Apple share price closes at an all-time record high thanks to Vision Pro speculation



  • Reply 21 of 23
    My god it’s full of ackchyually
  • Reply 22 of 23
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    davidw said:
    It's not the all-time all time high.
    Before the 7x stock split back in 2014 it was something like $650 per share.
    There was a 4x stock split in 2020. Shares were about $380.

    They were real nice for me! ߘ㦬t;/div>
    The easy way to visualize why AAPL is at it all time high is like this.

    It doesn't matter when you buy 1 share of AAPL, that 1 share of AAPL is worth more now, than any other time since Apple IPOed. Here's why and how.

    I will go back to 8/31/2020, the day AAPL split 4:1. Say that you had bought 1 share of AAPL on 8/30 (before the split). it would had cost you $504. Now lets say that you also bought 1 share of AAPL on 9/1 (after the split). That 1 share would had cost you $126.  Today you would have 5 shares of AAPL worth $183.79 each, when accounting for the split of the share you purchased before the 8/31/2020. 

    That one share of AAPL that you bought for $126, after the split, has never been worth more than $183.79. (Using only closing price.) But the 1 share of AAPL that you paid $504 for before the split, is now 4 shares of AAPL and is worth $735  (4 x $183.79). And it's also true that at no other time since you purchased it, has that 1 share of AAPL (that you paid $504 for), ever been worth more than $735. You can do this all the back to when Apple IPOed and this will always be true, providing you account for all the splits since the purchase till now. 

    1 share of AAPL that I paid $19 for in 1998 when Jobs returned, is now 112 shares of AAPL after all the splits (2 x 2 x 7 x 4) at $183.  If you correctly apply the splits, that 1 share of AAPL that i paid $19 for, has never been worth more than today. When AAPL was at $504 on 8/30/2020 (before the 4:1 split), that 1 share was only 28 shares of AAPL (2 x 2 x 7 splits) . It's worth $20,500 now (112 X $183)  vs $14,112 when AAPL was at $504 (28 X $504).  

    See how easy the was.
    Perfect explanation.  
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