Global Warming is Crap
Oh sure,
there are natural cycles of hot & cold over thousands of years with seas rising & falling all the while & with some being incredibly rapid, but mostly the human factor is grossly exagerated !
Bet you any money you want, Spring in the Northern hemisphere & pretty soon we'll all be inundated with " Flood " stories & how its all the fault of our "Bad" industries creating " Global Warming "
Meanwhile it's approaching winter in the Southern hemisphere and pretty soon we'll all be inundated with " Flood " stories & how its all the fault of their " Bad " industries.....dah dah dah.
there are natural cycles of hot & cold over thousands of years with seas rising & falling all the while & with some being incredibly rapid, but mostly the human factor is grossly exagerated !
Bet you any money you want, Spring in the Northern hemisphere & pretty soon we'll all be inundated with " Flood " stories & how its all the fault of our "Bad" industries creating " Global Warming "
Meanwhile it's approaching winter in the Southern hemisphere and pretty soon we'll all be inundated with " Flood " stories & how its all the fault of their " Bad " industries.....dah dah dah.

Actually several times and with a bit more weight behind the argument from even the anti-enviroment (<- A joke okay?) group than you present.
Originally posted by Anders the White
Been there done that.
Actually several times and with a bit more weight behind the argument from even the anti-enviroment (<- A joke okay?) group than you present.
And here I was hoping to bait you.
I should have known you can read minds
"Global warming is Crap"?
I dont know all the details but on a radio chat show one day when I was driving along on a shitty rainy day the host of the show had mentioned that there have been hotter and colder periods in past history. What I found interesting is that their had been some periods when the avg temp world wide (Or however they work it) was higher than what the increases have been today.
(Make sense???
Originally posted by Anders the White
Forgot what I wanted to write.
"Global warming is Crap"?
Not sure about the Syntax shift.
Crap is crap. Mind you some crap is used for fuel, but that's another story
Originally posted by trevorM
I dont know all the details but on a radio chat show one day when I was driving along on a shitty rainy day the host of the show had mentioned that there have been hotter and colder periods in past history
The temp today doesn't matter. It's not about how hot it is now, but what the temp should be right now.
So it may have been hotter in the middle ages. But if the current cycle should have us with an average temp that is on a decline but it's currently going up instead then we're really going to be ****ed when the natural cycle goes up again.
Originally posted by bunge
The temp today doesn't matter. It's not about how hot it is now, but what the temp should be right now.
So it may have been hotter in the middle ages. But if the current cycle should have us with an average temp that is on a decline but it's currently going up instead then we're really going to be ****ed when the natural cycle goes up again.
Could be: but the point is what degree of influence can truly be laid at the feet of human actions & not just cumulative natural shifts.
Remember, the atmospheric carbon Dioxide cycle is only one of numerous interactive cycles whose modelling is still way to complex for even the greatest number crunching computers.
I used to be really gung ho over un-natural global warming, but have become more skeptical over the last 20 years of my research.
You may or may not recall, enviromentalists in the late 70's claiming that cities like New York would be under a mile of Ice thanks to global warming. well it aint happened yet.
Originally posted by aquafire
Could be: but the point is what degree of influence can truly be laid at the feet of human actions & not just cumulative natural shifts.
That's definitely the key, and no one knows. Erring on the side of caution is good in this case, since the side effects are cleaner air. I mean, if the only way to cure this was to cut off our own feet, it wouldn't make sense based on the scant evidence we have. But regardless of any connection to Global Warming, we should be cleaning up our air anyway. So, since it's a possible cure to this problem as well, I have yet to see any valid argument that supports waiting.
Originally posted by bunge
That's definitely the key, and no one knows. Erring on the side of caution is good in this case, since the side effects are cleaner air. I mean, if the only way to cure this was to cut off our own feet, it wouldn't make sense based on the scant evidence we have. But regardless of any connection to Global Warming, we should be cleaning up our air anyway. So, since it's a possible cure to this problem as well, I have yet to see any valid argument that supports waiting.
As obtuse as this might sound, I know of scientists who actually think that an increase in Co2 would actually be beneficial to the planets eco-system.
More Co2, more warmth, more warmth, more clouds, more clouds, more rain & lightning, more rain & lightning, more cleansing of air. Besides which the Co2 levels present in the atmosphere are only at about 40% of the levels they were in the Carboniferous & Jurasic periods. So the Co2 & heat storage capacity of all the worlds oceans have a long way to go before they " won't cope "
I think the thing that was the most telling about GW is that it did not take into account all the variables that can effect climate change, like the sun. We are at the extreme mercy of sunspot activity.
Also, I think the greenies have backed off and have started to call it "climate change" which is more realistic, given the major climate shifts that happened in Europe during the Middle Ages.
More Co2, more warmth, more warmth, more clouds, more clouds, more rain & lightning, more rain & lightning, more cleansing of air.
actually, cloud cover grealtly increases the nighttime temps. i doubt that would drive global heat levels down.
see the SUV thread for a bit more detail on some of the reasons why global warming may or may not be all we think it is.
Originally posted by bunge
The temp today doesn't matter. It's not about how hot it is now, but what the temp should be right now.
So it may have been hotter in the middle ages. But if the current cycle should have us with an average temp that is on a decline but it's currently going up instead then we're really going to be ****ed when the natural cycle goes up again.
There is no evidence that the world is supposed to be getting "colder" instead of warmer. You are talking out your butt. If anything they might be able to argue that the world is warming on a faster trend than it should be, however others in these forums have presented evidence about an increase in the energy received from the sun.
You likely would be arguing that the increase has been .5 percent but our temp has gone up .6 and the difference is attributable to man's actions.
Leave it to liberals to micromanage not only our lives, but the entire planet as well.
Have you talked to the cows yet to insure their "emission" levels are within compliance? Am I breathing to rapidly today and producing to much CO2 for you?
Originally posted by ena
I think global warming is/was a device that was used to bargain for the quick reductions of pollutants that we have seen---although technology has way of doing that on its own.
I think the thing that was the most telling about GW is that it did not take into account all the variables that can effect climate change, like the sun. We are at the extreme mercy of sunspot activity.
Also, I think the greenies have backed off and have started to call it "climate change" which is more realistic, given the major climate shifts that happened in Europe during the Middle Ages.
Your a trooper.
I like the way your brain works. At last, someone else who has a healthy skepticism over major issues.
I class myself as a student of " Saint Thomas the Doubter ".
I think he should be the patron saint of all Scientists & Eco-Skeptics.
Sorry to dissapoint you, but most of the worlds rain actually occurs at night, ie when the clouds are " cooled down ".
Besides which the extra H2o drawn up from daytime insolaration, massively decreases temperatures in "all" cloudforms as well as reflecting most solar radiation back into space, as well as negating any inherent Co2 temp rise as a result.
however, i also happen to work with (he's upstairs) one of the leading scientists in air pollution. he's written books on the subject. nighttime cloud cover raises temperatures. i have graphs here i can scan in for you to show you the data he's collected on the subject for the last umpteen years.
tell you what, you show me which evidence points to cloud cover raising temperatures (as in real world, not theoretical) and i'll show you the evidence that it raises temperatures, and we'll let the others decide.
Originally posted by alcimedes
aquafire, i happen to agree with you. (about global warming being overrated)
however, i also happen to work with (he's upstairs) one of the leading scientists in air pollution. he's written books on the subject. nighttime cloud cover raises temperatures. i have graphs here i can scan in for you to show you the data he's collected on the subject for the last umpteen years.
tell you what, you show me which evidence points to cloud cover raising temperatures (as in real world, not theoretical) and i'll show you the evidence that it raises temperatures, and we'll let the others decide.
Can't show you straight away, as I glean copious web-sites.
I need to go to bed. my head is going to come off pretty soon.
Been up nearly 22 hours.
Re Scientists. I can match yours& raise you two !
One of mine lived up the road till very recently & won the Templeton prize, the other is a world authority on Paleo-climate change. would love to engage them in this fascinating midnight topic, but I am getting really sleepy.
I leave you with another point to ponder & that is the impact on temperature / air currents ,by dust & other micro structures such as pollen brought about by the burning of forests. I am thinking indonesia 1999-2000-2001 & the Monsoon patterns.
I bid you good night Sir knight.
Originally posted by trumptman
Leave it to liberals to micromanage not only our lives, but the entire planet as well.
I know. Cleaner Air? Who wants cleaner air? It's just a bunch of liberal nonsense. Why, the research shows that 87.2 percent of all Americans support dirtier air! Who do these goddammmn liberals think they are?
If Dirty Air and an unnamed Liberal ran for President, why, Dirty Air would win in a landslide!
Page 6 (amongst others) looks like a smoking gun.
Funny I've always thought it was the conservatives that were concerned with uniform thought and action.