pro uses iris scanning for authentication
Apple Vision Pro uses iris scanning for authentication

Apple has slowly innovated and expanded the biometric authentication systems available for its products, from Touch ID to Face ID. During WWDC, Apple unveiled its newest entrant -- Optic ID.

The Apple Vision Pro headset will authenticate users with an iris scan. Apple says that it is more secure than Face ID, since it can't even be fooled by twins.

Like Touch ID and Face ID, the biometric data is stored securely using the on-device Secure Enclave. It is encrypted and protected to ensure this data can only be used for authentication and nothing else.

Unlock Apple Vision Pro, make purchases on the App Store and the web, and authenticate passwords, all without needing to press a button or look at a specific point.

Apple Vision Pro will launch early in 2024 for $3,499. It will run the visionOS operating system.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 8
    davendaven Posts: 713member
    I wonder if Apple will allow access to that camera/scanner and if someone will then write an app that scans for eye diseases. Might need FDA approval. Well, it probably would require approval.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member
    I have no desire to allow any device to scan / map / record / digitize my irises or corneas
  • Reply 3 of 8
    omasouomasou Posts: 610member
    xixo said:
    I have no desire to allow any device to scan / map / record / digitize my irises or corneas
    Makes sense. Wouldn't want anyone hacking the secure enclave on the physical device to steal data so that they can bypass the security on your underground vault /s
  • Reply 4 of 8
    aderutteraderutter Posts: 619member
    But will you be able to have multiple accounts on the Vision Pro? Like the Mac, unlike the iPad. 
    I.e. will I be able to buy one for the family to share?
  • Reply 5 of 8
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 618member
    They really missed a trick not calling it EyeID or IID. Much more fun, easier to say and less scientific sounding.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    chutzpahchutzpah Posts: 392member
    They really missed a trick not calling it EyeID or IID. Much more fun, easier to say and less scientific sounding.
    Just like an IED. Fun!
  • Reply 7 of 8
    beowulfschmidtbeowulfschmidt Posts: 2,295member
    They really missed a trick not calling it EyeID or IID. Much more fun, easier to say and less scientific sounding.

    Just EyeD would have been cool.  Probably taken though.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,229member
    daven said:
    I wonder if Apple will allow access to that camera/scanner and if someone will then write an app that scans for eye diseases. Might need FDA approval. Well, it probably would require approval.
    No it is not a medical device, Apple is having the same problem with the Apple Watch, there are several things that they would like to add to the watch but can’t because of the FDA.
    edited June 2023
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