FTC sues Amazon, alleging users are being tricked into signing up for Prime

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The Federal Trade Commission has sued Amazon for tricking customers into signing up for Prime, only to make it exceedingly difficult to cancel those subscriptions when no longer wanted.

The suit, filed on Wednesday, says that Amazon had enrolled millions of customers into the paid subscription service without their consent. When customers attempted to cancel Prime, they faced a multi-step process designed to be deliberately difficult.

The FTC notes that Amazon used the term "Iliad Flow" to describe the cancellation process, referencing Homer's epic poem about the Trojan War.

Preventing users from easily unsubscribing would be financially beneficial to Amazon, as it generates $25 billion from Prime subscriptions annually.

"Amazon tricked and trapped people into recurring subscriptions without their consent, not only frustrating users but also costing them significant money," FTC Chair Lina Khan said in a statement seen by Reuters.

Amazon Prime costs $139 per year in the United States and has more than 200 million members worldwide.

In March, the Federal Trade Commission announced plans make it easier to cancel subscriptions anywhere on the web, easing the burden on customers who may not wish to use a service anymore.

Currently, there is no standardization for subscription cancellation processes. As a result, customers may be expected to follow lengthy, multi-step cancellation processes, be forced to call a company, or even be expected to cancel a service in person.

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  • Reply 1 of 17
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,528member
    I am glad FTC finally comes to regulating that all web services must have accessible "cancel" plans. 

    myfico . com is notorious for not letting you cancel, requiring you to call them. Same with banks. 

    That has to stop. If a person starts a subscription or opens an account, there MUST be a way for them to cancel it online, without calling. 
     7Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 17
    Articles like this are what keep me coming back to AppleInsider. The general tech reporting is so straightforward and no-nonsense.

     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 17
    The easiest way to cancel is probably just changing your credit card number.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 4 of 17
    What needs to be looked into is Amazon't return policies, namely how long it takes to get a refund. The refund time varies depending on the cost of the item being returned. Items over $300. (according to Amazon support) take 30 days whereas lesser expensive items generally take 3 - 5 days. I'd like to know how much Amazon profits from holding its customers' money. I'd speculate the interest alone on this money is in the millions if not billions. Nowhere in Amazon's policies is there any mention of this (again verified by Amazon support themselves)!

    I asked to have Amazon's legal department contact me or I'd take this up with the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). Of course "too big to give a damn" Amazon did not contact me. 

    Has anyone else noticed this and / or complained to Amazon (complaining will not get your refund any sooner, just a statement acknowledging the 30 day wait).
     2Likes 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 17
    They certainly tricked me. On the way to completing an order, there was a radio button selected for free shipping.  Because my order qualified for free shipping, I left it and moved to the rest of the ordering procedure. But that button was for Prime Free shipping - which would arrive 1 day earlier than the usual Free shipping. AND - leaving that button selected automatically signed me up for Prime!

    Now to be fair, the signup was for a 30-day trial. But I was going to be out of the country and, amazing but true, wouldn't be using Amazon within those 30 days. So I called to have the Prime status canceled and asked if the 30-day offer could be reset so I could consider it on my return. It could not.

    Trust is a fragile thing. I'm sure the marketing department considers themselves very clever. And I'd expect they have statistics showing their antics glean more new customers than they lose. After all, who are you going to buy from if not Amazon?

     6Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 6 of 17
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,342member
    It took me almost two hours to cancel my ATT landline on my last move, best reason to never have one and I have never forgiven ATT for that loss of my time.

    The sad thing is that it took so long for the FTC to notice this issue and take action.

    I wonder how the third party App stores will behave?  and will the FTC take responsibility for policing them for malware, criminal activity and issues like this?
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 17
    Well as long as we're Amazon bashing here, it sure would be nice if Amazon could do something about their search and sort/filter features. It's always amazed me how relatively useless they are in this regard. It's incredibly difficult to narrow down results to specific terms or categories and sorting by lowest price first still has higher priced items higher up the list, never mind the "featured" (sponsored) items getting so much prominence.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 8 of 17
    Strange. I've never been tricked into signing up with Prime. I do get the offers all the time in my check out cart. And I've never had a hard time cancelling it either.

    Ex: 2 months ago I was offered a free 30 day trial. I placed my order, set a reminder and 25 days later logged into my account and cancelled the Prime membership before it charged my card after the 30 day trial.

    I suppose you have to be paying attention. And most people don't then cry victim LOL

     3Likes 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 17
    Strange. I've never been tricked into signing up with Prime. I do get the offers all the time in my check out cart. And I've never had a hard time cancelling it either.

    Ex: 2 months ago I was offered a free 30 day trial. I placed my order, set a reminder and 25 days later logged into my account and cancelled the Prime membership before it charged my card after the 30 day trial.

    I suppose you have to be paying attention. And most people don't then cry victim LOL

    You are correct - not really a trick as such.

    The irritation is that Amazon keeps changing the way Prime is offed and thus making it possible to accidentally select it. Why should I have to make an effort to avoid Prime when I just want to pay for the product.

    You are right that it can be cancelled without to much of a problem but it is not actually cancelled it just runs to the end of the promotion period and then gets cancelled.

    I believe cancel should mean cancel - that is immediately, and not in 30 days (or whatever the promotion period is.

     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 17
    Dogpersondogperson Posts: 146member
    The easiest way to cancel is probably just changing your credit card number.
    Works well. 
    Family works in credit card fraud and recommends this.
     1Like 0Dislikes 3Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 17
    Dogpersondogperson Posts: 146member
    They certainly tricked me. On the way to completing an order, there was a radio button selected for free shipping.  Because my order qualified for free shipping, I left it and moved to the rest of the ordering procedure. But that button was for Prime Free shipping - which would arrive 1 day earlier than the usual Free shipping. AND - leaving that button selected automatically signed me up for Prime!

    Now to be fair, the signup was for a 30-day trial. But I was going to be out of the country and, amazing but true, wouldn't be using Amazon within those 30 days. So I called to have the Prime status canceled and asked if the 30-day offer could be reset so I could consider it on my return. It could not.

    Trust is a fragile thing. I'm sure the marketing department considers themselves very clever. And I'd expect they have statistics showing their antics glean more new customers than they lose. After all, who are you going to buy from if not Amazon?

    EBAY. Looong time user and frequently find identical item for less.
    AND you can limit your search to USA or North America or whereever - my first filter everytime!
     3Likes 0Dislikes 3Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 17
    MplsPmplsp Posts: 4,066member
    Best way to avoid this is to simply not use Scamazon. They permanently lost me as a customer years ago with their crappy customer service. Their abysmal treatment of employees and shady business practices are just icing on the cake. It seems like nowadays they’re little more than a front for fencing cheap Chinese knockoffs and fakes anyway.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 13 of 17
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,718member
    Strange. I've never been tricked into signing up with Prime. I do get the offers all the time in my check out cart. And I've never had a hard time cancelling it either.

    Ex: 2 months ago I was offered a free 30 day trial. I placed my order, set a reminder and 25 days later logged into my account and cancelled the Prime membership before it charged my card after the 30 day trial.

    I suppose you have to be paying attention. And most people don't then cry victim LOL

    I was almost tricked into it the other day — I consider myself fairly savvy — because they actively keep rearranging their shipping options, ask you at least two or three separate times during the order confirmation and shipping summary pages, show you only the "FREE SHIPPING" button (with "with Amazon Prime" in tiny print below), and they actively HIDE the non-Prime option off-screen (I have to scroll down to get the otheractually "free" shipping option), and do NOT give that a real click-through button, but rather just a little radio button to turn on the option before Continuing, if I remember correctly.  

    Sneaky shit, deliberately misleading, and at least arguably semi-illegal. 
    edited June 2023
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 17
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,130member
    The easiest way to cancel is probably just changing your credit card number.
    That probably wouldn't work for a lot of Amazon shoppers because if they spend a lot shopping on Amazon, they might be using a CC that offers them the best rewards. For instance, i have a Chase Amazon CC that rewards me with 3% Amazon Reward bucks, with every Amazon purchase. Others might want their Amazon purchases to earn airline milage, cash back points, vacation discounts, etc. or want to use the CC with the lowest interest rate.  
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 17
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    Can you still cancel after being charged after the free trial? If true, you should be able to get the full refund? 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 17
    chutzpahchutzpah Posts: 392member
    Can you still cancel after being charged after the free trial? If true, you should be able to get the full refund? 
    Not how it works.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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