108 new emoji expected to become part of iOS 17 -- eventually

in iOS edited July 2023

Ahead of formal approval later in 2023, a draft list of proposed new emoji has been released, and selected ones will appear in iOS at some point.

How key new emoji are expected to look. Source: Emojipedia
How key new emoji are expected to look. Source: Emojipedia
Every year

new emojis are considered by Unicode in September, and this year's possibilities range from a lime to four gender-neutral family ones. As July 17's World Emoji Day approaches, the Emojipedia blog has illustrated key emoji from the draft list.

This year there are a total of 108 new emojis being considered, including variations for skin color and gender. The list also includes what are called directional versions, including "Person Running Facing Right."

In practice, once a proposed emoji has reached the approvals process, it's rare for them to be rejected. Then once the Unicode Consortium formally approves new emoji, they will be adopted by technology firms such as Apple, and included in an update to iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

They may not appear promptly, though, as typically new emojis wait until a point software update later in the cycle, likely in 2024. Apple only recently updated the emoji collection in iOS 16.4 when it released in March.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 8
    mobirdmobird Posts: 757member
    It just would not be a new version of iOS without the emoji update.
    Everyone will be able to sleep a little bit better...
  • Reply 2 of 8
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 654member
    There are too many as it stands. 
    mac daddy zeeelijahgwatto_cobraFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 3 of 8
    kitatitkitatit Posts: 68member
    The amount of “safe space” and sanitised emojis now is ridiculous. I’m not violent or even into guns but I lament the old pistol being replaced with a water pistol. I wish you could delete the emojis you don’t use, or the regularly user emojis memory was larger so it could push your 200 most used emojis to the front. 
    edited July 2023 ralphieCluntBaby92mac daddy zeeelijahgappleinsideruserwatto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 8
    ralphieralphie Posts: 117member
    kitatit said:
    The amount of “safe space” and sanitised emojis now is ridiculous. I’m not violent or even into guns but I lament the old pistol being replaced with a water pistol. I wish you could delete the emojis you don’t use, or the regularly user emojis memory was larger so it could push your 200 most used emojis to the front. 
    Agreed. I’ll NEVER use 99% of the emojis, or even want to see those.  Let me hide/delete them.
    mac daddy zeewatto_cobraFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 5 of 8
    HedwareHedware Posts: 91member
    What a waste of programming resources!!! (see don’t need emojis at all).

    Apple should stop this emoji business and direct its programming resources to fixing up its own applications. Each one is either underdone, has navigation and interface annoyances,  has system limitations, or internet and coms handicaps.
    mac daddy zeeelijahg
  • Reply 6 of 8
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,299member
    They should let you delete them, if you don’t use them. Or at least delete ones you’ll never use, which is probably 85 to 90 percent. 
  • Reply 7 of 8
    chelinchelin Posts: 115member
    Who finds articles like this informative or even interesting?
  • Reply 8 of 8
    AF_HittAF_Hitt Posts: 144member
    hexclock said:
    They should let you delete them, if you don’t use them. Or at least delete ones you’ll never use, which is probably 85 to 90 percent. 
    You can turn off the emoji keyboard if you don’t use them, but yes, I agree, being able to delete or hide the ones you don’t want would be a nice feature.
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